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Ernest MMP Project

Started by Ernestmaxis, December 21, 2015, 11:03:46 AM

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Oh my, it's already Christmas &dance
Right after the release of this pack, expect a huge wave of high quality pictures from various city journals/mayor diaries with tons of epic details. And all thanks to you :thumbsup:
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


Updated the list of dependenicies see here:

I have now made over 434 MMP
All object are made by the creators then self that why the dependencieslist is bigger as the last time.

British objects

Beneluxs flags


City random stuf (VIP)

Hope you have a great last day in 2016!


Hi Ernestmaxis, the MMPs are great but I could not find this dependency: SMEP-resident.

Where can I find it please?


Vizoria sorry for the long wait i couldnt finded it straight away

I will change the name in the dependency list


Quote from: Ernestmaxis on January 04, 2017, 06:01:00 AM
Vizoria sorry for the long wait i couldnt finded it straight away

I will change the name in the dependency list

Thanks! I'm VERY good at tracking down dependencies but that one was literally turning up no searches!



With not many words here is a new update of my MMP project
VIP vnaoned propspack vol. 1

I think one of the best HD models here in Simcity are from Girafe and TSC&VIP team.
Some more rotatable props!
Im not done with the pack but here are some more samples im made:
Alle models are individual MMP-ed
Count now: 498 MMPs


Hi all

I have learned something new today: make an MMP rotate forever.
The requested range I have can be refilled to its full capacity. I have range 533*** & 534*** & 535*** to refill it it will be a very big puzzle.
I can correct everything to make the range be filled efficiently. What would you?

When I make an MMP uss builders want to make objects rotatable untill it is placed correctly.
It is possible to get out of 2 examplar files a un-ended rotatable plop out of objects. I have allways used a range of 8 examplar files.
In all of my MMP's the object will rotate 8 times but I want to change that..


Examplar ID: 0xEA535C6A
Flora: Cluster type : 0xEA535C6B

Exemplar ID: 0xEA535C6B
Flora: Cluster type : 0xEA535C6A  ( to the first range)

The cluster will refer to the first range where you start to make an MMP. In range the MMP will rotate forever when you click ingame.
This will take less range than the used 8 ranges for a rotable click. It works great %confuso

How would you continue?


An infinite loop is not a reliable way to link flora cluster types and exemplars. It will definitely cause the game to freeze on occasion. Do not do this. 
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Vortex thanks for the reply will keep that in mind :thumbsup:

So far I have just keep (hexadecimal) counting with the 8 clicks so here is a new (big) update:

I have MMP a few traffic signs and truck
All MMP are made individual so you have 8 attemps to get the objects placed correctly.

Credits to all model makers out there  %confuso
Traffic sign models are made by the VIP team and sweetwood for the Dutch traffic sign!
Trucks are made by: SimCityFreak666
Cranes and most of the constructions vehicles are made by the BLam team
Amazing models btw!



I've a question
I downloaded some of these plop like trucks created by SimCityFreak666 but when I open the game I don't find these objects and I can't place them. What's the problem? Do these objects need the Lot Editor to work?
Sorry if it's a stupid question but I don't understand how this thing works.
Thank you


Everyone has the right to ask, this is not a stupid question!  ;)
MMP plop search in the terrain menu. When installing MMP in the plugin folder you need to remember to install dependences if required. The information should be in the instructions. Good luck  ;)
Sorry guys, I'll be here next week, so good luck!