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Started by wouanagaine, December 15, 2006, 12:24:46 AM

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I'm sorry, it just seems many have asked and there is no answer. Remove my posts and I'll just quietly disappear. My apologies to those whom I've offended.
Where ever you go, there you are.


Ok 3rd time changing my post :P

@Dublin:  It looks like it was linked to on the second page of this thread.

edit #4 & it should be the last :D

Not sure why, but it does get stuck here.  The output.html is also full of errors.

Here is the first few lines:

WARNING : 0x6534284A-0x4F54A5B2-0x50B04878 in SimCity 4\Plugins\European car new instances1\ms family multi euro mod ad-on low wealth.dat is defined twice
WARNING : 0x6534284A-0xC977C536-0x00350001 in SimCity 4\Plugins\Plugins Compressed\BSC.dat will replace the one defined in SimCity 4\Plugins\BSC\Custody\Marrast\Marrast Canal Overpasses\props-for-mega-station.dat
WARNING : 0x6534284A-0xC977C536-0x00350003 in SimCity 4\Plugins\Plugins Compressed\BSC.dat will replace the one defined in SimCity 4\Plugins\BSC\Custody\Marrast\Marrast Canal Overpasses\props-for-mega-station.dat
WARNING : 0x6534284A-0xD2C27F89-0xF31E5ED5 in SimCity 4\Plugins\Plugins Compressed\CAM.dat will replace the one defined in SimCity 4\Plugins\Plugins Compressed\BSC.dat
WARNING : 0x856DDBAC-0xEBDD10A4-0xF31E611E in SimCity 4\Plugins\Plugins Compressed\CAM.dat will replace the one defined in SimCity 4\Plugins\Plugins Compressed\BSC.dat

My hunch is that this isn't working correctly because I used your dat packer. 


There is a xml generated by SC4LIG in its installation folder
using a descent text editor ( ie not notepad ) you may try to open it and locate something wrong in it around line 11079
Sometimes it is a xml reserved character that is not correctly replaced ( like a é & < > etc... ) in a name of a building.
I thought I get thru all of them, but obviously not

This is not related to DP anyway

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren ♦ emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley
M4346 ♦ moganite ♦ Papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Thought so, I'll take a look at it, and try to report any results.  Thanks!! :thumbsup:


Pretty nifty tool   :thumbsup:

I had the same issue, but like over a thousand warnings.   My plugins folder is 4+ G's.  My game had been working, but as of late (like in the past six months) started to freeze, CTD, BSOD, etc. on a pretty regular and repeatable basis.

Anyway, did some preliminary investigation -started with the first two files that it gave me a warning about: BSC MEGA Props - Misc Vol02.dat & BSC Mega Props - JES Vol01.dat.  So I opened them both up in SFBT's SC4Tool and low and behold, a bunch of props are duplicated in both (43 to be exact)...  :o  am off to post in those respective threads to find out what gives.

...no wonder my game has been freezing up lately -have over a thousand duplicate items I now need to sort out...   :'(

And yes, I follow the BSC Cleanitol files religiously...  ;)


Hi wouanagaine,

If you can find time to re-upload this program, I would be most grateful, as the links provided in this thread are all dead.


My name is Thomas...


Is this still available anywhere? every place links does not have files there, and none of the EX seem to have it.


Quote from: Knosith on November 19, 2009, 06:17:04 PM
Is this still available anywhere? every place links does not have files there, and none of the EX seem to have it.

Yes, the link in the first post is now once again a functional one. :)



Thank you for this tool...the info it provides is invaluable!

I know I'm a bit behind the times with SC4, but what would be the best/easiest/quickest way to sort out my duplicate files? Like a previous poster I have a ton of "this file will replace the one defined in....." I'm assuming that does mean it's a duplicate and it seems to occur with most of the mega prop packs. I guess it's not surprising that when a new volume was released it would have included props that were in a previous mega pack. I'm pretty sure I ran all the Cleanitol files before I installed them, but now I wonder if I did!



Hey!  Just wanted to add my vote to the pool of "this tool is cool" stuff.  Nice work, this really helps when determining if I downloaded something but forgot to actually install it.

Quote from: Panda_Power on May 18, 2010, 09:07:17 AM

Thank you for this tool...the info it provides is invaluable!

I know I'm a bit behind the times with SC4, but what would be the best/easiest/quickest way to sort out my duplicate files? Like a previous poster I have a ton of "this file will replace the one defined in....." I'm assuming that does mean it's a duplicate and it seems to occur with most of the mega prop packs. I guess it's not surprising that when a new volume was released it would have included props that were in a previous mega pack. I'm pretty sure I ran all the Cleanitol files before I installed them, but now I wonder if I did!


Panda, I think the SC4DatPacker will eliminate duplicates in its packed DATs

NOTE:  If the above post is just one sentence about some inconsistency, bug, or broken link, don't be offended.  I'm posting the info because I assumed it was some minor oversight and want to help you fix it, or I want the information to be available to others who are doing a search for the same problem.  Once the issue is resolved, moderators are encouraged to delete my post.




this thread looks dead like the "NHP Support Thread" over at ST, but I just give it a try. Obvoiously I'm the only one who cannot get that program to work. I tought I would just need to rename the "templatesFull.py" file into "templates.py" and then run the LotInfoGenerator, but all I end up with is a folder full of images and a html file with only the headers, but no detailed information or even a name, image in it ...

Here are the results in detail:
A file called "output.html" containing tons of this:
WARNING : 0x6534284A-0xC977C536-0xC630014B in SC4 Stuff\Has been compressed\Props1\Gizmo\Vehicle Props v4.0\Vehicle Props v4.0.dat is defined twice
INFO : building IID 0xB480011C ( 0x6534284A-0xB263C71D-0xB480011C in SC4 Stuff\Has been compressed\Props1\NDEX Glenni\NDEX Glenni MEGA Props Vol01.dat ) was added to the familly 0xA3800038
INFO : building IID 0x34782CC8 ( 0x6534284A-0xB263C71D-0x34782CC8 in SC4 Stuff\Has been compressed\Props1\NDEX Glenni\NDEX Glenni MEGA Props Vol01.dat ) was added to the familly 0xBC000058

A file named "lotInfos.html":
Plopables Rail
Plopables Misc
Plopables Airport
Plopables Seaport
Plopables Power
Plopables Water
Plopables Landfill
Plopables Police

So what am I doing wrong?

Edit: On a second thought, it might have been that I was just to tired yesterday ... it came to my mindt that I'm probably using the wrong tool. What I want is to get an overview of the content of the prop packs that I have already downloaded, since I'm searching for some specific content. But judging by this tool's name, it won't deliver any information on the content of a prop pack, will it? SInce there are no Lots included in a prop pack ...?
If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

Visit my BAT thread: Slow BAT steady - Rady's first BAT attemtps



is this tool still available?  None of the links  are active in this discussion.


Sorry it looks like its no longer possible to access any file on fileden, you get shifted over to a new site when you try

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Awwwwwe, SimRats!  And just when I was getting into editing and trying my hand at making a custom lot or two