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SC4 and SSD

Started by huzman, May 28, 2018, 04:12:36 AM

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I read in a couple of posts (that I can't re-find) about how SSD drives improve the loading and playing of SC4. I'm falling for it but I don't know how to go about it:
1) The most likely road would be to replace the C: drive with an SSD. How?
2) Use the SSD as an external drive with all the SC4 stuff in it? I don't think that would work...
3) ???

Any suggestions? And thanks in advance.
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I replaced the C drive by an SSD. To be exact: I let the computer shop replace it.
You can do it by yourself if you use it as an opportunity to reinstall everything...

Anyway: after it was done the game indeed loaded super quick. Loading time went from something like 8 minutes down to 30 seconds. That of course depends on type of computer and size of plugins directory. Good luck!


Pretty much what FrankU said; ideally, you replace your C:\ hard drive with the SSD, and ideally, make a complete reinstallation of your system. There are tools which can handle the move and update all the necessary settings that need to be made, but it's a good chance to get rid of old junk and slim down Windows a little. This will not only boost SC4, but your entire computer, and once you have everything set up and running, you wonder why you didn't do it earlier already. ;)


Oh man, that's what I fearing...
Could you (or anybody) how to
"make a complete re-installation of your system. " It sounds hairy... I go for the idea of doing it. As it says
"it's a good chance to get rid of old junk and slim down Windows a little."

OK. Let's this:
I replace the C: with the SSD. Then do I copy the old C: to the new one? Or do I have to re-install everything?
BTW, it's W7pro, with only 4Gb of mem.
BTW2: Re-installing Windows? forget it. My Comp is second hand, I don't have install disk, code or anything.

FrankU: Do you know how your "computer shop" did it? All this almost beyond my capacities...

I hope to hear more from all of you if you please...
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Well, if you don't have any knowledge how to install everything yourself, and nobody that you could ask, it's a bit of a daunting task alright, although it's nothing that you couldn't learn. I'm pretty sure there are lots of online tutorials that explain every step in detail. Even if you don't have a DVD, you might be able to download a working DVD image somewhere, Microsoft even used to offer one themselves (now they only offer Win10 anymore, naturally).

You can also buy "OEM" disks with serial number from eBay vendors and such for a few bucks, which Microsoft doesn't like, but it's not illegal per se to sell them without a computer. Or you could use the opportunity to upgrade to Win10, which still works for free as long as you have a valid Win7 serial number. You'd need to use Microsoft "Media Creation Tool" to download a copy of Win10 and transfer it to a DVD-R or an USB stick.

Anyway, 4 GB RAM should be perfectly fine, but yes, it means that you have to re-install everything, which obviously takes quite a while. The alternative would be using said "transfer" programs that do that automatically for you, but as you can imagine, things might go wrong, and some stuff might not work as perfect as advertised. Hence I'd advise to ask a pro for such an upgrade, which - obviously - comes with the downside that it costs money, on top of the price for a new SSD.


I (or many others) could explain the basic steps of how FrankU's local computer shop probably did it.  However, rather than reinvent the wheel, look here:  https://www.howtogeek.com/97242/how-to-migrate-windows-7-to-a-solid-state-drive/

If you are uncomfortable doing this yourself, and don't have a friend who is a "computer geek" who could do this for you (doesn't everyone who isn't already a computer geek, have a friend who is one?), you are left with taking your existing drive (or your PC if you aren't comfortable extracting the drive yourself) and your new SSD to a local computer shop to accomplish the task.  While this is a relatively "simple" procedure for those who have the necessary expertise and tools, prices will likely vary.  From a quick Google scan, I've found prices here in the US from as low as $40 to as much as $200.  The availability of local competition (or lack thereof) could have a big impact on cost.


Well gentlemen, after reading your valuable comments, I'm going down the 'Computer Shop' way.
As an old Russian said "you already paid for the package, might as well pay the stamps".
Checked the "howtogeek" link and although it looks pretty straightforward, I wouldn't dare tackle that marathon.

So, merci beaucoup y'all!
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You'll never go back once you get a SSD and make a virtual disk drive for SC4. Much faster loading times!

Try to get at least 8GB of RAM while you are at it, so SC4 can fully allocate the 4GB 'patch'.


tl;dr: Get an SSD, it's worth the money

Can't comment on replacing an existing C-drive with an SSD.
But when I searched for a new laptop I bought one with an SSD (thanks to some great advice on this very forum  :) ).
1 word: awesome!
My OS ( WIN10) and my apps are on the SSD with my files on a classic harddrive.
Laptop launches in 30 seconds (including a virusscan when the PC/OS starts) and SC4 with a 5GB plugins folder launches in about 4 mins. (used to be at least 15 mins.)
Once the game has launched I can restart it in 2 mins. And switching between cities is a piece of cake.
Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest
Me no coffee function without so good


I'm glad this thread is still kicking. I'm still trying to get it all together, as I'm still transferring old XP files to my W7 and W8.1, but it will get done, by golly!
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                                                                                                    — Thomas Henry Huxley


Although I opened a new topic "Fast SC4!", I'm repeating myself here just to thank all of you.

I got my Win7 back from the SOUP with a nice 250 Gb SSD disk. Needless to say the results are at least as fast as yours. And I'm in heaven... ()stsfd()

So Thanks to all of you for encouragements.

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                                                                                                    — Thomas Henry Huxley