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Real Highway Modが上手く使えません><;

Started by GreenHeroLink, September 14, 2014, 11:19:03 AM

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昔、Mac版のSimcity4 RHをしていましたが、元々Mac版が不安定だった上に、IntelMacに乗り換えたときに更にバグが増えプレイ自体が困難な状況に陥りました。
その為、数年前にWindowsパソコンを自作したので、思い切ってWindows版のSimcity4 DX(日本語版)をAmazonで先日購入しきっぱりと乗換えました。

さて、今の所は殆どの事では困ってはおりませんが、唯一Real Highway Modの使い方で悩んでいることがあります。
Real Highway Modの中では僕が一番使いたいパーツなのですが、上手く使えずに頭をひねっています。




これはなぜでしょうか? うまく設置することはできないのでしょうか?

・Simcity4 Deluxe日本語版...(EP1パッチ、SC4Update4BAT、bldgprop Vol.1/2は全て入れています)
・Network Addon Mod Ver.32
・Windows 7 64bit Edition Professional日本語版
・1920x1080(FHD) + 1920×1200(WUXGA)モニタ(デュアル接続)
・Intel Core i7-920(オーバークロックはしていません)
・AMD Radeon HD 6950(6970用ファームウェアを別途使って6970化させ、6970相当にオーバークロックしています)
・Blu-ray Slimline-Drive


I used Google translate to read your post.

If I understand correctly, you have two problems.

DDRHW-4 requires a large interchange, and you wish it to require a small interchange.
What you probably really need is double level NWM. Sadly this does not exist, and I doubt if it ever will.

DDRHW-4 is not stable and the lane directions reverse.
This happens in the right hand drive version as well. It is an old network, and is pretty buggy. I am sure it is on some ones list of things to take care of, but I would not expect it to be looked at this cycle of development.
If I am wrong, I am sure someone from the NAM team will correct me :)

Please, in the future. try to post in simpler language. Google translate did not do a good job of translation and it was hard to understand your question. This site is currently short on folks that speak Japanese and English.


ありがとうございます。 質問の解釈はほとんど合っています。 &apls
Thank you very much. Your answer is almost perfect for my question, and I understood very well.

>DDRHW-4 requires a large interchange
Thanks and I understood, unfortunatelly DDRHW-4 cannot make smaller interchange such simple branch or combination.....
I thought it is possible because it's often used typical smaller interchange for "Urban Expressway" in Japan.
However I understood it's not possible now.
"Urban Expressway" is a smaller highway. It is used as an intra-city highway for aviding traffic jam or fater trip.
We can find some "Urban Express" ways at downtown in big cities in Japan such Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka and so on.
They are often constructed double-decker styled highway (furthermore there is often a local street underneath!) due to lack of space.

>DDRHW-4 is not stable and the lane directions reverse.
Thanks,and I understood.
I'll wait and wish for improvement.

>Please, in the future. try to post in simpler language.
Noted with thanks.
I'm sorry for my bad English.


You want to build these things :)

(not my pic)

That ramp looks like it is steeper than the original Maxis highway ramps.
Around here, this sort of thing is regarded as being "not realistic" lol. Not rational is probably a better description.

Add in a 300 meter tall monster, and you have an American concept of Tokyo lol


The ramps pictured look awesome but definitely not unrealistically steep.

Thanks for your translating help joshua43214 and welcome GreenHeroLink :)


Quote from: joshua43214 on September 15, 2014, 07:04:35 AM
DDRHW-4 requires a large interchange, and you wish it to require a small interchange.
What you probably really need is double level NWM. Sadly this does not exist, and I doubt if it ever will.

DDRHW-4 is not stable and the lane directions reverse.
This happens in the right hand drive version as well. It is an old network, and is pretty buggy. I am sure it is on some ones list of things to take care of, but I would not expect it to be looked at this cycle of development.
If I am wrong, I am sure someone from the NAM team will correct me :)

I can clarify a couple things here:

1. It's not really accurate to call DDRHW-4 an old network, rather it's a neglected network that's in a very weird position developmentally. Even with the additional 20 networks that RHW has, DDRHW-4 is still considered a newcomer compared to the oldest networks of all, RHW-2 and 4. Part of what's making DDRHWs so awkward to deal with is what network material do you use to build a DDRHW out of? We've went through a major change from using Rail-based DDRHW to RHW-based DDRHW right before NAM 31 came out, and MHW-based DDRHW is still on the table. The hard part is determining what widths can be suitable recipients for an MHW-based DDRHW; here, the clear choice is DDRHW-8 (there's no S or C distinction here), but if you have something like DDRHW-6, the ball's still up in the air on that.

2. Yep, we will basically condemn any double-decker request that isn't related to RHW or Elevated Rail over Road/Avenue/RD-4 on the basis that it's downright unworkable. Any more than double decks is also just as unworkable. These are all game limitations that we just have to live with.
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