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Highway Shields

Started by dedgren, October 17, 2007, 10:51:37 PM

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3RR Freeway Shields

3RR Regional Highway Shields

3RR Secondary Highway Shields

Manitoba Highway Shields

Minnesota State Highway Shields

Minnesota County Highway Shields

Trans-Canada Highway Shield

Ontario Highway Shields

   The Kings Highway

   Secondary Roads

"To" Shields

US Highway Shields

US Interstate Shields

Change log:

10-18-07- Added US 99
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


071026 - Added Ontario Secondary Road Shield (OSR-509)
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


071028 - Added Ontario The Kings Highway Shield (TKH-95)
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


071128 - Added MB 142, MN blank, MN-74, Ontario Secondary Road (OSR) blank, OSR 522, OSR 568, and OSR 588.
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren