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Started by docj101, March 20, 2013, 08:09:06 AM

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While reading about the disappointment that was SimCity 2013, I came across this proposed game named CiViTAS.  The developers are claiming it will be the city simulation that everyone wanted.

This is a quote from their kickstarter page:

"Civitas will be a revolutionary, open ended, community driven, highly moddable city building game, where you are not only responsible for terraforming the land, zoning, and building the structures, but you will also be able to manage many other aspects of your civilization. Civitas can either be played as a single player game, or you can play online with other city builders to make entire regions, share resources, and compete for citizens to build the largest city. We will not limit you to one or the other, both will be full featured and complete."

At first I didn't have much interest in this because it sounded like the dream of a few unemployed guys.  However I watched their kickstarter page (a place people try to get funding for projects) for a couple weeks to see if they would meet their funding goal.  Today I visit that page and it turns out they cancelled collecting funds from potential gamers.  I was curious as to why so I visited their own webpage and they claim to have found the funding they needed.

This is a quote from their own website:

"We just wanted to let everyone know that our studio has been able to secure private funding that will carry us through the development cycle of Civitas."

So now they officially have my attention (for now at least) and I look forward to more information from their camp.



Just wanted to share this and see what people think, thanks for your time!


Yeah, I came across that a few days ago too and bookmarked the Kickstarter page. To start with, I had a few concerns, one being they were saying the game would be finished by November. There's just no way a good city building game could be completed in that length of time. Then when I checked back a couple of days later the Kickstarter page says "Funding Canceled". I'm not super familiar with Kickstarter and I don't recall the date they were ending their funding drive but I do remember it had some time to go and they were going after $250,000. Oh, and that $250,000 goal was another thing: unless only a couple of people are working on a game I doubt $250,000 is going to do much toward development and if it were only a couple of people the game would take absolutely years (certainly not eight or nine months). As an example, look how long it took Notch before he was ready to release Minecraft and still, over two years later the game is still being updated.

I would love if someone was able to build a good city-building game but I don't feel positive at all about Civitas coming to fruition.


Quote from: Reginasunrae on March 20, 2013, 09:35:30 AM
...I'm not super familiar with Kickstarter and I don't recall the date they were ending their funding drive but I do remember it had some time to go and they were going after $250,000....

1st of April or April Fools Day

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


I thought pretty much the same thing as you.  Only 250k and in a video they said that would be for licensing of various things.  Left me wondering how these guys are going to get paid.  I had pondered the idea that perhaps they only need that much money to get going and have a viable business model to present to larger investors or loan officers. 

The release date is very unrealistic unless they somehow already have an alpha product that they are working on.  There is a few alpha looking pictures, so who knows, maybe this was a scrapped project of another company that these guys worked for.  Somehow, maybe they got out the door with what had already been developed?

So while I'm not very excited about this, I find it interesting and I do look forward to see what comes of it.


Thanks, Catty! I should've paid better attention. It does make one wonder, doesn't it?

Yeah, Doc, I just can't be bothered to get very excited over much of anything any more. There are much better places for channeling my energies. I didn't watch the video(s) as it was late at night when I found the info then. One thing I did notice is they were thinking of potential funding via early beta sales, much like Minecraft was done. Of course since the Kickstarter funding drive was canceled I'm wondering if it was even real in the first place.