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Plain tarmac instead of a building?

Started by shyamsweth, March 04, 2012, 08:41:15 PM

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Edit 3/16 - Moved this modular airport question into its own thread (it was originally in the functional prefab forum)  -V


After having tried the various pre-fab airports in the pack I thought i would construct a custom terminal and airport only to find that the terminal/gate buildings represented by 3 buttons (straight, right and left corner) in the airport menu show a plain tarmac instead of a building when plopped. I have checked and have got all dependencies. Any clue anyone as to why this is happening?
P.S: I have all my files data packed using DataPacker 2008



Hi shyamsweth,
I can think of several things that may cause this. To narrow down the possibilities, I need to know exactly which terminal pieces, would you please write the names given in the menu?

Also, it would be helpful to know what happens when you query the blank lots: does it make the (normal) airplane sound effect, and what statistics are in the query box?

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Hi Voltaire

I think the pieces are named as "Gateway Boundary, Gateway Boundary-Left Corner and Gateway Boundary-Right Corner."They have a plop cost of $300. They menu icons generally appear above the various airline/aircraft specific gates.


Quote from: Voltaire on March 05, 2012, 05:46:12 AM
Also, it would be helpful to know what happens when you query the blank lots: does it make the (normal) airplane sound effect, and what statistics are in the query box?

The query sound effect is that of the Maxis airport with details stating "Gateway Boundary"  "Monthly Cost" is the only statistic visible


Thanks for the info shayamsweth!

Based on the name and query, the pieces are from ACB-VLT Series 2 (Boeing 737 gates). Those lots do not contain buildings, only textures; they are used to mark areas where service vehicles can park safely.

This photo shows the normal appearance of the lots, separate and assembled:

S2gbmark by BSCVoltaire, on Flickr

If you're seeing simple white lines on asphalt, everything is working normally  :thumbsup:

Ace's modular terminals are much farther down the menu, scroll down past all the aircraft gates to find them.

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The finest SimCity Aviation LOTs BATs and MODs


Thank You very much Voltaire. Will let you know if it works!



I seem to be having a problem finding these modular Terminals. They are absent in my airport menu (I scrolled all the way to the end of the airline gates). Am I missing something ?
Never mind I found you need ACB-VLT Terminals and Jets Series 1 for these modular terminals.