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Started by nedalezz, August 16, 2011, 12:00:35 PM

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Nemanjanv, I'll go for that. Sorry, it's been a busy week.


I'm happy you accepted the partnership. But there are some changes.
1. I have 1x1 land parcel just on the corner of Edward-Ezamsi-str and Jalmi Lane (Adela will give it to me). It's just behind the Royal Estate.
2. I forgot about income tax. SO you would actually earn around $11.200 for the first 10 turns and around $6100 after I pay back the loan to you
3. The deal is a bit worse, but I will soon advance in Education and will earn a markup bonus, so we'll get back in track ;)

I suggest this partnership works like this.
1. Because I don't have enough funds, DAVIS will pay for the construction (50.000) and 50.000 + 2.500 (duty tax) for luxuries. So he is actually loaning me $51.750. And we become equal shareholders
2. Since I am a trader, he would have to land me $25.000 per turn to buy goods. The other $25.000 will be covered by me! So TOTAL of $50.000 always (This needs to be automated!). Expected income on 50.000+2.500 for duty tax is: $70.000.  We need to subtract income tax, so it's $ 66.500
3. Our Showroom will be on Adella's 1x1 lot on the corner of Edward-ezamsi-str and Jalmi Lane 1.
4. We share expenses, so half will go to him. (I suggest description: in business expenses: "Partnership expenses" and sum maintenance and utilities in one cell for Davis). Expenses for this business are $900 ($450 each). I WILL WORK IN THIS SHOWROOM
5. I start repaying loan the first turn our new Company sales (Not while constructing). And from that turn I pay him $5.175 for 10 turns.
- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



Right, let me see if I got all the details down:

Partnership Capital: $102,500 ($50,000 towards 1x1 Showroom construction, $52,500 towards products + tax.) All $102,500 to be paid initially by Davis.

Expenses: $600 General + $300 Utilities. ($450 each.)

Nemanja will return $5,125 over 10 turns to Davis.

What is the name of the company? And what type of luxury products will you be importing :)


Yes, that's right.

As for the company info I'm not yet sure, haven't discussed it with DAVIS yet.
My suggestions are:
1. "Oceanic delikates" - a restaurant that offers rare fish from Davis' fishery business (I'm not sure if restaurants are also showroom type)
2. "WD software" - sell software services to Rawa'ans
- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



Sounds good to me. For the name, I would like to humbly suggest "Smells Fishy Fish Market/Tourist Trap"


Ok, but I just remembered that showcases sell mostly products that are imported or produced in Dunya Island. These products can't be necessities (and fish is a necessity). i guess we'll have to think of something else... &cry2
Any ideas?

- And my suggestions are also OFF the board. because showcase is neither a restaurant, nor an office that does services.
So we have to think of a product that we are going to sell, and according to it, a name.

- Tourist trap is also more of a service, than a product if I understand well.
- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



This brings up an important subject that I wanted to figure out how best to solve.

Basically, Dunya is now producing a decent amount of Fruits/Vegetables and Fish/Meat. This has to be reflected onto the local market somehow, driving down Life Necessity costs, at least a little bit.

What do you guys think the best way to go about this is?


Oh, and the subject of services - those require an OFFICE, not a SHOWROOM :) An Office can be bought in an office building, or have a building of offices.


The Verdi land (50 plots - $60,000) is still up for sale, but if no one decides to buy it by Turn 16, the government will reacquire it from them!


For all you farmers, just realized I forgot to add the Tractor Maintenance expense! Its $500 per turn :)


I think you should re-check tractor's benefits. Or let me help you with that:

Tractor contributes 3% of YIELD and is required for every 10.000 sqm, so
10.000 * 0.03 = $300, then your margin is +20%, meaning
300 * 1.2 = $360

So a tractor contributes $360 and costs $500 to maintain,
Hence tractor is contributing $-140 ()sad()

Please think twice about that maintenance/tractor
- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



Yes, you are right - significant oversight there :) Tractor's will not have any maintenance!


Adella wishes to restructure her business from sole proprietorship to CORPORATION and issue $150.000 common shares! New name: "WAgro Corp."
***This is the plan:

- Adella invests $25.000
- Adella Places 12.500 sq meters of land and a tractor to newly founded corporation (another $150.000 worth)
- We need a farmer as we don't want to waste money, so TYRONE HARVEY, please join the corporation with your $25.000. (You will get huge privileged bonuses). Of course you can attach your farms and receive more shares.
- Adella also invites Jordan Jordan with his $25.000 and Dave Davis with his $25.000 (or $50.000 or any other amount)
- We need another $25.000, so whoever wishes to join is very welcome
- With newly $100.000 we buy another 10.000 sqm and a tractor (I hope this offer still stands)

***With these settings:
- Adella would own 58% ($175.00)
- Dave, Tyrone and Jordan - if they invest $25.000 each (8.3% each)
- Still available ($50.000 or 16.6%)
TOTAL: $300.000

- Tyrone Harvey would be a farm manager and receive additional double GDP salary. Because of him we won't have to pay for additional expenses, so a big bonus is worthy.

- Actually, I hope even more of you join with any amount you want. Your share is calculated like this: ("your investment" * 100)/ "Common stock of corp." And you receive dividend at the beginning of each turn. the best thing is you don't really have expenses on this ;).
- So what do you think?

- Adella is investing $25.000 and 12.500 sqm+tractor (total 175.000). Corporation is issuing 150.000 shares (Adella immediately buys 25.000)! We are buying another tractor + 10.000sqm for 100.000 and will discuss about the rest together. Anyone is invited. TYRONE HARVEY is REQUIRED!!!

- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



vivapanda, I already have a proposal for you.
Adella is making a farming corporation. We already have 12.500 sq meters of land. The firm is currently issuing shares. Would you like to buy shares and receive dividends. I NEED a farmer and if TYRONE HARVEY doesn't join the corp, you would receive dividends + a double average salary, as you would be a CEO.
Check the above proposal. Feel free to ask anything...

- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



That seems interesting!
But this does count like a farmersjob doesn' it?
I believe I have $20.000 at the start?
I'm looking forward to here more!


Welcome vivapanda. As a farmer, you will need to invest your $20,000 in farmland! Luckily for you, the government is currently undergoing an initiative where it will provide farmland for 75% of the original price - the only catch is that the land will be given to you according to the government - in other words, you wouldn't be choosing it. Does that interest you?


Nedalezz, can Vivapanda join Adella's corporation? Buy shares (She's in process of issuing $150.000). Please read my CORPORATION PROPOSAL.

If he could he would be farm manager (CEO) and receive dividend + double salary?

I hope he would even take loan to buy shares, so we could build bigger farms and earn more money, but that's up to him.

That would also mean that our new corporation doesn't have to pay for so many caretakers, as he is a FARMER and CORPORATION is giving him a double salary bonus.

And everyone who wishes to participate, please join the FIRST corp in DUNYA. 
- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



I'm in if it's still possible!
I don't really get how it goes with taking loans but I hope you can explain it to me.


Ofcourse you can join! I was actually just waiting to see if you would take Nemanja up on his offer and decide to do your own thing!

Basically, if you want to go at it solo, each plot will return you $200. Starting with $20,000, you can acquire a 8x8 plot for $16,000! Thats $500 a plot, and in return, you turn the land into farm land.

If you would like to join Nemanja's corporation, he can explain the details to you!


Hi Vivapanda, I am very glad you are considering to join.

As I explained I wish to open up a corporation as I think it will be a nice touch to this PROJECT. I need you because I (actually I am writing in Adella's name) am not a farmer and thus, I pay extra fees for it. If you joined me I wouldn't suffer any penalties. That is exactly why I am offering you dividend + double average salary. This means that you would do better in my corporation by the exact amount of double salary.

So let's say you invest $25.000 or any other sum of money. We would invest it in as much land as you would get otherwise (but our productivity will at start be greater as Adella's education is higher than yours). You would get dividend at the and of every year according to the amount of shares that you bought. And on top of it you would receive additional $5.140 as you are the CEO of Corporation. When you rich Education level 1 that salary will be doubled. I thing my offer is generous, right? So, are you in? If you accept I will calculate exactly how much you will profit in the next turn.

Please let me know if you accept and how many shares would you like to buy (how much money will you invest). Don't forget that you can take a Long-term loan up to $100.000. Of course it's not required, just a suggestion. For me the most important thing is that we cooperate.

Anybody else who wishes to join the corp is welcome. We are issuing $125.000 worth of shares.
- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project
