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Hello, SC4Devotion. This is my Mayor Diary.

Started by jantolini, July 12, 2010, 08:30:35 AM

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Hello! Welcome to my Mayor Diary for my three regions in Simcity 4:

Julien [full name= Federational Republic of Julien] released to public 12/5/09, population approximately 538,000
Degrassi [full name= Federational Kingship of Degrassi] released to public 3/1/10 population 1.8 million
Arsubia [full name= Federational Republic of Arsubia] relesed to public 7/5/10 population 168,000

Purpose: to share with the world my (and my regions') views on society, history, foreign policy, politics, etc.

Also share to the SC4Devotion community my three amazing countries, their histories, and everything they all have to offer to you. I hope you enjoy them! I'll update this regularly.

TTYL! John I like Simcity 4 !


Hello John,
Nice way to make your first post....by starting an MD, but I'd love to see a picture. ;)

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Julien's early people evolved from a farming clan called the Nothabydet. They originally existed in the 1200-1300s. They knew how to grow plentiful, overflowing crops in the rocky terrain where they once lived. All was great, and no one went hungry until
sometime during the mid-to-late 1300s. A terrible drought and plague ravaged the region, and they were eventually taken over by the Kamekebon people in the years following the drought. By 1410, the Nothabydet were entirely gone, and only small scraps remained of the once great people.
Although the Kamekebon were partly dependent on farming, most of the people's economy relied on mass construction and construction industries set all over the region. Basically, to the Kamekebon, if the construction indusrty failed, their country failed as well. So the people worked without rest to save their country from another invasion.
The government consisted of three men, one being the supreme leader. This would eventually lead to the government of modern Julien.



A nice peice of history....interesting start, but I wish there were some pictures.

Robin  ;)

I have also merged all your posts together.  Your next post should be done in the reply box below.  If you have any questions feel free to contact myself or any other Staff member. - Robin - Global Moderator
Call me Robin, please.


The Kamekebon people are in full bloom.
But danger is rising. A group of people dubbed "the Resistance" plans a coup against their king. (1518)
Believing that the king was
Quotepushy and real 'lippy'
they thought that the king should die.

The original plan to kill the Kamekebon king is shown here with modern language usage used.

QuoteEnter royal[e] capital[e] through east gate commence(begin) running towards the temple sneak behind king, through(push) down steps pointing south

The attempt worked, and the simple three-man government turned into a whole commitee running the government, almost like the sort of government being ran in Degrassi. (Three One Hundred Brains are better than one)



Today's topic is...

The Journey of a Thousand Treasures

(I'll also give a geographical location! ;-)
The story behind it is that a long time ago, the Kamekebon's new government was in its infancy, the old king, at that time injured due to being pushed down his royal stairs by the new government, ordered that his immense treasure (over $1 BILLION) be buried at random places around his once great empire. In 2006 ,treasure fanatics flocked to the region after the story was leaked on the Internet.

It all starts in the ancient capital, Sheyemkya, where Cleveland, Ohio is now located, and a slightly larger city, Komsomol, whare Chardon, Ohio is now located. I'll have a Google Maps update for the Thousand Treasures up soon.

*NOTE: Whenever it says "cubits", it is a measure of 4 inches. When it says "talents", one talent is approximately $1,000 (USD).


1. I'll upload the episode "The War of a Thousand Burdens" tomorrow morning.

2. When you stop reading this page, run for the hills before they release the giant purple unicorns with grenade chainsaw lauchers!  :D

3. Google Maps "Journey of a Thousand Treasures" map should be started on Saturday.



Im looking forward to seeing some pics here soon to go with the story line

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie