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The Omnian Confederation

Started by Leodido, August 30, 2009, 03:20:49 AM

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Hello all, and welcome to The Omnian Confederation!

My name is Leo and I'm new around here, I decided to give a try at making my first mayor's diary after having fiddled with SC4 for a few months.
I still have a lot to learn but thanks to this awesome site that is SC4D many people helped me and I'm now able to do quite a few things by myself.
I'll try to update this MD as often as possible but the LE can often take a lot of my time to get an acceptable result and I have a job so I do not have a lot of time at my disposale so do not expect daily updates.

This MD will start small and expand as I advance its developement, I'll begin by working on the main city of the region, Flamenburg, the capital city of Omnia. I'll also expand on the background of Omnia as I go, at the moment I only added some basics informations.

My goal here is to make a pretty "eyecandy" city, meaning that most, if not all my lots are completely done in the LE, most of them are not "working" in the game sense and have no effects.

I hope you will enjoy this MD.

Table of Contents:

General Description:

The region of Omnia has various faces. The main city, Flamenburg, is an European style capital with a lot of architectural and cultural riches in the form of various churches, historical monuments, parks or operas. The river La Rande, which terminates its course in Flamenburg, is a notable attraction of the city, on which tourists can board tourism boats to do a sightseeing tour of the capital and where commercial riverboats can carry wares to the various industries of the region.

Region Description:

[tabular type=4]
[row][data]Capital[/data][data]Flamenburg, FB[/data][/row]
[row][data]Official Languages[/data][data]French, German[/data][/row]
[row][data]Government Type[/data][data]Confederation (Wiki)[/data][/row]
[row][data]Seat of the Government[/data][data]Flamenburg[/data][/row]
[row][data]Members of the Omnian Federal Council[/data][data]Ulrich Ochsenbein (President), Adrien Lachenal, Eugène Borel, Arthur Hoffmann, Emil Frey, Leon Schlumpf and Victor Ruffy[/data][/row]
[row][data]Currency[/data][data]Omni (Ø)[/data][/row]
[row][data]Timezone[/data][data]CET (UTC+1)[/data][/row]
[row][data]Internet TLD[/data][data].omn[/data][/row]

Omnia, my first MD. Check it out!


leon schlumpf....that'S just great!
Good start...waiting for pics...

Recently Iced

You might also visit my participitation in GRVII - Bordertown!


This sounds pretty interesting, I know how hard it is to keep a fully lotted MD updated as I did it myself.
Looking forward to some pictures  :thumbsup:



Welcome to the first update of Omnia!

To beging this MD I started by working on the La Rande river, first by terraforming the actual river bank and laying out some roads.
I decided to use one of Mas71 water textures and you can also notice that I'm using Ennedi "rock" mod to convert it to grass, this might change in the future though. Awesome work guys ;)

It was time to start developping the banks in itself. First I had to chose a type of sea wall that would blend well with the style of an european city, unfortunately I noticed there are not a lot of sea walls at my disposale. Here is the list

  • JS Seawalls
  • A simple texture
  • JRJ Seawalls
  • Marrast's Embankment set

    After a bit of testing I figured that JS Seawalls had everything that I needed, they have diagonal pieces, underbridges and ends but the texture they use was not really my cup of tea so I discarded this. A simple texture modded to be able to be plopped on the shoreline could be an alternative but it would render the shore a bit too blocky since we have two slope on the bank and it doesn't really look good, this possiblity was also discarded.

    I was left with JRJ Seawalls and Marrast's embankment set, the first would fit better in an industrial type of area in my opinion, it would look a bit out of place in Flamenburg. So I was left with only one possiblity that I was really happy with, the awesome sea walls made by Marrast. I started the LE and after a bit of work here is what I ended up with.

    When the first bank part was finished I decided I wanted to make the first house block of Omnia. After some work in the LE, this is what I came up with.

    Then I started working on the retaining wall and the upper part of the river bank. I used Mas71's superb stairs, once again great work on this Mas-san :)

    At the end this is what I had made.

    And a night shot of Omnia.

    I hope you enjoyed the first update of Omnia ;)

    Come back soon for more,

Omnia, my first MD. Check it out!


Quote from: Leodido on August 30, 2009, 03:33:38 AMI hope you enjoyed the first update of Omnia ;)
I certainly did! Great start and very nice lotting! :thumbsup: Looking forward to more from you!
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Now I've seen two new great MD's in one day! Something tells me I'm going to try my hand at the LE. Seems like you can really make some great stuff even if you're unpracticed at BATting (like me! $%Grinno$%) You have a really good start here. I like what you did in the LE with those plazas behind the seawalls. Great job! :thumbsup:

Coming Soon to SimCity 4 Devotion: Alterren: The New World City
An MD by Jimbo_JJ


Great start, and good job! :thumbsup: I'll be following this.

Tomas Neto

Very nice start, and great update!!  :thumbsup:


Stunning work I'd love to see the whole city when it's done!


Nice start!  That terrain mod is an interesting one,  I'd love to use something like that, particularly if it could be limited by elevation.  Guess I'll have to investigate further. 

Great job with the lot editor so far, I'm looking forward to seeing more. 


A wonderful fresh start with your MD Omnia, first block looks great and your choice for Marrast for your embankments is showing just how good he was. His embankments have been around for a very long time.

KoV Liberty

Ooh! I like your style! Will be back for more...

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


soulchaser: Thank you for your reply. Leon Schlumpf was in fact a real councilman of the "Confédération Hélvetique" or "Swiss Confederation" in 1925 and is the father of Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf which is currently a Federal Councillor.

Fabian93: Thanks a lot for your word of encouragement :) Lotting everything can be quite a task but I'm up for the challenge.

io_bg: Glad you enjoyed it.

jimbo_jj: I'm flattered by your comment. You should really try lotting, it's not that hard really just time consuming because you have to find the props that will fit and the textures. No need to have any Batting experience for that, I have none as well, but I hope this will change sometimes. Thank you

citycapitalizer: Thanks and see you soon then ;)

Tomas Neto: Thank you!

danielcote: Well there is still quite a lot of work, but I hope someday I'll be able to deliver some regional shot.

Battlecat: Yes this terrain mod is a nice one, I will certainly change it tho because I used it to overcome an issue I had with walls that is not present anymore.

kwakelaar: Thank you for your reply, I'm totaly agreeing with you, Marrast walls are really superb. I'm glad you posted here because this gives me the opportunity to thank you for you props which are really awesome.

Driftmaster07:Thanks for the kind comment, I really like your style also I read a whole lot of your MD and enjoyed it :)

Welcome to the second update of Omnia, thank you all for your kind comments this made me really happy :)

I'll start by showing you the new plaza I designed behind the first block made in the first update. There's also a market at the end, which will be expanded later.

When this plaza was finished I started working on the second block of this part. After a few hours in the LE this is what I came up with.

And this is it in game.

Another angle.

At this point I was left with a few empty tiles at the corner of the block. I decided to make three lots to fill this part.

This is the first lot I came up with

And the lot correctly placed in the game

Hereis the remainder of this area, I had to make an overlay texture to create the diagonal there, it was a great exercice for me :)

I took an overview shot, here is what I've done so far

And to finish a night picture for you guys!

Thank you for reading a new update of Omnia, I hope you enjoyed it!
In the next one I'll show you the Omnian Palace with its park and some roundabout tweaking.

See you soon, Léo.

Omnia, my first MD. Check it out!


Great work! :thumbsup: I like your lots! I think some of the new c.p.'s trees would look better instead of these, but you decide which to put :P Can't wait to see the Omnian Palace!
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Fantastic work!  I like the very close attention you're paying to the details.  Nice job filling in the corner by the roundabout.


Very nice , i like all the Relotting you put into this :thumbsup: and i like the river :P


Nice! You know what they say slow and teady wins the race.


Well, I should thank you for starting this beautiful looking MD. Your work in the LE is excellent.


I have to agree with kwakelaar, you've got some skill with LE. This is a fantastic MD, and I'm sure I'll be stopping by more often from now on!  :thumbsup:



It beggins very very very good. I just love your lotting. &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *