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macOS Winewrapper "Ready to go" (Silicon Compatible)

Started by Der_Sascha, February 19, 2022, 06:45:18 AM

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Hi Folx.

I just wanted to draw your attention to my Winewrapper (x64) for macOS (10.15.4 and up) with SimCity 4 Deluxe that I made. maybe one or the other finds it quite useful.

All you need is the GOG installer of the game. Just click install game in my "Game Config" app, select the exe and the rest is automatic. The wrapper already brings everything else with it. This also includes the 4GB patch (which runs automatically) or Java SDK if you want to install NAM.

Basically, this Game Config app is almost the same (except for the mod management) as the SC4 Launcher for Windows. Mods (with the "Load .exe" Button) will be installed/placed in ~/Documents/SimCity 4/Plugins.

Since I'm not a verified developer, the gatekeeper will complain. Then please Opt+Right Click, select open, and 'approve' a 3rd party app. Or if that not works do this:

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine "/path/to/Game Config.app"
And now have fun. :D


Screen Shot 2022-02-19 at 17.55.36.png

Eric Blair

Dear Sascha,

Thank you for your post. If you managed to make this work, that's great. It's well-known that EA has essentially ignored the issue of MacOS or Linux support altogether and I'm sure a lot of players would love this.

However, there are a few caveats...

Forgive me if I come across as paranoid, but I have never heard of you before and you are offering people a direct download that requires users to run a sudo command. Others can tell me if they disagree, but I think that until someone has checked out the code, it's not desirable that random users download this Winewrapper and use it.

Secondly, I worry about compatibility with mods like the NAM - which is more or less required for the full experience nowadays - so perhaps you could enlighten us on that front.

However, if you did what I think you did, then you deserve some applause for doing essentially what EA has refused to do for years.

--Eric Blair


The sudo command above is only for de-quarantine (and only needed because Apple bullied the developer which are not willing to pay 99 Euro/Year  :thumbsdown: ). Nothing dangerous what will kill your system. My Tools/Scripts are always 100% transparent and everyone who wants to do what they want can check this easy.

My Wrapper works definetly with NAM. Here I made a Video of proof for you. ;) My Wrapper is nearly like a "native" Windows. Wine is very powerful and flexible.

If you look at my Website you will see that I already wrote a lot of Mac Software. And for example in the Hackintoshcommunity my Name is good known because of "Kext Updater" and "ANYmacOS". Look for "Sascha_77" at hackintosh-forum.de

All my tools have a central bash script with all the functions in it which is easy to check.

Eric Blair

Hello Sascha,

Thank you for the video evidence. Looks like it's working just fine. However, that is not my main concern - when it comes to installers and how certain features of the mod are implemented, changes sometimes have to made. We're in a bit of an arms race on occasion against OS developers because it's not always possible to respond to changes that quickly.

I checked your website and your activity on the German Hackintosh forums and I have no reason to doubt your credibility. However, while your reasons for having people use the sudo command seem perfectly legitimate, you also know, as a developer, how that can be exploited. That doesn't mean you want to, but I like to promote best practices.

Is there a github link where I, and others, can check out the code without a download? Thanks.

--Eric Blair