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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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Just popping in...

This is just slow, grind it out stuff.  It gets faster as I build a library of modular corners and angles.

* * *

On Monday, the 31st of this month, I fully expect that we will be well past 40,000 page views for August.  This beats by almost half any previous record at 3RR- it's over 1,300 views a day, about one per minute on average.  What's even more amazing is that we just passed 400,000 views total here at SC4D.  Three Rivers Region, then, in one month, has received a full ten percent of all its views.  That's quite something, when you take a minute to realize we're just about to start our 33rd month of operation.  Not to get sappy, then- but look at the RealRoads as a labor of love- for you folks: the greatest SC4 fans in the world!

So, let's start our half-million views prediction contest Monday and declare it a No Lurkers Day.

Let's celebrate who we all are, as we head toward some of the most exciting developments this great game has ever seen.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


I'm going to be at work Monday, so let's make this a no-lurking Saturday for the soon-to-be busy.  I'm eager to see the unveiling of the Real Roads for general use (someone alluded to a ground-breaking new NAM coming sometime in the future...)

Looking good, David.

-on a side note, maybe we should make the no-lurking Monday a site-wide deal.   &idea

EDITThat's a great idea, MH!  I'm sure jeroni and the staff would really appreciate a shout out from everyone. -DE
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


I'm a full time lurker here, can't wait for the real roads  :) Btw, do you know how "wide" the default sc4 road is?

EDITLooks like 78px, my friend, outside curb edge to outside curb edge.




keep it up, and i may have to take a break to actually play the game for a while.  ;D

excellent work, as always!


Ok, here's my guess for view #500,000: November 16, 2009.  I came up with this purely mathematically, using your figures for August, David.  If views continue at current rate of +/-1300 per day, then divide 100,000 by 1300 and I get 77 days.  Minus 30 for September leaves 47, minus 31 for October leaves 16. 

Taking into account the Law of Diminshing Return, I should probably push that date out some, right?  Well, I thought of that but decided the Law would likely be offset by excitment over the RealRoads development and the fact that deteriorating weather in Alaska is likely to keep you home bound a little bit more than you have been over the summer, meaning you'll post more often and keep interest peaked.  I'm also taking into consideration the fact that manyviewers are likely students and will be returning to school soon, but I think interest is high enough that they will find a way to check in to see what's going on, even if they don't actually post comments. 

So write it down, David, I posted the first guess for November 16.  I hope no one else chooses the same date, because then we'll have to go for time of day...


EDITThanks for being first, Lora!  As has been noted, I'll have everyone add the time of day on the date they choose (which was necessary to determine the winner the past two times we've done this).  You can post that info on Monday whenever you come by- I'll catch it and add it to 11/16. -DE


We probably will, Lora. We did last time anyway for 250.000. Hours and minutes, but no seconds.
Yet. $%Grinno$%

You all have a nice Sunday (last before No-Lurking Monday)

Shadow Assassin

Quote from: metasmurf on August 29, 2009, 05:19:37 PM
I'm a full time lurker here, can't wait for the real roads  :) Btw, do you know how "wide" the default sc4 road is?

EDITLooks like 78px, my friend, outside curb edge to outside curb edge.



It is indeed 78px from curb to curb.

Anyway, it's pretty cool seeing you put together your RealRoads. It'll take some getting used to the different colour scheme though, since it's not really SC4-spec...
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Quote from: Shadow Assassin on August 30, 2009, 02:23:27 AM
It is indeed 78px from curb to curb.

Anyway, it's pretty cool seeing you put together your RealRoads. It'll take some getting used to the different colour scheme though, since it's not really SC4-spec...
its far better ;)


Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


It isn´t even monday yet, and already people are starting guessing. Anyway, as winner of the first and runner up in the second post guess, I will join in, though I still haven´t received a price for my first place, just a small, hardly used street would be enough.


EDITOh, my friend- I haven't forgotten.  You can expect better than that! -DE


Development is going good, I see. I'll guess for the half-a-million view in a while..

:3 Proud to be a 3RR Regular and SimCity 4 Fanatic :3


How roads are built in RL...

All rights reserved in original copyright holder*

How roads are built in 3RR.

This is 0x00004D00 and 0x00001E00, in progress as this is written.

Here's a freshly paved new puzzle piece, ready for striping.

A couple of "in-progress" pics.

Things are moving along, folks!

* * *

Daves' Day '09 is coming up!


The annual Dave matchup contest is coming here [linkie] shortly- don't miss out on the fun, even if you are Dave/David/Davette DisadvantagedTM.  All proper-named Ds should make sure you are registered here [linkie]- proclaim your Daveness today!



*  The steamroller pic is the copyrighted work of artist Marshall Vandruff, who is kind enough to only restrict use of his work for commercial purposes.  This is a really talented guy- you might want to check out his website at www.marshallart.com.

403381 - less than 20 to go for 40,000 page views this month.  Thanks so much, folks.
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Okay Dave I'll warm the truck up for ya.

Ooooh and here's an idea we've talked about a while back.


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


I have a guess!

I believe that we'll hit 500.000 views on: Nov. 8, 2009, 14:27 (2:27 PM). I have no scientific, or any sort of explanation for this guess. It just seemed lucky.



Well, I suck at guessing but considering the newest developments , and the fact that we have already been moving at a faster pace....I'm guessing a little earlier :Oct.31,4:00 pm EST

Yeah, its a stretch!

As far as the progress with the roads...truly exciting David!



Monday - ok, no lurking then? The 500,000 views will be on November 2nd, I think.

David, your roads are amazing.

SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


lurking? me no... not me :P ::)



When will 3RR hit half a million page views?

We're coming up on August 31st on the east coast of the US, so I figured that now would be as good a time as any to start our

...as in, "Are we there yet?"

I noted about a week and a half ago [linkie] that, at the start of this year, I thought hitting half a million page views was something that we would see sometime in the first part of 2010.  The amazing participation of you folks here this month has changed all that- we could go back to the past year's average view rate tomorrow and 500K by December 31st would still be a strong possibility.

Here's the chart I posted on the 20th of this month.

Here's that chart updated through today.

Hmmm... We seem to be picking up speed...

Anyway, it's time to start the contest.  Who will be the 3RR Regular* to guess the date and time closest to us crossing the half million view mark?  Certainly, untold fame and fortune...

...well, notoriety anyway...

...await she or he who has the most accurate crystal ball.  In all seriousness, this time around I won't let the winner wait and wonder like our friends Frank (FrankU - correctly guessed within a few minutes of when we'd hit 250K views) and Korot (correctly guessed closest within a few digits to the 205,237 views as of midnight, December 31, 2008) have.  I'll announce the prize in advance, as well as catching up the awards for those two previous contests.

So, here's the rules- pretty much the same as before.

You have until midnight Alaska time on Dave's Day [linkie], September 18, 2009, to guess the day, hour and minute (no seconds, -please - I really don't like math) 3RR will have it's 500,000th page view.  The fine print:

1.  The winning guess will be the the one matching or closest under the actual time.  No prize (but plenty of genuine sympathy- been there, done that) if you are a minute over and the next guess under is 13 hours away.  I know- it's arbitrary, but so is life generally.

2.  In the event of two identical guesses that would each be the winner otherwise, the Regular who guesses first will be congratulating the first runner up.  In other words, you can wait 'til the end to see if you can fine tune a bit of advantage, but you might do that at significant cost.

3.  All times will be converted as necessary to Alaska Standard Time as adjusted by Daylight Savings Time (in other words, UST/GMT -8) until 2:00 a.m. on November 2, 2009, and then when DST ends, to AST (UST/GMT -9).  Any guess that does not specify the time by the close of entries on September 18th will be deemed to be made for 12:00 a.m. on the date given.

4.  One guess per Regular, and no changing your guess once it is made.

Sounds pretty straightforward, eh?  A few folks have guessed so far... here's where things stand.

I'll be adding some info to the chart when I know what the final view count is for August.  Best of luck, folks!

* * *

Remember, today, the 31st, is No Lurker Day.

Please folks, I ask you as humbly as I can- if you are lurking, you are a friend we haven't met yet.  If all you feel like saying is "hi," that's more than enough.  Thanks so much!


*  A 3RR Regular...

...enter chorus, stage left...

...is anyone who has ever posted here, at 3RR-ST, or on The 3RR Blog [linkie] at least once... did I say ever?

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


QuoteRemember, today, the 31st, is No Lurker Day.

Ok David, you caught me out  :-[ I've been lurking here for years and watching the amazing developments coming out of this thread.

I'll try and overcome my shyness  ::) and pop in a bit more often.



i guess i lurk here as well.....3RR is simply fantastic!  i most enjoy the posts like the "how roads are made in 3RR"....perhaps because i'm terrible with graphic editors, but i am continuously in awe at the speed and precision which you work.  after many years of frustration due to the 1 pixel road offset (Maxis  :angrymore:), these recent developments are making it evermore difficult to even consider another game.

keep up the great work, David!  &apls


I'd like to set my time of guess to 8pm AST (I assume that this is Alaska Standard Time, and not Arabian/Atlantic). Just because.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian