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Files and Information (Updated Aug. 13th)

Started by nedalezz, July 27, 2011, 03:18:33 AM

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[data]What You Can Buy[/data]
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1 – Each turn IG (in game) will amount to 6 months. The turn updates will be specified as such, as there might be mini updates within each turn.

2 – All decision making has to be done at the beginning of each turn (after the update). The first update will give an overview of Dunya (the country) and Rawa'a (the city), after which the participants will write what they wish to do in the update thread.

3 – I am one man running the project, so please be patient! This whole project is about FUN – let's not lose sight of that with overly complicated analysis and methods of calculations, etc.

4 – The Random Event Calculator will be used each turn update. I will list the random events in separate sheet. Each participant will be rolled a Random Event each turn, and there will be a general Random Event roll each turn as well.

5 – A lot of the development in Dunya will be based on my judgement; I will be attempting to keep it as realistic as possible, but at the end of the day, there might be something certain players might disagree with. For the sake of the continuity and fun of the game, please keep criticism to a minimum. There will be a discussion thread to discuss issues – I will listen to everyone and take everything said into account, and if something was wrong, rectify it for the future, but let us try not to dwell on past happening!

6 – Each player will start off with $20,000. Expenses will be calculated at the beginning of each turn for the rest of the turn, so if you have $5,000 worth of expenses to cover in Turn 2, they will be taken out of the character's account  at the beginning of the turn.


Expenses: To start out with, each character will have to spend $200 a month on LIFE NECCESSITY products, or $1,200 a turn. Given as the only housing available is owned by the government, they are renting out each house for $100, so that's another $600 a turn. Utilities will cost $50 a month, or $300 a turn. This will be taken out of each character's account at the beginning of each turn. As the game progresses and evolves, different type of expenses will come into play: Once a player starts operating their business, I will calculate, given the size of the business, how much expenses their business will face. Families will also add to the expenses, with each head costing a certain amount depending if they are adults or children.

Health Insurance: There is a mandatory cost of $300 per turn for every person except government employees, who receive free health coverage.

Taxation: The government will collect a set tax of 5% of income each turn from each character, as well as 5% on import of Luxury Products.

Age: In this game, characters will age, so sooner or later, the character will have to get married and have children if they choose to carry on their legacy. The passing of each character will be decided by the player, but generally, as the character begins to get to his 70s and 80s, we will discuss when the appropriate time would be for the character's passing. Each turn is 6 months, so a character will age 1 year every 2 turns.

Income: This will be calculated depending on what business the character owns and how big it is. Generally, for gathering professions such as fishing and farming, each plot will give a certain amount of income each turn. Income is based on a number of factors: direct population, competition, wealth level of customer base, education level of customer base, and demand for product.

Random Event Calculator: This is what I am calling our random event roller. The random events will be turn long events that affect Income, Professions, and/or Assets.

Life Neccessity Products: Every turn, each resident will have to spend a specified amount on these products. They are made up of 3 groups: Fruits/Vegetables, Liquids, and Meat/Fish.

Luxury Products: These are products that are produced, manufactured, or imported that do not fall under Life Neccessities. They can be anything, from electronics to furniture to building materials to sport equipement to fashion (etc.) The selling of these products are different from the Life Neccessities, and have their own formula. Imported Luxury products will be have a 5% tax.

Education Level: The default level is 0. A rharacter will gain a level after completing each of the following: Primary School, High School, University, PhD. The maximum level is 4. Education Level is needed for a lot of professions which require a character to be atleast a specific Education Level. Each Education Level achieved will increase income by 3%.


A Random Roll every turn determines bonuses for a number of activities. For example, every turn, a random roll will decide which one of the 4 Life Neccessities will get a bonus; the bonus is double the profits on that specific group. Bonuses are also rolled for harvests, base salaries, and even world events.

Please keep in mind this is an ever evolving game, so there will always be things being added to it.


Things You Can Buy (Alphabetically)

Construction Equipment - $50,000
Garments - Luxury Product whose sale is derived from a specific formula
Education, Primary School - $500 per turn.
Education, High School - $750 per turn.
Electronics - Luxury Product whose sale is derived from a specific formula
Fishing Boat, Wooden, Large - $5,000 (covers 3x3 plot) (Needs 1 Employee)
Fishing Boat, Wooden, Small - $1,000 (covers 1x1 plot)
Fishing Boat, Commercial, Small - $100,000 (covers 8x8 plot), Needs 2 Employees and has a cost of $3,000 Maintenance per turn
House (Basic 1x1) - $80,000
House (Basic 2x1) - $100,000
House (Basic 2x2) - $120,000
Showroom (Basic 1x1) - $50,000 (can hold $50,000 worth of products)
Showroom (Basic 2x1) - $100,000 (can hold $100,000 worth of products)
Showroom (Basic 2x2) - $150,000 (can hold $150,00 worth of products)
Stall - $1,000  (can hold $30,000 worth of products)
Tractor - $25,000



To start with, these professions are available:

Construction: A person in the construction field makes their living by building projects. The start up capital is relatively steep - a construction company must fund the project before getting paid, and the company must have its own offices. The payment is the value of the project plus a 25% markup. This profession requires an Education Level of 3 (University Graduate.) A construction company needs $50,000 worth of Construction Equipment for every $1,000,000 a project is worth.

Fisherman: A fisherman makes his living from fishing. A fisherman will need to acquire one of the Wooden Fishing Boats, which will be added to his assets. This profession requires an Education Level of 0. Each plot yields a $500 a turn unless a bonus is given by the Random Event Calculator. A fisherman can operate as many boats as he/she wishes, but each extra boat will have to be manned by an employee. The salary of the employee is the average GDP Per Person in Dunya.

Farmer: A farmer makes his living from farming crops. Either Vegetables of Fruits can be grown on a farm. The capital of a farmer varies on how big of a land he or she purchases initially. As with fishing, each plot yields a set number of income unless changed by the Random Event Calculator. Any farm larger than 10x10 plots will need a TRACTOR to operate, which costs $25,000. This profession requires an Education Level of 0. Each turn, a farmer will sell his produce to the local market at a markup for 20% from its value. The farmer also has the option of using his or her produce against their Life Neccessity requirements. Any character with a non-Farmer main profession will pay $40 a plot maintenance per turn, and will require to employ a caretaker for every 2,500 sq. meters of farmland, as opposed to a farmer who pays $20 a plot maintenance and only needs a caretaker for additional farms owned over 10,000 square meters.

Rancher: A rancher makes his living from producing Meat. The capital of a farmer varies on how big of a land he or she purchases initially. As with fishing, each plot yields a set number of income unless changed by the Random Event Calculator. This profession requires an Education Level of 0. Each turn, a farmer will sell his produce to the local market at a markup for 20% from its value. The rancher also has the option of using his or her produce against their Life Neccessity requirements.

Trader: A trader makes his living from buying products either from incoming shipments or from local participants, such as fishermen and farmers. If products are bought from fishermen or farmers, the mark up margin will be 25%. The only products that will be arriving to start with will be Life Neccessity products, or products that each participant, depending on income, size of family, and assets, will have to spend a specific number on each turn as expenses. Additionally, only someone in the Trader profession can import goods into Dunya. Trader requires an Education Level of 0. The capital for a trader can vary: initially, a trader has to acquire a Stall, which will cost $1,000, and if it is placed on land that is not owned by the trader, there will have to be rent paid to the government. A trader's acquisition of products depends on the player; at the beginning of each turn, a trader can choose to keep his inventory and continue trying to sell at 25% markup, or sell it to the government at the market price (no profit). For any showroom over 500 square meters, employees will need t be hired for every extra 500 square meters. Any character with a non-Trader main profession will need a employee for anything under 500 sq. meters, and 50% more employees for anything over that size as compared to traders.

Government Employee: A government employee makes his living from working for a governmental entity. At the start, a government employee will have a choice to work either at the Rawa'a Pier or at the Bank of Dunya. The fixed salary of the governmental employee varies according to Education Level; to start, an Education Level of 0 will mean the lowest level of income. A government employee will be provided with basic free housing according to the level of his job, and Life Neccessity products will cost 50% less.