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Started by nedalezz, July 27, 2011, 03:11:31 AM

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Hey! I have decided instead of naming everyone's houses while they still live in the government shacks, I will only list residences once the player lives on his own property. Its too hard keeping track of it otherwise :(


There has been interest by players in setting up businesses outside of their chosen profession lately, so I thought it might be time to set some guidelines for it!

There is no limit on how many businesses one can own, but if a business is to be set up outside of the character's chosen profession, I figure there has got to be some sort of extra expenses.

Exlay357 has expressed interest in starting up a farm on his land, and setting up a Market Stall, meaning he would be entering the businesses of both Farming and Trading. For Farming, I wanted to make the maintenance of each plot of farmland $20 per plot per turn for a Farmer, and $40 per plot per turn for a non farmer starting up a farm, as well as any farm over 5x5 (or 2,500 sq. meters) plots would need an employee caretaker as well (by current GDP, its $2,100 a turn.) A farmer wouldn't need a caretaker unless he owns more than one farm and the other farms are larger than 10x10 (10,000 sq. meters) plots.

As for trading, if it is not a character's main profession, I wanted to apply the same principle in terms of employing caretakers. For a Trader, for any showroom under 500 sq. meters, the Trader would not need to employ an caretakers, but for any for an non-Trader, he would require 1 caretaker for showrooms under 500 sq. meters.

For showrooms or stores over 500 sq. meters, for Trader, they would need 1 employee for every 500 sq. meters. For a non-trader, they would need 50% more employees than a Trader would need for anything over 1000 sq. meters. If a showroom was 1,500 sq. meters, a Trader would need 2 employees, a non trader would need 3.

I also wanted to keep it realistic in terms of employees, but I didnt want it to get too mundane with the statistics. I have set up, for each business, something called the General Expense. Basically, this will cover the unmentioned expenses of the business, which would presumably include lower paid employees, etc. Currently, I have it set at $600 per plot for each turn (Low compared to RL, but we can change it later if it becomes too unrealistic.) For a non-Trader, this would also be set at 50% more than a Trader - so it would be $900 a turn per plot. For a non-Trader, they would need a caretaker for their market stalls, but there would be no General Expense.

I also wanted to set up a limit for amount of inventory bought per plot. As you know, in any trade business, warehousing plays a very big role in stocking inventory, so I wanted to incorporate that into the game. Basically, for a Market Stall, the max products that can be bought per turn will be set at $30,000. For Stores, each plot will be able to hold $50,000 worth of products. What this means is, even if you KNOW that if you buy $100,000 of whatever product, if all you have is a 1x1 plot, then you can only buy $50,000 worth of products unless you invest in a bigger showroom OR rent/construct a warehouse. A warehouse plot fits $150,000 worth of products, and each 1x1 plot of warehousing costs $20,000, so a 1000 sq. meter warehouse would cost $200,000 to construct, as opposed to a 1000 sq. meter showroom, which would cost $500,000.

The final thing I wanted to talk about is a reward for having a farm or showroom larger than a certain size. Although I havent decided yet, I was thinking that for ever 5000 sq. meters of showroom or farmland, the margin of profit increases by 5%. What do you guys think?

In direct response to Exla357 decision to have farmland and a stall, this is what the numbers come down to:

For a 4x4 farmland, your maintenance on the farmland will be $640, along with $2,100 the caretaker gets, totalling $2,740. A plot will produce $200 worth of harvest a turn, excluding the random bonuses. In the Market Stall instance, the caretaker gets $2,100. If you buy $10,000 worth of Life Neccessities, you will make $12,500, which would cover the cost and give you $400 profit.

I want to keep it as realistic as possible, and I think this does a pretty good job. What do you guys think?


In addition to that, are my Life Neccessities still free? I am not quitting my job at the bank.


Yes, you will maintain your main Profession - Government Employee - and retain all of its benefits as is :)


Turn 11 is up! For all the traders dealing in luxury products, Turn 11 became the first turn where the imports exceeded the sales. What this means is that it is no longer automatic that whatever you import will be sold. I have devised a formula that will calculate your sales based on a number of factors: direct competition (in your specific line), size of showroom, location (this includes area that can be classified as hot commercial areas AND direct population with access to your store), and Purchasing Power of customers. Yes this is a real formula, and yes, it is secret! Traders, put on your thinking caps because you're going to have to scout land and start setting up some nice showrooms ;)


Hey, I'm sorry to bother but I have a noob question.
Where can I find out how much money my character has? I've looked everywhere and can't find an answer.


At the end of each update, and the last post in the Player Factbook, you will see a link to the Dunya Information Sheet. There, you can find all the statistics and information on the town, NPCs, Government, and ofcourse, each character :)


I was reading update 11, and I began thinking about the future airstrip.  In the future, do you plan on starting a dirt/grass airstrip as the airfield to save money, or will Dunya get a paved one that costs more and takes longer to build?


Also, I hope there will be more international banks opening up as soon as that airport is finished. These loan rates are over the roof. I mean 20% for a long term loan  :( !!!???

What happens as I become more educated as a trader? Will I get better bonuses or what? Maybe later when I get richer I wouldn't mined becoming THE ROCKEFELLER of DUNYA island  :D ;)
- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



Quote from: nedalezz on August 16, 2011, 07:07:45 AM
At the end of each update, and the last post in the Player Factbook, you will see a link to the Dunya Information Sheet. There, you can find all the statistics and information on the town, NPCs, Government, and ofcourse, each character :)

Thank you, I didn't see that there were multiple sheets. I just saw the main one. :P


rjet13: I believe the Dunyan government will be looking to invest in a small, concrete airport :)

nemanjanv7: As of now, there is no immediate benefit for a Trader having a higher Education Level, although we can always change that given the nature of this game and how it can always evolve. There are certain companies that cannot be opened unless one has a certain Education Level, such as construction, or a specific type of factory, or IT services, etc.

What do you think? Should there be a small bonus for a higher Education Level of professions such as Trading, Farming, Fishing, etc?


Airport??! I want in on this. Let me know more when information becomes available. ;) :P


Honestly, I wanted to be some kind of industrialist or a manager or something similar, but I hoped that with trader you could eventually promote.

About schooling, I thought it would be nice to add some bonuses but not as high as for government worker. Lets say I took course in business administration (in elementary school, LoL) and now I am a bit more productive, organized and informed about stuff going on ON this island. That should be rewarded a bit.

- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



To open a factory, you need atleast a university degree (Education Level 3), so attending university would be the requirment :)

Dont worry, the government will be setting all that up as the town grows :) A factory investment generally runs in the millions, anyway, so it wouldnt be happening soon! Although there are some small set ups that cost less.


Good Idea. I would actually make factories so expensive, that we'd need to join money to build one. So we all get shares of the company ;)
It would be very interesting. But I am sure factories are not yet in plan. we merely have 1.5k pops.

- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



I wanted to raise the issue of marriage and children for your characters. As you know, your characters are aging, which means at some point, someone has to continue the family legacy! Now what I am suggesting is for the spouse to be a NPC that will add 1 expenses ($600) a turn, and thats it. As for the child, up till it takes over the family business, it will also have a fixed expense of $600. What do you think?



Hi Ned,
Before I let you on with my opinion on these expenses for children I would like to know some other things as:
1. Is elementary school for children going to be paid by the government, or not? 1.000 per child for school would be way to expensive!
2. How many turns will they go to school? I guess not only 8 like adults but whole 16, right?
3. Will you also use your random calculator to decide if it's gonna be a boy or a girl?
4. As for marriage, Adella and I are in same household and are total and we pay a total of $2.400 for housekeeping. Both of us pay utilities  :( ($600 = double)
- I take part in The Dunya Project Thumbs up for Nedalezz :)
- Favorite MD: The Winding River Project



Hey Nemanjanv7!

1 - 2) It will be $500 for all per turn. In order to help speed things up for the original characters, I condensed the learning experience into 8 turns (4 years) as opposed to 16 turns (8 years). Only one's original character is the exception to this. Any children will have to go through 8 years beginning at age 4. As your savings increase, $500 won't be much :)

3) No, you get to decide that! :)

4) The way I look at it is Adella a separate entity than Nemanya (a full character, not an NPC), so as such, she will have to pay what every character does in terms of utilities.

Hope that helps!