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BSC - VIP team - Girafe's skills on the BAT

Started by Girafe, July 22, 2009, 01:58:11 PM

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Quote from: Girafe on August 03, 2011, 07:58:11 AM

I did some research concerning the larches, and finally I came up to the fact that they are quite good even if I am not so dense that previous pine sets.

This picture of a famous area in France, where larches are very common convinced me.


After having spent some time trying to convince you that they were perfect and even the most fine creation ever made for
SC4 flora , I'm more than glad to read this !!!  ;D Can't wait to get my hands on them ( once their automnal livery will be done  :P ) ... and these cattails ( Sorry for Ben/Air6  ::) )  are to die for as well !!!  :o

&apls &apls &apls


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Girafe, this really looks fantastic. Keep it up!


I am so glad you have decided to continue with these. I absolutely love your flora  :satisfied:


Thanks all for you nice comments.

Lenin's mausoleum will be available soon in the LEX (I hope ^^).

The cattails will follow.

Many thanks to Carl for spending time to mod them  ;)

I let flora a little bit (larches autumn's version will be a nightmare to develop and bushes are for later).

I decided to work again on one of my first project in Gmax which was really not a success but now I feel I am more "skilly" even if I didn't think it was so difficult...

Nothing is definitive.

I tried to reproduce particles array adviced by Simfox, result is not the same ^^ I think it's due to the materials (I applied a multi-material) on the particles (faces) but the color render is not good for time.

I have to compare differencies between particles array and what scatter option gives.

I try to do my best regarding the glass and I have to admit that it's surely a weak point. I tried to collect the more informations possible on this subject but what a pity nobody attached a .mat for a starting point.

The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Excellent start with the Tour Gan! &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Hello, I was just lurking around your thread here and wanted to say how amazed I am at your work, a friend turned me on to your trees recently which naturally led me here.  I also wondered if I might ask a bit of an unrelated question.

While eyeing your work I couldn't help but notice your terrain/rock mod.  It looks to me to be your teams pyrenean terrain mod mixed with one of Ennedi's rock mods if I'm not mistaken.  Except for this:

I was hoping you might let me in on what mod you are using to obtain that broken rock effect?  Thanks in advance.

p.s. Do complete that Jacaranda tree please, I have a particular affinity for that species (actually I just completed my first MMP of the CSX version using your Birches as a guide), and another version at the caliber of your trees would be fantastic.  Cheers!


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The French site for strategic simulation in real time, member of French associative network Jeux-Stratégie.com
My BAT for SC4
ToutSimCitiesFrench site for SC4.


Great job my friend  &apls &apls I love that building, It's a very realistic job !

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Can't wait for Lenin's mausoleum also as the GAN tower!
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


I can't wait for those bushes to get released! They would really go well in my riverbed that I'm producing right now.


Cool! I just love paris  ;) includign la defense.


It's been a while I've post any comment, here, I don't know why, it's absolutely unpardonable my dear guinea fowl  :(

So good to see you re-motivated, a lot of good news,  especially those larches...and the bushes, argh, I will die, I cant' wait them, they look like the maquis corse... stunning work : trees, mausoleum, building tower, all is perfection, you're a great artist, nothing more to say...

&apls &apls &apls

Yann  :thumbsup:


Though I only started learning French:
C'est tres bien!  &apls
good job!


Thanks for your nice comments  :)


hehe, a promising start however the language of Moliere is so difficult ^^


I already though about you and all people who are interested in mediterranean landscapes. Kind of "garrigue" is clearly feasible. Most complex thing regarding this flora is how to mix nicely different bushes.
I went further and did some researches concerning mediterranean pines and especially pinus pinea. Nothing concrete for time...


Regarding these textures, as already said in pm, they are in the PTM, and appear in the altitude before eternal snow.


A little bit of flora this last week.
I did lot of color researches:

- cattails.
We came to the fact with Carl that 3 seasons were too much so we will have summer / rest (autumn + winter). I dessaturated the winter season (too red).

- bushes.
I did winter props and finalized autumn version. I will send them to Carl's modding factory ^^
Before releasing them I want to be sure about the dimensions so Badsim will play a little bit with them.

- larches.
No good news, really complex to explain

Flora rendering:
For people interested in, the problem comes from the fact that there are 2 ways for modelling leaves:
- model or use alpha map.

This difference has a lot of impact during the renders especially time and colors.
To be quick, leaves with alpha maps are darker and saturated than fully modeled leaves. Moreover render timings are much much longer with this method.

For this I advice you to always have "modeled" leaves. For leafed trees it's an easy job but concerning pines it's harder.

Where I am with the different sets:

I came back to an old project too and apply what I recently learned.

I found in our dropbox a former tree model of my guinea fowl. He didn't know that spreading flora in the Girafe's environment was dangerous  :P

Could be later a set  ::):
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


That's excellent my friend!! &apls But... what can I see on the right of the first pic? :P Cereal fields??

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Excellent work the the floras also as the chalet!
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Hello Antoine ,  :)

Bonne nouvelle pour moi mais mauvaise en ce qui concerne notre collaboration : la radiographie du 22 Août a révélé une évolution favorable , du coup je suis ressorti sans l'attelle mais avec une " chaussure  de Barouk " permettant de marcher en reportant tout le poids du corps sur le talon ... j'ai repris le travail à plein-temps depuis 2 jours ( bien que ça m'ait été déconseillé ) , tant dans mon intérêt ( remboursement sécu à 66 % du salaire , tu voies ce que je veux dire ....) que celui de l'entreprise . Je serre un peu les dents mais tant pis . Plus beaucoup de temps libre à nouveau avant fin Septembre donc . La suite en Anglais ...

Quote from: Girafe on August 24, 2011, 10:22:49 AM

- bushes.
I did winter props and finalized autumn version. I will send them to Carl's modding factory ^^
Before releasing them I want to be sure about the dimensions so Badsim will play a little bit with them.

Exclusively here ( I can't think about a better place ! ) the latest picture from Champclause ... with your seasonal oaks , maples , pines and yes , indeed , I need almost desperately these seasonal bushes to replace everywhere these resized but non-seasonal Caya(s) Tomentosa(s) from Jeroni  before to go further . As explained in french , once again I'll be very busy untill the end of September , but to test these bushes will be my priority . At the first look ( with wheat props next to them ) their size is looking good  ... and the autumnal pallet is fabulous .  &apls

On a side note , David ( Dedgren )  has said a few days ago - David's posts are always a must to read  - that MDers reputation is generally  undervalued , I can't say that's wrong but considering my own reputation almost exclusively due to my MD AntigOne , I think that BATers too deserve more reputation notably with essential work like your about  SC4 flora . One K-point has been requested by me here ( by PM to Joan ...) .

Oh , and I'm already thinking about a striking place for that other jewel your chalet is . ;D


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Fabulous WORK Girafe!!  &apls  &apls
And splendid picture Badsim  :thumbsup:
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