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The empire of gardarian, Update VIII (23rd December 2011)

Started by Adetsaj, June 19, 2011, 08:49:32 PM

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orchid22 : Thank you :)

RickD : Thank you :)

art128 : Thank you, thanks for your advise :)

peter007 : Thank you :)

Tomas Neto : Thank you :)

wallasey : Thank you, Glad you like it :)

Reikhardt : Thank you, and of course i got the inspiration from yours :)

ccecill : Thank you :) , You can find the building in here

Sorry the updates will come sooner, Maybe tomorrow :)

The Beautiful empire, of Gardarian
And call me Daniel


Simply amazing region you have there. It's beautiful. One thing I really love about your city is the parks and the trees in them. It really reminds me of some real life places. :)

If I could be a bother, do you know what lawn texture is used on this building? Maybe just the building link and I could figure it out myself? Hope it's not to much to ask.




marsh : Thank you, The building is a part of caliban lots BSC it's called Radcliffe camera you can find it at here

The Wetsonstadt int'l airport

It's time to Update! Today i'll show you the Wetsonstadt International airport, let's begin

The city of Letson (airport city)

That's it for now, Hope enjoyed it :)

The Beautiful empire, of Gardarian
And call me Daniel


Very  clean airport, I like how simple it is. Maybe you should try to add more variety in the planes livery. The city of Letson also look very good with a nice central plaza between the buildings. ;)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog

Tomas Neto

Wow..., amazing city and airport, too!!! Fantastic update!!!   &apls &apls


Great looking Airport! Enjoyed looking at it!

The adjoining city complements the airport well.


Not an airport fan myself (too much concrete!) but I love what you've done with yours  :thumbsup:


L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Some wonderful pictures there! Great rural area and fantastic looking airport!
Looking forward to more...


Great airport, I like the control tower...You did a great job  &apls


                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


Great looking airport....but why does the one way road in front of the airport go both ways?  Other than that, I really like the parking buildings with the plaza in between. 
Great work!

Call me Robin, please.


Very nice airport, though I like the city next to it even more  :thumbsup:



R  E  P  L  I  E  S

art128 : Thank you for your advise Arthur and thanks for your comment  :)

Tomas Neto : Thank you very much  :)

wallasey : Thanks for your comment, bud  :)

Reikhardt : Thank you although you dislike it a little bit  :)

Sciurus : Thank you for your comment :)

bat : Thank you :)

kelis : Thank you glad you like it  :)

rooker1 : Thanks, and sorry my bad, I forgot to delete the starter piece  ;D

noahclem : Thank you, glad you like it  :)

976 : Thank you gan, makasih gan  ;D

ricardomiranda : Thank you for your comment  :)

Update 6 : Rural side of wetson (20th August 2011)

OK time for update, Now let's move to rural side of wetson

first the interchange near the town center

well,.. That's it for now, hope you like it

The Beautiful empire, of Gardarian
And call me Daniel



Have you entered the 9th pic to a image contest?? That is impaccably amazing! You should be very proud of that view. The forest, farms, hills and rocks are perfect!


On the pictures with the little lake, not sure if a bridge is the best way... I think a round passing by the lake would be better! but overall excellent work, interchanges and suburban area are looking great!
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog

Tomas Neto


kawasan luar kotanya  bagus! Nice work!
kl bisa donlot mod buat perkebunanya biar lebih variatif ga cuma maxis smua.