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Help with T21 "mirrored"pieces

Started by sithlrd98, October 09, 2008, 11:37:58 AM

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I have tried various combinations , but I can't seem to figure out how to mirror props on these road curves...I have hit a wall! Maybe some fresh eyes can see what I'm doing wrong!

Here is 2 of the Exemplars:



To better help you, can you describe what happens with your custom T21's when the puzzle pieces get mirrored? The more information you provide, the better help you will get.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


well , as you can see in the S curve , the top light is where its'  supposed to be ,the mirrored piece is the one with the light in the road. So far , I've only done 2 mirrored pieces: the other piece is the 90 degree...the top piece and last piece are the same except when I mirror the exemplar  instead of the lights being on the sides of the road , they are directly in the middle. I've very little experience with this and have read your tutorial , I just don't quite get it.



Well, when my tutorial was written, I hadn't considered tiles being flipped/mirrored. I was working only with stuff that didn't get mirrored for the most part and the tutorial was designed as a starting point for T21 modding.

For dealing with tiles that get flipped/mirrored, you will have create a T21 for the flipped/mirrored instances of the tile. Here are the values for the kPropertyID_FlipsAllowed property for T21 exemplars. The kPropertyID_FlipsAllowed tells the game if the tile is allowed to be flipped or not. Here are the values that can be used:

- 0x00 :: No limitations; T21 is used for normal and flipped tiles.
- 0x01 :: Flipped only; T21 is only used when the tile is flipped.
- 0x02 :: Normal only; T21 is only used when the tile is not flipped.

For your mod(s), you will need to set kPropertyID_FlipsAllowed property to 0x02 for the T21s that show up odd when flipped/mirrored. Then you will have to define a new T21 for each tile which has the kPropertyID_FlipsAllowed set to 0x01 for the tiles that get flipped/mirrored. The layout of the props for these "mirrored" T21s will have to be different than the normal layout you've already used, obviously.

To define these mirrored T21s, you will need:
- A new prop layout
- The tile reference
- A new Exemplar ID in the T21 Exemplar.

You will use the same tile ID as the normal T21, but you will change the Exemplar ID property and the Instance ID of the T21 Exemplar so it will not conflict with your existing one.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Well ,buy re-reading your tutorial multiple times I figured out how to fix one of the exemplars , but for the second one , I just won't use it.

What do you think? I know its not perfect but it took me a couple of days! I never knew how much of a pain it is!  :'(  Anyway thanks for your insight...now I have a template for other props!

Thanks again for that tutorial! Can't seem to find a lot of info on T21 ing.



There isn't a whole lot of information on T21's because not many people make T21 exemplars for the game. And of those that do, very few of them write down their knowledge to post it for others to learn from.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!