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Solar Panel Props and Lots

Started by cogeo, November 11, 2009, 09:29:10 AM

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These solar panels look very cool and I love their movement!  :thumbsup:

I have two comments:
1. The base is very dark, maybe it could be a bit less agressive? It would be important when we would use a transparent base (good idea, they are really often located in the natural environment such as desert or grass);
2. I saw your picture showing an Israeli installation and you recreated it really perfect! However I would agree with Andreas that brighter panels would look better in the game - especially if we would want to cover a large surface by them. We also must take into account that the panel changes it's color when it rotates, it is almost black when it is directed to the right and it can look not so nice in the game.

New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


@TheTeaCat, hooha47, Fresh Prince of SC4D, blade2k5: Thanks!

@Andreas, Ennedi: I have changed the texture for the panels and darkened the base. Here is a pic (the static version for now, the animated one takes hours to render).

I guess it needs some... darkening now.

@tamor: you see what's going on here, I'm rather going to upload two versions (the dark and the lighter one), and making another two (the 2nd one) would be an overkill. The additional resources (comparing the 3rd animation to the 2nd) are 50% more, which isn't really far, and as most people like the 3rd one, I will rather have to make this one. And the whole thing isn't actually that big, it's 1.6MB, ie like a big BAT. The question is if the game is smart enough to load only one instance (used by all props' instances) which I think it does (if you are going to make lots using these props in large numbers)


Yeah, that's pretty bright right now. ;) Maybe if you start with your dark texture, desaturate it, and then light it up a little? This should do the trick already, I guess. The grey mounting looks fine now, though.

EDIT: I was thinking along these lines:



   That's fine, to me it doesn't totally matter as long as it not that first one which was way too fast. I can understand why you are going about it this way, since I have to do the same call on any lot that I would ever make. I do like both 2 and 3, but if it is only going to be three in dark & light then so be it, won't stop me from downloading it and using them. It is just that I prefer the second, and I say if majority rules on having the third then majority rules so there would be less to do and quicker to being released. I think in efficiency in this matter, and I do agree it is kind of a waste to satisfy one over the many.
 Thank you for listening though, and I appreciate all the work and prgress you have done. Looking like a good start on the lighter one, hope to see the swivel of the the animated one soon when the teture is sorted, but alas I regress into patience... :)
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Can't wait til you release the props for these puppies..ima make a huge solar power plant for my region. I love both the sky blu and the darker blue ones...will both colors be available to us?


Yes, the base looks very good now.
As for panels colour - they look very nice! I don;t know if they need darkening or not, because they are directed to the sun on your photo and and I don't know how they look when turning to the right. It depends on your taste. If they really need darkening, maybe Andreas' tip will be really good?

New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


I have further experimented with the panels' textures. Here are two preview images:

The first pic shows the original texture lightened-up. The second one shows the alternative texture darkened.

The pack is going to contain the original plus one of these lighter ones. Which one should I include? The first one (maybe darkened a little), or the second one? Any suggestions?


I really like the second one. You're doing a wonderful job here Cogeo, magnificent props!
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


I like both in your new preview pics. Not too dark, not too light, and both show the different shades of blue that can be observed in different solar panel models. Well done! :)


I'm not really fussed, I think they all look good. From a purely aesthetic point of view my favourite is the original darker one, but have no doubt these guys are right in saying they're not quite true to life. I guess I'd be inclined to pick the second one of the lighter two as then you get two more distinct hues.


Why limit to just one? You should include both so that users can decide which one they want to use and which they do not want to use at least that way everyone is happy.


I agree with others, both look very good  :)

You could use all three versions in the pack, but if yoyu are going to use only two, I would agree with thingfishs ie. take an original and the second one from your last post, "to get two more distinct hues" as thingfishs says.

New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


Well, most members like the 2nd one, so the pack is going to contain the original (dark) and the last one (lighter). Now I have to export the animated prop and package the thingy...

I would like to ask a question about lots' slope behaviour. I wish to make these lots possible to be plopped on sloped terrain. I have set the max slope properties, but there is a little problem with the main building and foundations. Here is what I have done:

The gray rectangle is the building which doesn't display a model (the small cabin is a prop). I have set the "Building Foundation" property. As you can see in the pic below, this creates a foundation, but there are some graphical glitches:

If you plop a 1x1 street section first (leveling this specific tile), the lot looks OK then.

Is there some way to make the game level this tile itself?


Quote from: cogeo on November 11, 2009, 09:29:10 AM

I have made an animated
peimar solar prop, using overpop's BAB Tool. Here is a pic (next is its static version).

The panel is "sun tracking" (swivelling), and represents an installation located in the northern hemisphere (for the southern hemisphere the direction must be reversed) and must be facing southwards, in order to look OK. Most probably I'm going to make a fixed (non-swivelling) panel prop too.

Now I need to make the lots. I'm considering making three lots:
- A very simple lot, containing just a single solar panel prop, maybe with transparent background (or you think some base texture would look better, and which one?). This can be used by the players in modular layouts.
- A small power plant (1x2 or 2x1) with one panel and some support structures, like a small shed and a small transformer/control box.
- A larger power plant (farm) with 10-20 panels, a larger shed/building and a small power substation (and some paths in between).

As I haven't been downloading custom content lately, and it makes no sense to re-invent the wheel, I would like to ask players about suggestions of suitable props, esp the transformers and substations (the smaller the better), and sheds (preferably with some windows). I would strongly prefer props in prop-packs (not the ones included in lots).

Looking forward to your replies.

Awesome just exceptional work.. Truly remarkable achievement.