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[BAT4MAX][3DSMax2010][Prop] Omitted prop in Zoom 0 and 1?

Started by phdzz, January 16, 2016, 04:36:09 PM

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Thanks to assist for warship mod &apls. it will be continue after checking all models. However, I still have a problem for other work.

Recently, I worked for custom castle BAT. In this case, only keeps are converted landmark and others (gatehouse, wall, tower and etc) are converted to prop.

(As you see on screenshot) All props are OK on Loteditor. However, all props are not visiable on Zoom 0 (Satellite) and Zoom 1. Other zooms are OK. How can I fix the problem? All props have right texture and already tried 'import and merge'.


Check the prop exemplar in the Reader. There is a property that defines which zoom-levels the prop should appear. Some Maxis props (smaller ones mostly) will disappear below a certain zoom level to reduce the workload of displaying everything.

The property is "AppearanceZoomsFlag", to show in all 5 zooms (z6 is just z5 upscalled) you need to enter "0x0000001F"

:edit: - Just thought of it, if you aren't familiar with the reader, you can set this using the Maxis Plugin Manager application.


Maybe try to take it down a notch. (Refering to the title: [BAT4MAX][3DSMax2010][Prop], that is almost as annoying as CAPITAL letters.)

Maybe you should check the Lot Editor.