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reader : remove bus stop from tramway(GLR) station in Avenue ??

Started by JeffCoyote, December 06, 2010, 04:19:56 PM

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I have designed my whole city with the tram Avenue as a means of transport, I have used this [url = http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/details.cfm?id=18441] bus station / tramway Shmails [/ url], and to my dismay, it does have (99%) only buses that I see go! that is annoying! (Most stations Tramway GLR in Avenue also function as a bus station) , I want tramways and not buses for a better traffic in streets/roads/avenues , even if it can be very usefull for space saving ...

some stations are overloaded from 200 to 300%, others have a normal traffic from 90 to 100%, only 2 stations on twenty reveal trams

[Note that I don 't forget to go over the one-way road to activate the station as recommended]

my city is in high density, that is a big city (larger than the typical dimensions) with 160,000 inhabitants, 180,000 commercial jobs, and 7.000 high-tech industrial jobs.
I have connected the nearby towns and then by underground tunnels to the surface for light rail (which works well in an area of the city)

and you, the tram, it runs? you see trams pass automata?

I tried with the [url = http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=1040] tram station Antoine TSC [/ url] [/ i]

Ouch! Antoine tram station is also a Bus / GLR station... as nearly all GLR in avenue stations

How to remove bus stop from the tram station ???[/ b]

the Most surprising is that the values are the same for a station in Avenue or a normal station draggable (not in avenue ) [ values are 0x00001003,0x00001A04,0x00001303,0x0000130A in both ]



I'm not entirely sure why sims prefer buses over trams, but there are stations that can help you solve your problem.

I would recommend checking out the Road Top Mass Transit (RTMT) project, they have made T-RAM and T-AVE stations that don't have bus stops included.

I don't know if it is available on simcityplaza.de with a German readme, but here's a link to it on the LEX:

Good luck on getting your transport issues sorted out!



I have replaced some stations http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/details.cfm?id=18441  from Shmails by the http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php? lotGET = 1040 tram station Antoine TSC , and trams are  slowly starting to appear, but is it  just an evolution of the city after having waited a bit ... ?

the http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=2247 RTMT Add-On Pack V3.60 is very fine , but 6,274 KB for some stations , even if I remove the one i don' t want   ... and I don't want this look for my stations
but thanks  ...