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TSC - workshop of warconstruct

Started by warconstruct, November 15, 2008, 04:12:11 AM

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What has yet to be added to these LOT-s? Seem to me perfect and quite finished but if you think you  can be  better  and am ready to wait. Simply unfold quite serious I-HT and area space program is central to  my place in it. For these telescopes will fit perfectly to  my high-tech zone.

- Ivo


Quote from: Sciurus on July 20, 2011, 05:11:58 AM
I can have a talk with him if you want ;)

Guillaume :thumbsup:

Being an amateur astronomer, I'd appreciate that, too. :)


Is there any  movement on issues related to the observatories?
As far as I remember Sciurus beshte promised to speak with the creator of B.A.T. models and I would be happy if I know that this process is not stagnant.

Best wishes