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EurotexturMod based by SFBT 2010....

Started by Schimada, April 24, 2017, 08:05:02 AM

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Hello Guys...

First... Sorry for my bad English.  ::)

Perhaps i plant a new EurotexturMod based of the old SFBT EurotexturMod from 2010.
Burt first, I must learn how its works. If I realy understand how its works, then I stardet perhaps a big project ^^.
For the moment, i used the NAM 30!!!  Because The EurotexturMod works with it.
Importend is, I need a Textur IDD for NAM. For my Test i used a free IDD for NAM ( i changed when i have a own ID ^^)
For the first Time, I have seen at the NWM Mod, some Roads (mostly diagonals) dont have any Eurotextur.
I hav reeding many Tutorials how i can creat or retextured Transittextures. ( Simcity 4 Encyclopeaia) with the ilive Reader, Sc4 Tool etc...

I know from Andreas (SFBT Team) there is a new fsh Tool an i downloadet.
I have the Ilive Reader version 093... is this a newes version?

Ok. In my Test, I copy all missing (Euro)Textures for the TLA 7 (do i need copy the Entry ID too?),
Extract all Files, Opend the old^^ FiSH Man, create from the fsh, png and Alpha.
Opend with  Paint the png pictures changed the textur an saved. And with SC4 Tool create for any changes Textures a new DAT. ( png+ Alpha) I dont changed any other.
Put The Dats with named zzz_..... into the EorotexturMod Files from 2010. Start the Games...
Its works not^^
What i do wrong? Do i have forget anything? perhaps the Entry ID?
ähmmm for the beginning i dont changed any intersection ( Kreuzungen)
But for first i dont need it ( i think so)
I hope anybody can Help me.

Thx for the Moment,

BALACKSPOT aka Schimada


Firstly you don't need a separate Euro Textures mod, with newer NAM versions, the Euro textures were integrated into the main package.

Second, if you want a copy of all the IDs, I have repositories for that purpose... However, I've used them to build two large mods TGN/NGN and SWN, which together provide complete Euro Texture support, including for many texture currently unsupported in the NAM itself. Of course if you don't want such changes as Terrain compatible grasses (TGN), full sidewalks everywhere (NGN) or custom sidewalks on your NAM textures (SWN), those might not be the best solution. But if you are willing to do some work, I can give you a copy of the repositories used to build these mods, which would allow you to cover all the missing pieces. You'll need a copy of GoFSH to process them, since I work with BMPs exclusively. But GoFSH has so very powerful scripting abilities which in theory would allow you to re-make everything you need with very little work involved.


Thx mgb...

go fsh is cool... I dowloadet it. Realy cool is Bender  &apls 
Whats the newest NAM?  i have think its the NAM 35?

oh... what i forget....  is there a tutorial for gofsh or Bender? and what is Gamut exactly?


Latest NAM version is indeed 35.

The tutorial for GoFSH can be opened from inside the application itself (User Manual on main screen).

Bender is really very intuitive, play around with it and no doubt you'll work it out. Gamut is a tool for helping to colour correct textures, more complete details are in this post (ST).


Ok... i deinstalled NAM and reinstalled.... Eurotextur ist in the NAM Folder but it works not perfect.
NWM mostly Euro ( not anny diagonals and AVE 6) perhaps i can fix it.
RHM (Rural Highway Mod for European ) also not perfect.
and normal Roads have the us Textur.... not Euro.

Ok, I tried it. can you give me the copy Ids? And then i need a own ID's for it?
Well, when i have my ids... then i can started. I only re tuxtures. I dont change any other (capazy or so)
I hope its work then.  ;D


The normal roads should all show Euro textures, with the exception perhaps of some specific pieces. If that's not what you are seeing, I suspect there is a conflicting mod somewhere. Test this by removing everything but the NAM from your plugins folder. Then see if the roads have Euro textures, if they don't, something is very wrong.

Indeed NWM support for Euro textures has some gaps with diagonals, although I've personally filled them in. (more on this below).

RHW, this is a trickier problem and relates to changes in NAM 33. The previous developer of the Euro Textures, Mandelsoft, left the SC4 community and stopped working on the Euro (and other) RHW textures. But big changes to RHW necessitated a lot of work on EU textures, with no one stepping forwards to do it. The solution was to stop using Mandelsoft's excellent textures and switch to a new type of Euro RHW style. The reason being that the EU textures can be automated in Photoshop. You basically take the US texture and run a special automated script which will convert it to the new Euro style. The only "work" part being, you must find and extract the textures you need first.

All ID's for network textures are fixed, you will not need your own IDs. The process of "replacing" or fixing a texture is as follows:

  • Find the texture with a problem
  • Extract it from the SC4 DAT
  • Using an image editor, make the necessary changes
  • Re-Pack the edited image(/s) into a DAT, loading it after the NAM.

Use GoFSH, you will save yourself a lot of time. With FSHxDAT you can open DAT files, see the textures in a file and select those you need to extract. You must then convert the FSH files it makes into BMP files. Then once you are done editing, you convert the BMPs back to FSH and can use FSHxDAT again to pack them into a DAT file. This is all explained in more detail in the GoFSH manual, included with the download.

As previously mentioned, I can give you all my resources, but they are setup for a pretty specific purpose. Here is a link to the TGN (Terrain Grass NAM) repository. It should contain most of the textures you need, they already have IDs and scripts to create DAT files with GoFSH. If you have questions, I will do my best to help you. My German is not exactly brilliant, but my wife is German and can help with translation if you get really stuck. The key here is to remove all the parts of the repository you don't need from the respective folders, without altering the folder structure. Then edit the script to reflect those changes. Then when you run the script, it will correctly build everything you need automatically for you.

These files don't cover the RHW however, just everything else in the NAM. I am working on improving RHW support for EU textures in the NAM. But the RHW textures are not very logical and there are so many that it is really slow work. Similarly I'd like to get my new EU textures into the NAM at some point. But it's been so long since I did the work, it's hard to remember what needs including any more.


 &apls lot if work.  But its intresting.

Ok, because tge roads dont show Eurotextur.
I only have a Plugin File for the NAM !
There is not any other Plugin in,  or a Mod .
Later i post a picture.

Edit: its exesting a new Euro Style for RHM  or for all Textures?  And where is it? I think is not in the NAM
I think its a beta Mod or?
When yes, perhaps i can help to retextured ...  :thumbsup:


This was my faile. Eurotextur from NAM 35 works fine.  I forget it to install lol
At normal Roads, i think its all Euro.
RHW have some wrong tiles  (i installes Mandelsofts eurostyle) this is what i doing first.
I see for NWM izs exesting right Textures for all sqares and diagonals  &apls.
Also Overpast for Monorail too. We dont have diagonal Overpast Monorail for NWM Avenues?
Can we fixed by Overwrite Textures? Or we need pucelpieces?.
Also i see the Eurotextur failed at the turninglanes. Perhaps i forget to install too. But i know there is a work of FTL.. is there later in Eurostyle too?

Perhaps i stardet tooday for work RHW Eurotextur  (wrong tiles)
Pictures will folows


Lets beginn....

First what i did, I looking for wrong Textures in the RHW...

And This is what i find:

I dont named here All...
Its more as 20 Tiles..


But i found 2 other failed Textures, there was not in the RHW.

First 2  pic are Europe turn lanes ( deutsch Abbiegespur)

The next 2 pics shows an Obscure Texturfailed...
The Reasen why Obscure??

The first picture is from an Camera angel 0.... use can see wrong texture on one site...
When I turn the Camera 180° the Texture failed is on the other side...
How This work????  Its not a Texture proplem i think.... whats going wrong by this???

The next picture thats follow, I hope some fixed wrong Textures at the RHW


 ;D   The first step i have done...

Ok not perfect with Colour but i fixed next Time


Image 1 & 2 (RTLs) - I'm not seeing a problem here, could you elaborate?

Image 3 & 4 (Road Viaducts), probably the texture used in different rotations changes or some such. Either way if you override both textures, then the problem should be solved. Incidently, I have a complete set of working EU textures for the Road Viaducts. Including brand new Eurofield Ave pieces like the 45° and 90° turns. (Find a small repository attached, for processing with GoFSH).

Image 5 (RHW), before spending any time on this, do you have Photoshop? If you do, you don't need to re-make anything, I can pass along a script that when ran with a texture opened, will convert it perfectly from US to EU style with one click. If you don't have PS, give me some time to put some resources together for you, because a lot of the work you might plan to do, I've already done. So there is little sense in someone else doing it again. I'm happy to share, but the RHW side of things is in a bit of a mess on my HDD.


Picture 1:  Is the Original EurotexturMod by 2010 (old)
Picture 2   You can see 2 Roads sections. Above with the old Eorotextur . Among Them with Eurotextur by NAM 35

I have at the moment Paint from Windows 10. But I download Adobe Photoshop. Dit it works?


@Schimada: Ahh, I think I know what you mean with the road turning lanes. Those don't appear automatically anymore (when the Road Turning Lanes Plugin is installed), but you have to "activate" them with a click on the center tile (Was it with the railroad tool? - I can't remember, it's been too long since I used them :D). Without clicking, a regular intersection without turning lanes shows up.


Quote from: Andreas on April 27, 2017, 04:14:28 AM
@Schimada: Ahh, I think I know what you mean with the road turning lanes. Those don't appear automatically anymore (when the Road Turning Lanes Plugin is installed), but you have to "activate" them with a click on the center tile (Was it with the railroad tool? - I can't remember, it's been too long since I used them :D). Without clicking, a regular intersection without turning lanes shows up.

Ok thx. I tested


Quote from: mgb204 on April 26, 2017, 10:00:06 PM
Image 1 & 2 (RTLs) - I'm not seeing a problem here, could you elaborate?

Image 3 & 4 (Road Viaducts), probably the texture used in different rotations changes or some such. Either way if you override both textures, then the problem should be solved. Incidently, I have a complete set of working EU textures for the Road Viaducts. Including brand new Eurofield Ave pieces like the 45° and 90° turns. (Find a small repository attached, for processing with GoFSH).

Image 5 (RHW), before spending any time on this, do you have Photoshop? If you do, you don't need to re-make anything, I can pass along a script that when ran with a texture opened, will convert it perfectly from US to EU style with one click. If you don't have PS, give me some time to put some resources together for you, because a lot of the work you might plan to do, I've already done. So there is little sense in someone else doing it again. I'm happy to share, but the RHW side of things is in a bit of a mess on my HDD.

Is it Important Which version of Photoshop i have?.Newest Adobe Photoshop cost more then 20€/Months. This is unreal.
But i can install a older Version from Adobe Photoshop from 2005. Can this work?


Ok i cant use Adobe Photoshop. The newest its too expensive. I can downloads an older Version but i need the ID for an older.
I never buyt an Adobe Photoshop, so this Method failed.
But I found 2 other really free Photoshop. It Named PhotoFiltre or Paint.NET.
I dont know is this works too for You?


I appreciate that Photoshop is a very expensive proposition if you don't already have it for other purposes. I wasn't recommending you buy it, merely asking if you had it or not.

Sadly the automation for RHW conversion relies on Photoshop and I don't know of any way to transfer such automation (PS Actions) to another application. Considering it just automates functions of PS, I have a feeling it's not possible.

You might still be able to get a copy of CS2 for free, see this page. If that still works, I couldn't say for certain that actions created in CS6 (such as the RHW converter) would work with it though. Perhaps worth a try though.

For image editing without spending money, the #1 choice is probably GIMP, which is open source. That would probably allow you to better edit game textures. But to reiterate, I've done a huge amount of this work already,


Quote from: Andreas on April 27, 2017, 04:14:28 AM
@Schimada: Ahh, I think I know what you mean with the road turning lanes. Those don't appear automatically anymore (when the Road Turning Lanes Plugin is installed), but you have to "activate" them with a click on the center tile (Was it with the railroad tool? - I can't remember, it's been too long since I used them :D). Without clicking, a regular intersection without turning lanes shows up.
You're right, clicking the center with the one-way road tool would do it. However, it sounds like this might be obsolete when the new NAM comes out (hoping sooner than later  :D )


Quote from: mgb204 on April 27, 2017, 07:44:35 AM
I appreciate that Photoshop is a very expensive proposition if you don't already have it for other purposes. I wasn't recommending you buy it, merely asking if you had it or not.

Sadly the automation for RHW conversion relies on Photoshop and I don't know of any way to transfer such automation (PS Actions) to another application. Considering it just automates functions of PS, I have a feeling it's not possible.

You might still be able to get a copy of CS2 for free, see this page. If that still works, I couldn't say for certain that actions created in CS6 (such as the RHW converter) would work with it though. Perhaps worth a try though.

For image editing without spending money, the #1 choice is probably GIMP, which is open source. That would probably allow you to better edit game textures. But to reiterate, I've done a huge amount of this work already,
I know from the CS2 but i cant download. If i click the Downloadbutton, Its open a buyversion Site.
Hmmm... And now?
I will realy work on it. Its makes fun but i dont know how we can fix it.
Is this the Link you are postet???   www.digitaltrends.com