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Ol.S / Benoit Lot Factory - City & Farm Props / Lots

Started by Ol.S / Benoit, October 02, 2011, 02:29:36 AM

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Ol.S / Benoit

City Props - Lots (Page 2)

Farm Props - Lots (Page 2)

Med Farms (Page 1)

Med Marina (Page 1)

LOTs North Africa (Amazraou update)

Med Town (Presuntuoso & Encerrado updates)

Med plazas (Page 1)

The idea of this topic is to show you my work, my creations, that you'll probably also see in my MD
Do not esitate to comment and criticize it !
Finally, if something interest you, I'll be glad to share it ! (Well I guess I can no ?)
MD : Click on picture

Ol.S / Benoit


Here is the first part of a marina-style kit with a méditerranean atmosphere : Med Marina
I know it's far from being perfect, so feel free to comment and help me to improve it !
Special thanks to all the guys who created the props & flora I used here :) Mostly Mbear, csx and VIP team work I think  ;)

First question : Why do CAL boats are in a different spot ingame that I puted them in the LE ? I've seen that their is 3 props for each boat. First prop must be on the LOT so I c'ant use it here, second and third props appear in front of the docks in the LE, and somewhere else ingame, and I need help here !
MD : Click on picture


I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Great lots Benoit!  &apls  I look forward to seeing them in Spain Inspirations.

I've never used Cal boats in LE and I also don't understand what causes things to look different between LE and game, though offset-rendered props always seem to be present when trouble comes.

Perhaps if you keep experimenting with placement of the cal boat props in LE you'll get it. Otherwise you may have to work with non-offset-rendered boats. But hopefully someone else can offer more help than I  ;D

Ol.S / Benoit

Thanks guys :)

Yeah I guess it's possible to imagine where the boats will plop ingame, as it's not randomly done !
But it's a bit complicated, and I think I really can't in a small LOT, they are going very far from it ingame ! Also, if I have to work with non-offset-rendered boats, it implies land & water LOT, making transparent texture etc etc... Not good ! Well I guess I'll just not use them :)
MD : Click on picture


the lots look good.  if you want, you can try these plop boats so you dont need to worry where they are placed on your lots.  i dont think all of the boats you use are in the file but there are some sailboats.


some people props might add some life as well, search the lot editor for 'amill'.  i look forward to seeing more of your work!


That are some fantastic lots there! Great work on them!!! :thumbsup:

Ol.S / Benoit

jmdude1 : Thanks, thoose sailboats are nice, and I think I'll make my own plappable with other CAL boats :) I forgot people props on most of theese LOTs your right...

bat : Thanks :)
MD : Click on picture


 The LOTs look fantastic.  &apls I'm sure a lot of members will find these very usefull as I know there aren't very many LOTs done in this style.

Cal's boats come in three styles if I remember correctly.  One normal prop, one short offset and one long offset.  They are most likely labeled appropriately, knowing Cal.

When making LOTs try to remember how they will all work together or how others may use them, if you plan on going public.  I say this because, unless you plan to put a road/street down the middle, I see no way for the cars to get from LOT to LOT.  Right now the land you have there is four tiles wide, you would need 5 wide, two tiles on each side for the LOTs and one tile for the transportation.
Try to remember to add some alley ways between buildings/LOTs, for vehicle access to the docks.  I would suggest adding more life/Sims and some action props.
Are you creating these LOTs with PIM-X?  If not, you'll find it on the LEX, it's a great tool for properly modding LOTs.  You drag your model in to the appropriate spot, whether landmark or park, etc and the program will do the rest for you.  This would be the easiest way to eventually see your work on the LEX.

Just my two cents,
Robin &apls
Call me Robin, please.

Ol.S / Benoit

Thanks Robin :)

QuoteCal's boats come in three styles if I remember correctly.  One normal prop, one short offset and one long offset.
Yes indeed, but the two offset props are not in the same spot in the LE and ingame, they plop 46m and 113m from it if I remember well. Of curse you can use them but in small LOTs like in this set, there is no way that they appear just in front of the docks ingame, I tryed several times.

Quote...if you plan on going public.
This will probably go public, but not now. However I can send the pack to anyone by mail as i don't have to make a readme or list the dependancies. (Or just a quick one)

QuoteWhen making LOTs try to remember how they will all work together or how others may use them
These lots work quite well together, I thaught about that. You do realise that for each picture the same lot is plopped 2 times ? And if their is no room between the 2 LOTs here, this is just to show them, no more, do not pay attention for the four tiles. Of curse you can drag a road/street next to it.

Here is an example with some of them (23 LOTs for the entire set, with everything you need :) ) :

I also have some action props on the second part of the set, and ok for the sims/life, duly noted, just forgot.

QuoteAre you creating these LOTs with PIM-X?
Not yet, but when I'll upload the set for public share, I will use it and make sure the set is easy to use :) . Now the LOTs are just landmarks with water & power needs, and environment bonus.
MD : Click on picture


Fantastic lotting!  &apls

Will this be for release?

Ol.S / Benoit

Evillions8 : Thanks :) Well I don't think this will be released as this is really freestyle lotting... I don't have much time to release them and the main point is that there will be a bit to much dependancies for many people and I can already see the nice comments about that  :D
But, as I said before, if you want them you PM me your email adress and I'll send them to you, with the informations you need.
BTW sorry for the late answer.

Here is a new freestyle lotting set, med style plazas and a med farm.
Nothing very impressive, just a quick LE work






6 - Med Farm - Ranch Style

MD : Click on picture


Hi Benoit,
first class work with the LE, really beautiful lots!  &apls
I´ll look in here again to steal Your ideas although i´m not planning any Mediterranean setting.  ;)
Greetz, Carl


Very nice lots. Are you going to release the marina kit? It looks very interesting and I would like to play with it :)
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


Hi Benoit,

Did you solve the problem of the boats that appeared differently in LE than in Game?
I don't know CAL's props, but if he has made the offset by using the RKT4 property I know the explanation.
I have been fooling around with RKT4 properties. With these you can offset a model from its prop. I just found out that LotEditor shows them in a wrong offset!
Take a look here where I explained it. It's really confusing. The only solution is: don't use LE, use SC4-Pim.

Nice lots by the way!

Ol.S / Benoit

eufl : Thanks Carl :)
Terring7 : Thanks. Maybe I will release them if I can find a bit more time but not know :)
FrankU : Nope, actually I didn't try to solve it since last time :) I guess I understand the idea and maybe If I have some time I'll look closer to that. Thanks for the tip :)
MD : Click on picture


You have hidden talents, excellent lots Benoit, will be very interesting for my MD !!  ;D


I have a Mediterranean MD, nowhere near the same league as yours mind, and I must say that any of these lots would be highly sought-after by Mediterranean CJers everywhere. They are truly magnificent and I really do hope you continue the great work and release them eventually because there is a shortage of Mediterranean lots like these.

Ol.S / Benoit

Thanks a lot for your comments guys :)
Some of you asked for my LOTs and I'll be glad to share theme, so here is the download link :


You will find in the ZIP file all the LOTs I used for Presuntuoso, Encerrado, Amazraou & Chiesa Nuova. You can check the updates then you know what you will find in it !

There are 93 files sorted in different folders then you can pick what you want/need. Remember that this is freestyle lotting, then somtimes this is not so good...
I checked with the reader and for some of them there are quite some dependancies, you are informed !

All the LOTs are in the park & landmark menus. I initially worked with the "Piazza Barbina" from Mbear & the "Alexander Column" from Odainsaker, don't ask why, I have no idea !

Next time, I'll give you the LOTs I used for "El Paraiso"

Happy new year ! :)




Chiesa Nuova

Chiesa Nuova


MD : Click on picture


Thank you very much for releasing the lots - they all look fantastic and I can't wait to start using them. That's made my New Year!  :D