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City map cut off in region view after import

Started by duramas, June 16, 2010, 01:02:55 PM

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After importing this map: http://www.sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=1463 or really any map I've tried with SC4Mapper, the city is cut off at the bottom in the region view. Tried googling this and looking through different threads and haven't seen this issue for anyone else. Any ideas?

This still happens even after the entire map of cities is saved. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit and the deluxe edition of SC4 if it matters.



As far as I know this happens when you're playing SC4 in a custom resolution (and a large one). Unfortunately, there's no way to fix it (except lowering the resolution).
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Thanks for the quick response, just knowing what the problem is and how to fix it helps a lot and is far less annoying.

Yeah if i save in a lower resolution the problem is gone, if i save in my custom resolution 1920x1200 it cuts it off.

I'll have to play in windowed mode in a lower resolution or something, thanks a lot!


Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


I'm getting a similar problem related to the graphics. When I go into a city and move by clicking and holding the right mouse button, I notice a really bad tearing effect. This happens when I run it in software mode. When I change it to hardware mode, it's fine, but of course very slow. I am running a custom res. Could this be the problem? Is anyone noticing similar graphical issues?


I have the exact same problem at any resolution above 1024x768. Is playing at such a low-res really the only solution?  &mmm Does anyone know if this problem exists with the old mapper?


The problem isn't caused by the Mapper or Terraformer, it's the game itself which can't handle larger resolutions for the regional view when running full-screen. In terms of functionality larger resolutions are no problem at all though, it's merely an aesthetic issue. So if you want an uninterrupted regionview than yes, playing at 1024x768 (or lower) is the only solution, or go windowed mode. Hope this helpes!  :)
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Well, this issue occurs with screen resolution from 1600x1200 and up. I can play the game fine without this occurring at 1280x1024.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


although - development and roads do show up quite fine, which it makes it possible to bury the cut off lines. I've always wondered why that works though.
~ NAM Team Member