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Game freezes upon plopping certain TE Lots

Started by Silhouette Saloon, December 08, 2009, 02:27:43 PM

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Silhouette Saloon

Hi guys,

The title sums its up pretty much. As I was previously discussing on Hoo-Haa's thread about his parking lots, when I plop certain transit-enabled lots the game freezes indefinitely. I had originally thought it was a problem only with Hoo-Haa's lots because I had been plopping other TE lots without issue. Since then, however, I have realised that the issue is not restricted to his work, but neither does it apply to all TE lots, only some. Has anyone encountered this problem before, or know what the problem might be? I am clueless but I have taken a few precautionary steps such as un/re-installing NAM, which didn't help.

Thanks, Silhouette Saloon.

Silhouette Saloon

Can no one help me with this issue? I am still stumped.


What type of TE lots are you trying to plop?

L i s t e n  T o  O u r  F a m o u s  T h e m e
http://www.supload.com/listen?s=PVfnXk">We Are Borg

Silhouette Saloon

It's difficult to categorise: The problem affects tram stations, rail stations, Simpeg's ports, parking lots, road top mass transit, transit enabled traffic generators... to name a few. However, not all lots fitting these categories are affected. The official RTMT lots, for example, work fine but not uroncha's (http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/details.cfm?id=14010). Various examples of Ill Tonkso's train stations work, but not others.


I presume you have the left hand side of NAM installed?

L i s t e n  T o  O u r  F a m o u s  T h e m e
http://www.supload.com/listen?s=PVfnXk">We Are Borg

Silhouette Saloon

I'm running a RHD game with a RHD NAM. I re-installed the mod as RHD again just to be sure but the problem persists.


Perhaps one of the more experienced players (NAM, RTMT, BSC) can help with this situation. Just give them time to respond. We  ()borg() can't assimilate this problem.

L i s t e n  T o  O u r  F a m o u s  T h e m e
http://www.supload.com/listen?s=PVfnXk">We Are Borg


I've had some odd things develop on a regional basis i.e there was a region that within any of the cities the laying of a road or street would crash the game. Just in case you haven't try making a new region and see if the same thing happens there, at least you'll be closer to an answer. But as k808j said, hopefully someone who really knows what they're talking about will venture through here.


Recommend you have a look at thomasvista post and answers on the RTMT V3 Support Thread as this appears to be very similar to your problem, I've quoted the relevant part below

Quote from: thomasvista on October 26, 2008, 12:21:24 AM
I've come across a situation where, since I've started using road top mass transit (bus stops), it's caused a number of things to happen. First of all, my city comes to a standstill and time starts to pass very slowly - I typically have the speed set to the fastest, but after introducing road top mass transit, time comes to a standstill and when it resumes, it does so at a much slower rate ....

hope that helps  :)

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.

Silhouette Saloon

thanks for the link catty - It's nice to see I'm not the only one to have encountered this issue! thomasvista's problem doesn't seem to be exactly the same as mine: whereas his game seems to be slowing down considerably I'm fairly sure mine stops altogether. However, our situations seem similar enough that I'll bite the bullet and follow z's advice to trawl through my plugins folder for whatever incompatible files are causing problems. I'll let you know how it goes!


Silhouette Saloon.


Hi Silhouette Saloon

Slowing down or stopping maybe is the difference between your computers hardware specs, I meant to ask when you reinstalled the NAM did you run the cleanitol file that come with it, as that contains a list of all the known incompatible files for the NAM and if you still have one of these files ....


I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.