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Mas'71 works mini pamphlet.

Started by MAS71, November 08, 2007, 06:09:04 PM

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Mas'71 seems to be busy with his work &Thk/(


マスさま、これは完璧で、すてきな lot ですよ!作っているシティにいつも使いますから、心から感謝します!

Mas-sama, these are perfect and wonderful lots! I use them all the time in my cities, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I never could get the hang of signatures....


Thank you for using my lots and good comment. ;)
You may have already known it, I reccomend this good Rice-Fields-Lots in Japan.  "$Deal"$
--> Rice-Field Puzzle Piece (Sesonale Lots) by Neko-Punch san (Linkie)

@Moonlinght san
Thank you for your support and big helps for Japanese-thread in SC4D too.
We are always looking forward to your works, these are really great every works!!
Moonさんの新作はいつも本当に楽しみにしていますよ! :)

@a_muses san
Thanks for your comment, and I wish you enjoy with my works. :)
どれもこれも未熟な物ばかりですが、気に入って頂ける物が一つでもあれば幸いです。 :)

I have sooooo busy days, so I dont have time to enjoy the SC4 well reccentry. $%Grinno$%
but I'll try to check a thread(your voices) and reply as soon as possible. ;)

Thank you



Hello all  :)
My real friend Mas'71 keep having so busy days long time. &mmm
I have been waiting on for this one being uploaded for a long time. ???
I got his permission to upload this one in few days ago,
Now I got it, and for you too  :thumbsup:

-SOGO HD-Version
Growable : Co$$$ Stage9 - 7x6
Ploppable : Co$$$ 7x6 (Icon added in Landmark-menu)
It can be used with SD-Version in same time.

Download here --> Mas'71 Download Page (Link)  "$Deal"$

You can find this bottom of page, Click ZIP-icon to get a zip(Installer).
DO NOT have to worry even if told that "It might a dangerous file" from your Browser.  ;)

Mas'71 hope that it will be include to "SC4D-DVD Vol02" someday. ;D
He says HELLO to all of friends in the SC4Devotion too. ;)

Original SD-version's SOGO posted in HERE(Link to his post)   

I helping to management a site the WBML4jp - wiki in Japan.


Thank you so much for this beauty, I like so much this building and now we got it in HD Thank you so Much Mas71 and also thank you relics8801.

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Hello SC4D, Hello BSC, and all of mayros and good friends in the World  :D
Long time no see, How are you ?  :)
I'm so sorry to that could not return and do any greeting too long time.

I had hard days since about 4 years ago because had some problems in real life.
about old families, my job, my sick, and more,,,, &mmm
but in near some month, Those problems are being gradually solved ;)

in some day, I found and met with good game the Cities:Skylines.
and began to create some little Asset(is same as BAT in SC4), then I could get voices from some users who is played SC4 and remember me, my works too.  These made me sooooo happy, and I have to say again a big thanks to YOU all of SC4D's good friends !!

I believe that here "SC4Devotion" is my 2nd home in real life, I love the SC4Devotion too.  $%Grinno$%
I'll stop a creatinon for SimCity4 anymore maybe, hope to talk and discuss again with you here, but this is not site(thread) about the Cities:SL unfortunately  ;D
and To tell the truth, I don't like a WorkShop in the STEAM  :P
so I intend to post something in HERE as much as possible when I have time ;)

Thank you for reading  :)
I wish to have good time and enjoy together again ;)


## Edited ###
I have to tell you once more ;)
A lot of japanese players said and hope that many great BATers and MODers of the SC4 join to Cities:Skylines !!  ;)
They believe that C:SL could be re-borne for more great when it is realized.


Hi MAS'71!

It's good to see you back here, and doing OK. I am a little disappointed that you are no longer developing for SimCity 4, but C:S is a good game from what I hear.

Also, SC4D has been open to other city building games recently, as an effort to increase site activity and user participation. Please feel free to post all your Cities:Skylines work here. We'd be more than happy just to have a valued member back with us, despite what game it was for.

Hope to see more of you here.

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Mas71さん, ようこそ!

I'm sorry to hear you had some important problems in the recent years.. It's what life is about, problems and more problems.. But it's great to hear you're gradually overcoming those problems.

It seems some good SC4Baters turned into C:S content creators... I can't say I want to follow them because I didn't like the game when I tested it. It lacked something important to me, but I can't say what.

Please feel free to post your creations at SC4Devotion, we're welcoming works from other city builders now. I have to agree the steam workshop system is a bit badly designed.

I'm looking forward to see some of your creations soon. :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


APSMS, @art128
Thank you,,, thank you so much for your warm and kindly words,
I remember and feel realized again that IT IS THE SC4Devotion:) :) :)

Yes, I could find, met, and talk again with some creators who activated on the SC4.
I do not satisfied with all of Cities:SL of course :P  about detailedness of buildings especialy (modelling and textures and more designed)
but I feel something which succeeds the will of the SC4 to the Cities:SL personally.

however, I have to tell you that SimCity4 still keep living in my PC now too ;D,
my old pc was crashed and bought new pc some years ago, A program which I installed at first to new PC is the Simcity4. It's trueth  ;D
and I know some newbie are there in Japan, and keep trying to support for them sometime in japanese forum too.  ;)

Now, A lot of japanese creators leaved, and lost thier site(home pages).
but there is a person who revived, Ragu-tarou san, and Kamuraita-o san keeping their site "HIDE and Seek!" and "SimCity Force" too.
I believe that the SimCity4 is not over yet.  :thumbsup:

oh sorry,
I'm so confusing what should I talk now  :P (because so happy to talk again with you on here)
k, Thank you again all. See you again soon.  ;)

-Mas'71 (Kazunari.M from Japan)


Hey there Mas!

It's great to see you back around here, I hope things continue to get, or just plain stay better for you for the coming future!

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Haiiiii Joe-san, sooo glad to see you again and could know you are fine too  :) ;) :thumbsup:
Thanks a lot for your words,
I don't have enough time as like befor (most activated times for creations), but I'll report a something about a good of Cities:SL too.  ;)


Good to hear from you again Mas71.  While I am sorry to hear you were having problems, I am glad to hear that they are being resovled.

Welcome back.  :)


Hello again and thank you so much for warm words Shark7 :D
I'm enjoy a game Cities:Skylines now, I could meet again some good friends of SC4 players too,
Do you have played that? or have a plan to play ? I hope play together and talk or discuss again with you and many friends if it possible ;D
Thanks  :)

sorry to late reply,,, :-[


Quote from: MAS71 on January 18, 2016, 08:08:34 AM
Hello again and thank you so much for warm words Shark7 :D
I'm enjoy a game Cities:Skylines now, I could meet again some good friends of SC4 players too,
Do you have played that? or have a plan to play ? I hope play together and talk or discuss again with you and many friends if it possible ;D
Thanks  :)

sorry to late reply,,, :-[

Wow it's MAS71! I'd never thought you'd return. I'm a fan of a lot of the Japanese BATS and its creators. Its shame the Japanese Community of Simcity 4 seems to have slow down or possibly dead already (No Submissions in Simcity Force since May last year). It's glad to see you back and would like to say thank you for being an Ambassador for Simcity 4 Japanese community.
Annyeongseo! 몰랑 Immida!


Quote from: MAS71 on January 18, 2016, 08:08:34 AM
Hello again and thank you so much for warm words Shark7 :D
I'm enjoy a game Cities:Skylines now, I could meet again some good friends of SC4 players too,
Do you have played that? or have a plan to play ? I hope play together and talk or discuss again with you and many friends if it possible ;D
Thanks  :)

sorry to late reply,,, :-[

It seems I'm the one who hasn't logged in a while this time.  :-[

I'm not playing Cities:Skylines, I have not even tried it to be honest.  Lately I've been playing a game called Distant Worlds:Universe (Space 4X game) that you can really spend a lot of time in, but it is single player only.


Thanks for nice Japanese buildings, fields etc... :)
I loves Sim City forever!