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Datpacker Error - not enough memory?

Started by deecee, November 25, 2009, 08:44:25 PM

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i'm getting the error shown below.  someone else posted the same error and was told it was because he didn't have enough memory but perhaps there was another reason that i missed - one that had a solution.  i have 1.5 gig of memory - weird amount right? i think so too.  anyway.

i broke up a couple of my bigger folders, but i'm not sure it helped since the packing stops in the same spot (bsc folder)

in a short amount of time i've come to depend on the datpacker quite a bit - i hope i can continue to use it.  hopefully there isn't a penalty for too many posts - but as i said earlier i did look in the forums first, but was hoping i perhaps missed something.  thoughts and suggestions welcome

wxPython: stdout/stderr

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2701, in OnStart
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2358, in RecurseAllFilesFull
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2450, in BuildIt
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2268, in WriteADat
WindowsError: [Errno 8] Not enough storage is available to process this command


How large is the BSC folder you're trying to pack? Try to seperate it so that the folders don't exceed 200MB or so. I always have to give SimGoober his own folder or three.


Stupid question, but have you enough HD space to produce the packed files ?
What happen if you produce packed files one by one ( by only selecting one folder at a time ) ?

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Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Quote from: xxdita on November 25, 2009, 08:55:45 PM
How large is the BSC folder you're trying to pack? Try to seperate it so that the folders don't exceed 200MB or so. I always have to give SimGoober his own folder or three.

the BSC folder is 458 mb - 286 files in 52 folders.  so it won't hurt anything to separate the bsc folders into say BSC1, BSC2, etc.?  i'll try that and hopefully it will work.  more to come after i test.  thanks!  DeeCee


Quote from: wouanagaine on November 25, 2009, 11:37:55 PM
Stupid question, but have you enough HD space to produce the packed files ?
What happen if you produce packed files one by one ( by only selecting one folder at a time ) ?

i believe i have enough hd space - about 48.1 gig free at last check.

i'll do the suggestions i've received and report back - i hope it works since this program has made my game so happy!  more to come after testing.  DeeCee

Thank you for your suggestions - they worked!  i split the bsc folder into four and it packed no problem.  thanks again - DeeCee