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Problem with the Photoshop Fsh Format Plugin or Reader ?

Started by vester, February 24, 2013, 10:15:19 AM

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Been having this problem for a while.

When I click on the s3d model, then click replace texture a pick the texture I get:

Have been able to get around before by reopen / open the Reader 1.3 but now....

No luck. Not sure if its a Win7, Reader or a problem with the plugin.....  ()sad()

Have attached the fsh file in question.



Updated / repaired the reader that solved it for now.
Still have the same problem with the old reader 9.3.


Maybe the plugin? I tried opening it in GIMP and saving it, then replacing the texture works just fine. Although the GIMP plugin is most likely the same as the PS one.



It works for me with the attached FSH file in Reader 0.93, Windows 7.

Perhaps, the Reader does not like the file path(?). Did you try to put it into another directory?


Updated the plug-in to the newest.

The old problem with the reader not being able to see/find the files is still showing once in a while, but is going away after 1-2 minutes after saving the fsh.

I can insert the fsh into the dat filesĀ“ in the reader, this is what is showing in the game:

If I reopen the fsh in FiSHMAN and save it again, then the textures shows up.

The files are save as DKT3 Compressed with alpha, with and without the FshWrite Compression.


Quote from: vester on March 09, 2013, 04:40:54 AM
Updated the plug-in to the newest.

The old problem with the reader not being able to see/find the files is still showing once in a while, but is going away after 1-2 minutes after saving the fsh.

If I reopen the fsh in FiSHMAN and save it again, then the textures shows up.

The files are save as DKT3 Compressed with alpha, with and without the FshWrite Compression.

Strange that fsh file looks valid to me, what version of Photoshop are you using?