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Slope factors

Started by mrbisonm, December 28, 2012, 07:34:25 AM

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Question about the slope angles on a lot in LE.
I was wondering how to make a lot very slopefriendly up to its maximum. Which are the Elevation changes that I have to alter to what number?

Thanks in advance, appreciated.


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Setting the "LotMin" value ("LotConfigPropertyMinSlopeAllowed" in reader) to 0 and "LotMax" ("LotConfigPropertyMaxSlopeAllowed" in reader) to something like 80 will make lots that grow on serious slopes. You might look at the "Threshold" value as well to define when foundations appear.



It's not for a growing lot, but for a parklot with a small BAT and mostly a walltexture for the height of 2 grids. (steep)

What does the threshold do?
Thanks for the info.


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I think the slope values matter regardless of whether a lot is grown or plopped. Don't think you can plop it on a slope if the Max value is too low. Though I haven't tested that.

The threshold determines at which slope a foundation starts to appear.



The threshhold, as it is called by the Maxis Lot Editor, is the same as the Max Slope Before Lot Foundation by iLives reader.

So the three parameters are:
Max Slope that a lot can be grow or be placed.
A minimum slope that a lot can grow or be placed. 
And the (threshold) maximum slope before the game levels the lot creating a lot foundation wall. Make the threshhold higher value than the max slope if you never want to see the lot foundation wall.

Good Luck - Jim

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


Thanks Willy and thanks Jim. I got it now. Since I will not have a foundation on that "wallot", I don't need to bother with the threshold, but I will have to stay lower with these numbers not to see these foundation.
But then again, all I have to do is to delete the whole foundation values, as I do when I do waterlots.

I set the "LotMin" value to 0 and the "LotMax" value to 80, which seemed to be just perfect when I tested the lot in game.

Thanks guys, greatly appreciated.


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