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About a median in AVE-2 (Network Widening Mod)

Started by Alejandro24, August 20, 2010, 11:14:40 AM

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Shadow Assassin

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


That is actually not the same thing, the one I have has cherry blossom trees and includes diagonal ave-2 as well, still pretty awesome though

Shadow Assassin

It's done by the same guy, though. That's actually one of two mods, dunno if the other one's been uploaded to the STEX yet.
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


got no idea what that says, but it links to this thread :D


well... it seems everybody wanna pay a visit there :D

the SCCN was founded in Sep. 2003 and during these years we have more than 250,000 members in total. of course most of them are native :D
maybe we have lower popularity or less plugins released, those years we have little concern from outside. so that time we dicided the purpose of the forum is joy ourselves  :D
but we had talked about putting on an english version (or just an english written homepage & register pages etc.) of the simcity chinese forum long time ago, the problem is all the forum administrators are so young, struggling life in Shanghai and cannot pay more attention on forum's further development. and the situation to all the other members who got a job in china are the same --- working under a high pressure, waste long time on transportation and can't wait for a sleep when we get home... i think that's why we knew what we should do but didn't make a move :-[

as more and more friends get to know our forum, and willing to connect in-depth, i think those bosses would take this into consideration,  no matter how busy they are /&HiPP/% /&HiPP/%

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby


As a member of sccn,first I welcome everybody join there.
In fact I can use google translate on the site(using Chrome),but the result makes nearly no sense.So I wanna put so me translation to you and hope they help:

注册 - Register
请仔细阅读以上的注册许可协议 - Please read above words clearly and carefully
同意 - Accept 不同意 - Refuse
验证回答 - Verification answer(and the answer is 188,as the question is 100+88=?)
用户名 - Username
密码 - Password
确认密码 - Confirm password
插件 - Plugins
LOT MOD下载区 - LOT&MOD download board
原创作品 - Original plugins
转载插件 - Copied plugins(most are copied from st/sc4d)
东方建筑 - Eastern buliding plugins
城市规划展示馆 - City picture board
原创馆 - Original cities

and if you have any translate questions,you can post here;many of us have registered at sc4d and will read this thread then answer you.
Again,welcome to simcity china forum!


So these look great and I've got the files... but where do I put 'em?  How do I install the files so the medians show up in the AVE-2's?

That may seem like a really elementary question and perhaps it is... but do the files just need to be somewhere (anywhere?) in my plugin folder, or somewhere in particular in the NAM folder?

Check out Abelfarei!


As long as the files are in a folder that loads after the NAM, I believe you are all good.


I think this thread is famous now  :D. I've navigating throug the Sim City China and I founded interesting things, but I'm occidental and I can speak only Spanish and English (some German too) and I don't understand any word of these site.

If the files of AVE-2 must be instaled in the NAM folders, now I cand understand why I can't see it  ::).

Strong young men, And their beautiful wives... Through sun and steel transforming


i dont believe they need to be installed in the nam folder, but have to load AFTER the nam folder, so put in a folder starting with a few z's


my set up:

-Network Addon Mod -Folder
--Network Widening Mod - Folder
---zzzNwm Ave-2 T21 final.dat -File

hope this helps  ;D


What I do is create a top-level folder called "Z Load Last", and I put any files that have to load last in there. It just about guarantees that stuff like that works.


I've managed to get these files and have them unzipped. I now have the AVE-2 in my city, and it has the double lamp posts every so often, but I don't have the trees or seasonal medians. I've got all the files in the same folder, I've tried multiple locations under the NAM folder, I've tried adding the ZZZ to the beginning of the file name. Since I can see the AVE 2 now with the lamp posts, I'm guessing the tree and median files go in a different location?

Am I doing something obviously wrong to get those median pieces? Should I pas along the file names I have for those median pieces?


Quote from: travismking on September 10, 2010, 08:46:00 PM
got no idea what that says, but it links to this thread :D
If I don't make a mistake, I'd translated the thread and is a discussion about to do a section in english of SCCN and a translation of the interface, for foreigner people. I don't know the conclussion, but I think for they is a bad idea... I don't know if someone can translate that thread for an exact interpretation.

Strong young men, And their beautiful wives... Through sun and steel transforming


I can not connect to SCCN, so it is just words on this site

ST has intended to do a section in Chinese, perhaps it is time for us to do a section in English for them...

do a section in English? I know it is very difficult for foreigners to understand Chinese, the same to us


Don't understand? Use Google to Translate, please. [ICON]