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Started by nedalezz, July 27, 2011, 03:11:31 AM

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Marsh raises a valid point, although I do have to point out that only a farmer can own the land AND benefit from it.

But what do you guys think - do you think farmers deserve to pay less than market value for the land?


Well actually, anyone can benefit from land. If someone buys a huge plot of land and opens a superstore/showroom on that plot, then they are benefiting from it. ::) But in a different sense then with farmers, who NEED the land they are to buy.


That is a very valid point :) I hadn't thought of it like that.

If all are on board with the idea, the government could perhaps encourage locally grown produce by allowing farmland to be bought at 75% of the market value.


Turn Three update is up! Player Factbooks also updated to current turn!


It seems that there are not a lot of people viewing, aside from people in the project itself. If I were you I would think about making the updates in the forum section, possibly alongside World of Haven. Not just to promote it but so that others can view it too.


Suggestion noted and acted upon :)


Ok, peter007 messaged, and if he doesnt mind, since I think it was a great question, Id like to answer it here:

Hey nedalezz.
I'm a bit curious about the game, because there's not much to do at the moment. Maybe I can open up an extra store for electronic goods? And maybe even a church, because my character wants to pray for better selling prices. What do you think?

Pertaining to the first part of the question, since I wanted to keep this as realistic as possible, I purposely made it so the start would be challenging, so not have players gobbling up all types of real estate and opening up all types of companies within the first few turns. The pace of the game in itself is slow, but given the nature of the updates (short but very frequent), the turns do go by rather quickly. HOWEVER, if you believe we should pick up pace, then by all means let me know!

Now, the second part about opening the electronic goods store: Ofcourse you can! I've been busy working out a way on how to separate different products, and this is what I have so far:

Life Neccessity: Fruits, Vegetables, Liquids, Meat or Fish
Luxury: Electronics, Textiles, Household, Kitchenware, Ceramics, Plastics, Sports Equipment, Building Materials, Toys, Furniture.

a) The LN (Life Neccessity) products will be split up into 4 groups listed above.

b) Farms will be able to produce one of these 3: Fruits, Vegetables, or Meat (Ranch.)

c) Fishing produces Fish. Pretty straightforward.

d) Instead of using $200 for LN products, there will now be 4 LN products that each person will pay $50 (or $300 a turn.)

e) I am changing the dynamics of how farms work: instead of random rolling the amount of export per turn, they will now be sold locally on a 20% margin. If the population is 100, that means $30,000 per turn on Vegetables. Harvey's farm produces $3,200 per turn, so they will be used against the requirement of the town for the turn. No more export, no more stocking Vegetables when the town needs them.

As the game evolves, so will the import structure, etc, as well as the trading structure. Right now, its very basic: one product, one stall. However, if peter007 was to introduce electronics, then the whole dynamic changes, so we might as well do so now. In direct response to the question, all LUXURY products need to be sold out of a store, not a stall. Only LN products can be sold out of a stall. A store will have to be built, so the basic step is to buy a land (very cheap currently), and 1) either take a loan from the Bank of Dunya on a certain interest over a certain number of turns, or 2) Construct the store over a specific number of turns. Now the most basic store will cost $50,000 (I have a construction company in RL), so maybe Garvei could put aside $10,000 each turn for 5 turns till its complete.

After its complete, Garvei will be the only one selling electronics in town. Luxury products work differently than Life Neccessity products. The key difference are this:

a) Luxury products are not NEEDED - I will generate a formula that will take into account the population, wealth, and competition that will decide how much of electronics you can sell each month and per turn.

b) Since sales will be less, the markup changes as well - instead of 25%, Luxury products get a markup of 40%.

c) Luxury products will work on an order basis – basically, peter007 will have to order what he hopes to sell the following turn. Unlike LN products, the formula will be secret – he will have to use his best judgement.

So that's what I have so far in terms of evolving and advancing the game. What do you guys think? I don't want to complicate things, and it might have been a lot of words, but the general concepts are simple and very workable.


Well I agree.
You thought it out very well
and maybe I can help you out with the formula if you want.

But If I can I want to buy an electronics store so quick as possible. How will that work, because I can't take a loan or put aside 10000 for 5 turns. Can't I just buy a very small store?


Unfortunately, in keeping with RL costs and what not, $50,000 really is the basic minimum one can pay for 100 sq. meter showroom.

How about this - The Bank of Dunya can offer you this deal: $2000 + 20% interest over 25 turns (12.5 year.) So you'll be paying $2,400 a turn, or $60,000 overall. Construction on your showroom will start Turn Four, and be ready Turn Five - you can order your products in Turn Four, and sell them over Turn Five. You would see your first sales at the beginning of Turn Six. If all goes well, you would be using your sales and profits to pay off your payments to the Bank of Dunya while making money from your stall.

How does that work for ya?


Well Ya

I think that will work ;)


I think the town should have some kind of market set up. With stands that other npc players own. For now it could just be a dirt strip and later it can be paved or brick put in. An comment that Exla made. We need some more npc action at this point in time. :)

*edit - also, I've sent you those stands. ;)


Idea: We could have some sort of way to buy and sit and land, or maybe rent it out to NPC characters, with the land closest to the CBD having the higher rent as well as closest to the water and further out land having lower rent standards, but you would have to build the houses, that's where the construction company makes money.

edit: Will we be able to submit ideas and propositions to the government to act on? Will the political standpoint of the government ever change?


Marsh, as the NPCs develop stores and open companies, they'll develop the city. Exla raised an excellent point about making more NPCs involved, and thats exactly what Im doing starting Turn Four :) Im almost done getting the formula made using the population, what they spend on life neccessities, and what they can put aside for luxury products. I think you guys will be happy with the results the next few turns :)

Deionn, land value will definitely rise as the town expands and the area closer to the CBD becomes scarcer in terms of land. Thats an excellent idea about renting land - you can even build houses, stores or warehouses, etc, and rent them to NPC or real life players. In real life, any trading company can only put so much stock in their showrooms (I know because I own a few :) ), so basically after a certain amount, you need to rent a warehouse to store your products. So for peter007's electronics store, at some point if his business grows, hes going to need to get warehousing to store products.

What do you guys think? 


That's a great idea, time for me to purchase some land in the decision board.  ;)


So I just wanted to get some feedback on you guys - how do you think this is going?

Honestly, Im having a complete blast - I think I want to join in my own player!

What is your opinions/suggestions?


I'm interested in joining, though I am not sure how active I will be.
Show us what you look like http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=1142.0

Just call me Dave


Great! You can be as active as you want - there are default desicions that help your character if you miss a deadline.

All you need to do is give me the name of the character and his/her profession :)


Saw this on Simtropolis. Is there an official signup thread? Or is this it?

I'd like to create a character (Dave Davis) and learn more about becoming the town's first fisherman. I suppose I should buy a large fishing boat. And a copy of Fishing for Dummies.


Hey, AmphibiousRodent :) This is the right place!

If you need to know more about being a fisherman, just go over to the Information thread, and read about it in Professions!

Your character will begin operating in Turn Eight!


So I've made a change in the Farmer profession, and this will affect traders as well:

Basically, I have combined the Fruits and Vegetables together, so the Life Neccessities will now be 3 groups instead of 4. The amount spent on them per turn will still be the same, with each group getting $400 for each person per turn.

Also, for your companies, Im just using your character's name along with what they're dealing with (Garvei Electronics, Davis Fisheries, etc) unless otherwise stated to me. You can always change the name of your company anytime :)

Otherwise, how is it going? You guys having fun? We're up to 8 participants, but we can still use more!