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Tom's BATs

Started by tomvsotis, November 25, 2017, 03:27:59 AM

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Barroco Hispano


Did you render against a black background?
Barroco Hispano


Against your anti-bleed background!

Barroco Hispano

In the worst case the edges should be black and not gray...  ()what()

Do your FSHs look like this in the reader?
Barroco Hispano


Nice apartments building.

But please don't say art128's method. It isn't mine. I just made a picture to make things clearer from information gathered on Simtropolis. All credits should go to Jasoncw etc.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Quote from: art128 on February 07, 2019, 08:30:34 AM
Nice apartments building.

But please don't say art128's method. It isn't mine. I just made a picture to make things clearer from information gathered on Simtropolis. All credits should go to Jasoncw etc.
Ah, yeah, I just meant "the method described by art128". I'll make that clearer in the post.


Quote from: alejogc13 on February 07, 2019, 06:39:16 AM

Do your FSHs look like this in the reader?

Oof, no. No, they do not. &mmm

I could have sworn that I rendered with the correct settings (Classic/Raytraced and Indirect Skylight Illumination) against your almost-black background, but maybe I messed something up. I'll try again to make sure that it's not the settings that are the problem. Failing that, at this point I'm kinda debating just exporting the FSHs as PNGs, cleaning them up in Photoshop, and re-inserting them.  ()what() :angrymore:


Oh, hmmmm, I think maybe I've found the problem. This might be just my 3ds Max ignorance showing through, but:

I used Alt-B to open Viewport Configuration and set the background to actually display in the viewport. (I only just worked out how to do this; 3ds Max is still ... kinda new to me.) Here's how it looks with just a black background selected:

But here's how it looks with the anti-bleed background applied as a map:

It's bright white! I followed the instructions from your other post, i.e. dragging the mr_physical_sky object to the Material Editor, and then applying the anti_bleeding2.png file as a bitmap. Any idea what might have gone wrong?? In the meantime, I guess I can just sample the colour from your file and use that as solid background colour -- because, from what I understand, using 100% black can cause problems? -- rather than using the file as a map. Is there any disadvantage to doing so?


Fwiw, rendering with a manually-set 1-1-1 RGB background seems to have fixed the problem! :bnn:

So I guess that was the issue -- that for whatever reason, the PNG wasn't working properly as a background map. Weird.


These flats look great! You've really captured the essence of these old art deco blocks :thumbsup:



Best building ever!  :thumbsup: &apls &apls &apls :bnn:
I loves Sim City forever!


Aw, thank you so much! That's made my night <3   


Quote from: mattb325 on February 09, 2019, 12:42:24 AM
These flats look great! You've really captured the essence of these old art deco blocks :thumbsup:

I entirely agree with this, beautiflly made and they will make a nice addition to my other flats. Great Work!


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


So this is what I'm working on next: a 7.5m sunken station, sort of based on this one near where i live.

It's obv still pretty rough, but I'm posting it because I'm wondering whether there's a way to make a lot "cut into" a slope, which some on-slope lots tend to do (this is one of Kergelen's on-slope parking lots) if you plop them backwards:

The reason is that it'd give more space behind the platform for stairs etc; instead of this:

...I could do this:

Is this do-able, or am I being overly ambitious?


Hi Tom.

I would make the retaining wall as part of the station itself like I did with my 15m versions. Having it "cut in" the embankment would not look kosher.



hmmm, you mean your Oakland ones? the way this is designed means that the trench will prob have to be a tile wider, but maybe that's not such a bad thing.

EDIT: ..........actually, no it doesn't. i am talking complete nonsense. it's been a long day lolsigh

anyway, thanks for the advice! :)


Here's a sneak peek of where the station is at: I'm about halfway through texturing it in 3ds Max. Still a fair bit to do, but I'm getting there.


I really like the idea of an 7.5 m sunken station. The layout and the building look very nice. I'm not an expert on texturing, but the weathered effects are very cool. I like the little patches of moss on the roof. Go for it.


Wow! Really nice, and very flexible for usage, that architecture was all over the place when most countries were building their rail networks.
By the way, this would be the first 7,5 metres sunken station for the game, so that's a thing too!
About the retaining walls, 11241036 did a little experiment with that and published it on the STEX. I guess you could either use a similar approach for the whole lot (orienting it to the railway direction, to force the lower height) or to make a 'floating' narrow over-rail lot, accompained by a handful of platform lots, for a more modular approach.

"Lets be scientists and as such, remember always that the purpose of politics is not freedom, nor authority, nor is any principle of abstract character,
but it is to meet the social needs of man and the development of the society"

— Valentín Letelier, 1895


Quote from: matias93 on February 25, 2019, 07:25:20 AM
Wow! Really nice, and very flexible for usage, that architecture was all over the place when most countries were building their rail networks.
By the way, this would be the first 7,5 metres sunken station for the game, so that's a thing too!
Haha yeah this was a classic case of "there isn't one of these, and I need one, so I'm gonna... I'm gonna MAKE one!" :)

Quote from: matias93 on February 25, 2019, 07:25:20 AM
I guess you could either use a similar approach for the whole lot (orienting it to the railway direction, to force the lower height) or to make a 'floating' narrow over-rail lot, accompained by a handful of platform lots, for a more modular approach.
Yeah, i think on reflection I'm gonna go w the floating approach; the v early version above in this thread is a one-tile lot, with all the platforms etc overhanging. That seems the most straightforward way to do this, I think.

Here's a render with the BAT lighting on (I usually keep it off until the end bc it increases render times greatly); I still need to texture the other building etc, but I'm liking how it looks so far: