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Simmer's Lotting Lab.

Started by Simmer2, December 11, 2015, 07:24:45 AM

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Lots List moved to its own thread here http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=18198.0


Looks very nice! I'm just a little unsure about what the electricity lines around the entire lot are for. Seems like they would get in the way of the trains and might as well just have crossed the lot at the front :P Love it otherwise though
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Quote from: CasperVg on December 11, 2015, 07:45:27 AM
Looks very nice! I'm just a little unsure about what the electricity lines around the entire lot are for. Seems like they would get in the way of the trains and might as well just have crossed the lot at the front :P Love it otherwise though

Hi Casper and thank you for the comment.
I actually measured the height of the wires and its on par. There is always room for improvement though  ;D


Welcome to the wonderful world of lotting and modding, where you quickly find yourself spending less and less time actually playing the game!  ;D

Quite a massive lot for a first undertaking and you pulled it off really well! I agree the electricity poles around the lot are a bit odd. That said, the detailing already is pretty neat, so more polish will certainly make it shine. And does it provide any jobs? If not I reckon making it a functional landmark would be icing on the cake.

Quote from: Simmer2 on December 11, 2015, 07:24:45 AM
I decided to make the rail textures based on the RRW color scheme and I ended up creating around 60 or 70 new textures and overlays. The pack will eventually be available for anyone who wants to do special railyards lotting.

That'd be great and appreciated by many! However, as far as I can tell you haven't got a texture IID range yet. Please request one over here in order to avoid conflicts.  "$Deal"$

All in all outstanding work, can't wait to see what else you come up with!  :thumbsup:
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Quote from: vortext on December 11, 2015, 07:55:16 AM
Welcome to the wonderful world of lotting and modding, where you quickly find yourself spending less and less time actually playing the game!  ;D

Quite a massive lot for a first undertaking and you pulled it off really well! I agree the electricity poles around the lot are a bit odd. That said, the detailing already is pretty neat, so more polish will certainly make it shine. And does it provide any jobs? If not I reckon making it a functional landmark would be icing on the cake.

Quote from: Simmer2 on December 11, 2015, 07:24:45 AM
I decided to make the rail textures based on the RRW color scheme and I ended up creating around 60 or 70 new textures and overlays. The pack will eventually be available for anyone who wants to do special railyards lotting.

That'd be great and appreciated by many! However, as far as I can tell you haven't got a texture IID range yet. Please request one over here in order to avoid conflicts.  "$Deal"$

All in all outstanding work, can't wait to see what else you come up with!  :thumbsup:

Hello Vortext and thank you for pointing out the objects limit of 1280 on the other thread to me :) You saved me a ton of time trying to figure that one out, thank you!!
Also for reminding me about texture address ranges  $%Grinno$% I just posted a request on that link you graciously provided.


That's just fantastic!






Agreed! Looks great!  :)

The only thing I am not sold on is the base texture you used. While paeng's grunge textures look good in some situations, on large lots IMHO the grass corners create an undesirable tiling effect.


Wow that's quite the lot and a great, big industrial one to! One can never have enough railyard/industrial lots.


Now I must really join the conversation here. This lot is gorgeous! You will certainly have a long long list of dependencies in the readme, but hey.... who cares? We will almost all have those probably installed already anyway.

Good work! :thumbsup:


Quote from: FrankU on December 18, 2015, 11:51:45 AM
Now I must really join the conversation here. This lot is gorgeous! You will certainly have a long long list of dependencies in the readme, but hey.... who cares? We will almost all have those probably installed already anyway.

Good work! :thumbsup:

Hi Frank, Nos.17, Vizoria and Gugu3
What can I say? I learned from the masters, plus a bit of creativity is never a bad thing :)
I'm trimming the dependencies as much as I can without subtracting too much from the piece.
Also those rail textures are undergoing an extensive overhaul and perhaps I will play around with the concrete textures to avoid said tiling.

Cheers, Simmer2


Hi all. I edited the OP to reflect the new changes.
Here are the final (hopefully) close up pics of the edited lot.
Replaced most PEG base texture to avoid tiling and re-done all the RRW textures (darker and sharper to reflect long and heavy usage, oil leaks etc.)
Trimmed dependencies by 3 and replaced the building on lot2.
I guess now I would need someone to check and make sure its all balanced ( I ran both pieces through X-PIM)











If you'd like someone to give the lots a once-over, I'd be happy to oblige if I can get all the files and a list of dependencies.


Stunning lots  &apls These will make a wonderful addition!


Quote from: mgb204 on December 23, 2015, 02:09:52 AM
If you'd like someone to give the lots a once-over, I'd be happy to oblige if I can get all the files and a list of dependencies.

Ok, let me find a way to get the files to you.
I will find a free sharing site and then I will PM you.

Thank you mgb204



Quote from: noahclem on December 23, 2015, 04:26:07 AM
Stunning lots  &apls These will make a wonderful addition!

Thank you noahclem  :)


Quote from: Simmer2 on December 23, 2015, 10:15:18 AM
Ok, let me find a way to get the files to you.

You can use zippyshare.com for this.

Beautiful lots!  &apls


Quote from: FrankU on December 23, 2015, 12:17:26 PM
Quote from: Simmer2 on December 23, 2015, 10:15:18 AM
Ok, let me find a way to get the files to you.

You can use zippyshare.com for this.

Beautiful lots!  &apls

Thanks Frank.
I used Dropbox, lets see how it fares.

Mgb204 you got a message.
Lets hope this project can get wrapped up and uploaded so everyone can enjoy it  :thumbsup:

Indiana Joe

I don't know how I didn't see this two weeks ago, but it looks awesome Simmer!  I see that you're putting up the various parts on the LEX today.

You said that you created all the textures yourself, but it looks like some of the overlays are from the files I uploaded in the NAM RRW thread.  If they're mine I don't mind you uploading them, but just make sure you give credit.   :thumbsup: