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Cities in Motion

Started by danielra96, January 04, 2011, 04:48:43 PM

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Got another email   ;D

QuoteBrand new Cities in Motion website takes off!

Keep up to date with all the news and information for the ultimate public transport simulator

Paradox Interactive have today given the 'all cleared for take-off' signal for the official Cities in Motion website, the forthcoming mass transportation simulator developed by Colossal Order Ltd and releasing on PC on February 22nd.

The website can be found at:

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.



And another email

You can now pre-order from the website address in the above post, if you do then you get five bonus vehicles.

I must admit I don't recognise any of the vehicles, but hopefully some of you might think its worth the $19.95 USD to pre-order.

here's the list

QuoteBus: Jubilee Blim
The Jubilee Blim is the iconic minibus of the early 60's. It is compact, cozy and has a unique silhouette. Despite its cute look, the Jubilee Blim doesn't lag behind its competitors: its boasts a powerful engine and a well-built frame, making it fast and sturdy.

Tram: Livingstone Inauguration
The Livingstone Inauguration sports a modern braking and acceleration control system, making the tram easy to steer. However, the delicate devices also make the tram prone to malfunctions. All Livingstone trams are produced in Wakefield, England, and shipped all over the world.

Metro: Arnauld Porte
The French-built Arnauld Portes are well-known for their elegant rattan covered seats. They can carry large amounts of passengers and are very sturdy. These reliable metro trains first entered service in London in 1915 and soon became popular in continental
cities as well.

Boat: Tiergarten Ferry
The Tiergarten Ferry comes from Sweden and is built very sturdy. It is fairly slow due to mainly being used as a sightseeing boat, but the solid frame and well-designed coalheated steam engine make it a good vessel of choice for the backbone of the water transportation infrastructure.

The Skylark
The Skylark has its roots in the French military, but has also lately been modified for civilian use. It has a large canopy, allowing the passengers to enjoy the view while
travelling. The Skylark is very maneuverable due to its enhanced tail rotor and durable landing gear.

hopefully that's the last of the emails, if not I'll be back   :D
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Quote from: catty on February 09, 2011, 12:40:18 PM
...hopefully that's the last of the emails, if not I'll be back

Demo for 'Cities in Motion' released!

Wanted: city planner with vision to build the ultimate urban public transport system. Apply within.

Paradox Interactive and Colossal Order Ltd has today released a playable demo for their eagerly anticipated mass transportation simulator for the PC Cities in Motion, releasing on February 22nd. Containing the tutorial mode from the game, the Cities in Motion playable demo covers one in-game year and gives players a tantalizing taste of the fun and addictive gameplay they can expect from the full release.

The demo can be downloaded from


I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


I downloaded the demo, played the tutorial which was the only scenario available, and immediately after it I pre-purchased the game from Steam. ;D It just looked so great.

According to Steam, I should get it tomorrow including the free when pre-purchased DLC. Pretty cheap game too, only 19.99€. (~27$)

Looks like it even has got few fansites up already, too bad most of them aren't English/International.
Has it really been almost 2 years?
Must return. :)


Here's a free site to DL the demo from:

BigDownload [linkie]

Not that I'm against FilePlanet making money, but they are not the only game in town.

I'll look at this- what I said a while back stands, though.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Yeah, but the game play style is completely different. It comes off almost more like I want to say Simutrans meets Tycoon City then SimCity 4. It seems like my PC almost could handle it. The game does have enhanced HDR lighting, but when I initially installed the demo with that on, the game did not want to work, froze for the most part and crashed. However, turning that feature off, got it to work as normal, the previous posted pictures look like others had HDR off. Then there was the occasional grass just fading to black, otherwise it was something different. This was more of a problem solving strategy game then builder.


Has anyone bought the real game yet? I'm interested to hear how it is before I buy it :)


Quote from: danielra96 on April 06, 2011, 05:21:19 PM
Has anyone bought the real game yet? I'm interested to hear how it is before I buy it :)

I've now got the game on DVD, its a bit like playing Simutrans ... I'm finding its good for that spare half-a-hour were you want something to do, but don't want to get to involved in it.

It may change as they keep adding updates as well as being able to buy it for a MAC, there is now;

Cities in Motion (Main Game)
Cities in Motion: Tokyo (adds Tokyo City)
Cities in Motion: Metro Station (adds extra stations)
Cities in Motion: Design Now (adds more vehicles)
Cities in Motion: Design Marvels (adds more vehicles)
Cities in Motion: Design Classic (adds more vehicles)

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Hi guys

Just an update for those people who play with Cities in Motion, the company that makes it has been busy, along a new patch (there has been about six so far), there have been some new addon's for the game like this

JAN120005 by SC4D_CATTY, on Flickr

EDIT: Before I forget there are also fan sites with custom content available



I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.

[Delta ²k5]

Wow... that's great... I never thought that ther will be an exchange for this game... even I didn't know it's modable for now!
Even better... there is a Toronto map available... a friend of mine is there on a two month vacation atm. so I can also have a look $%Grinno$%


Hi [Delta ²k5]

If you take a wander over to my topic (see link in signature block) you will see I have been road testing Cities in Motion for the last month.

pictures taken in San Francisco (CIM In-Game City)

MAR120009 by SC4D_CATTY, on Flickr

MAR120011 by SC4D_CATTY, on Flickr

MAR120010 by SC4D_CATTY, on Flickr

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.

[Delta ²k5]


Quote from: [Delta ²k5] on March 04, 2012, 06:48:51 AM
Great review :thumbsup:

I found some more mods for this game:



Its a bit hit and miss with CIM Addons, so far only the ones I have mentioned over in my topic have worked as intended (there is a lot obviously that I haven't tried out and I could just be having bad luck picking them), some of its to do with CIM patches as the addon has been made for patch 20 and we are now up to 22 and some of its a community just getting started and still trying to work out what works and what doesn't.
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Its been announced at gamescon 2012 that there is to be a new Cities in Motion game estimated release is Q2 2013 and is to be called "Cities in Motion 2: The Modern Days". some of it sounds great

QuoteCities in Motion 2 is the sequel to the popular mass transit simulation game Cities in Motion. The Modern Days introduces new features, like multiplayer game modes, day and night cycle, timetables and dynamic cities. The player's actions in building the transportation network will affect how the city grows, with affordable transportation spawning middle class housing and work places, and more expensive and delicate choices bringing in demanding business people. Player has many different types of vehicles to choose from and now can also build roads with bus lanes. Tackling the rush hour by managing transportation timetables and meeting the needs of the citizens are one of the key elements of building a successful and efficient network!
The game will be available for both Windows and Mac OS. Estimated release is Q2 2013.


    Dynamic Cities: The city will change according to how you play.
    Day and night cycle.
    Timetables: Manage your fleet according to the rush-hours.
    Multiplayer: Competetive and Co-operative modes.
    Build dedicated bus lanes.

the "multiplayer game modes" not so great, just what is about gaming companies and this desire they have that we should all be playing together, It used to be that playing a game was a solitary experience and after a busy day it was great for de-stressing and now ...   :bomb:

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Having done this in the day job...it sounds great!

Timetabling is a bummer  :-\


I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


To me....this is Sim City 5.

I love the look of this! development may be sporadic but it just looks great! The realism appeals where by the network needs to adapt to change. Fantastic idea.... roll over 2012, I want it to be the release dare for CIM2 !!!   :)


Quote from: wallasey on August 20, 2012, 12:28:14 PM
To me....this is Sim City 5....

Colossal Order (CIM Creators) have started a topic over on the official forums asking people what they would change in CIM1 or what they would like to see in CIM2, and a couple of people have already asked if they can have disasters and U-Drive-It.

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Its been a while since anyone posted in the CIM1 topic, but rather than start a new topic for the upcoming CIM2 ...   ;D

Cities in Motion 2: The Modern Days

Cities in Motion 2 is the sequel to the popular mass transit simulation game Cities in Motion. The Modern Days introduces new features, like multiplayer game modes, day and night cycle, timetables and dynamic cities. The player's actions in building the transportation network will affect how the city grows, with affordable transportation spawning middle class housing and work places, and more expensive and delicate choices bringing in demanding business people. Player has many different types of vehicles to choose from and now can also build roads with bus lanes. Tackling the rush hour by managing transportation timetables and meeting the needs of the citizens are one of the key elements of building a successful and efficient network!

Closed beta testing started in December 2012.

The game will be available for both Windows and Mac OS. Estimated release is Q2 2013.


    Dynamic Cities: The city will change according to how you play.
    Day and night cycle.
    Timetables: Manage your fleet according to the rush-hours.
    Multiplayer: Competetive and Co-operative modes.
    Build dedicated bus lanes and bus/tram depots.
    Traffic light will allow smoother traffic flow. Possibility to add traffic lights in game.
    The game will use the Unity engine.
    Change ticket prices per route or globally, zoning system.
    Ability to zoom out to have a complete overview.
    Much bigger maps, sometimes even more than one city per map.
    More advanced and easy to use map editor.
    Pathways will be able to be built freely, and are not restricted to a grid system.
    It is now possible to build a single tram track.
    Random events: concerts and traffic accidents.
    Traffics lights are sensitive to traffic. If there are no pedestrians waiting, they operate a bit quicker.
    The game will include buses, trams, trolleybuses, waterbuses and metro.

Developer Diaries:

    Dev diary 1 = http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?648295-Cities-in-Motion-2-%96Big-changes!-%96-Developer-diary-1
    Dev diary 2 = http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?653263-Cities-in-Motion-2-%96-Basic-Vehicles-%96-Developer-diary-2&p=14760858
    Dev Diary 3 = http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?655125-Cities-in-Motion-2-%96-Planning-the-levels-%96-Developer-diary-3
    Dev Diary 4 = http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?657222-Cities-in-Motion-2-%96-More-Vehicles-%96-Developer-diary-4
    Dev diary 5 = http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?659967-Cities-in-Motion-2-%96-Making-the-levels-%96-Developer-diary-5&p=14907120

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Quote from: catty on January 22, 2013, 10:24:11 AM

    The game will include buses, trams, trolleybuses, waterbuses and metro.

That it? No heavy rail/commuter rail?
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)