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SimCity Aviation Group - Bugs & General Help

Started by Fatsuhono, September 23, 2008, 01:57:20 PM

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Did you encounter a bug/or technical issue, or any other problem with any of our released stuff? Do you need help with making something SCAG-related work properly? Report it here, and one of our team members will be glad to help you out.

-The SCAG Team


I have been away from SC4 for a good bit of time, and am starting to get back into it.  I want to do some airport stuff as aviation is a hobby, however, I am very confused as to what items I would need to download and install, what's current and what's obsolete.

For example, I see in the file readme's items that refer to the RMIP Vol 1 Sets of the Sky, SAE's MIC Airport, Tabi Gates, AC Functional Airports v1 and v2, Luggage trolleys, SWAP etc....

Unfortunately what is not listed, and what is hard to find, is do I need all of these or are there ones that are obsolete?  It makes it very confusing not knowing what would be the basic files, and what other add-ons are ok and not ok.   I am not talking so much regarding aircraft as I am the actual facilites and structures.




The basic files you need to build a modular airport are RMIP 2 Vol 1, RMIP 2 Vol 2, RMIP 2 Vol 3, and RMIP 2 Vol 4 for the runways and taxiways, and ACB VLT Terminals and Jets Part 1 and ACB VLT Terminals and Jets Part 2 for gates and terminals. As for whats obsolete, the SWAP airports are now included in AC Funtional Airports v2 but other than that I don't think there are really any obsolete airport packs. As for other add-ons its mostly up to you to decide which ones you like.


Thank you Rusty!  Can AC Functional Airports v2, as an example, be used with the RMIP and ACB VLTs or is the ACFA v2 standalone to where it is separate, yet compatable with the RMIP and ACB?


Yes, they can both be used at the same time. The ACFA v2 is a pack of functional (as in they actually have capacity) airports, while the RMIP and ACB VLT jets and terminals are just eyecandy airport lots that dont actually have any capacity.


Thank you Rusty.  I did the installation and I noticed that when I ran the Cleanitol Files that it also removed a lot of the RMIP stuff (the AC Mega Prop Files did the same).  Just want to make sure all is well.

So basically, the ACB, RMIP and ACFA all work together, however, there are dependencies that will be removed via the AC mega prop files and ACFA.  So it is best to install the RMIP and ACB first, then the AC Mega prop files, then ACFA v2?


Yes, the AC mega props and textures contain the same props and textures that were in the RMIP and ACB Jets and Terminals so they should be installed first and then replaced with the new prop and texture packs.



I'm not sure if the problem I am having is in any part due to what you guys have released but I think a few others have run into this problem.  More importantly, perhaps we can all find a solution to it.

Take a look at this picture and look at the runway if you could (ignore the overlapping planes - that's another problem I'm working on fixing  ::) ) :

As you can see, I want to use the default maxis small municipal airport.  I downloaded several other airport mods which I'm eager to use (if only for eye candy) but I suspect one of them is causing a problem/conflict and I'm not sure which one is doing it or how to correct it.

Any thoughts?  Any help would be appreciated.

Gisa ^^
p.s. oddly enough, the runway strips for the fire station look fine but the runway strip for the airbase also looks odd...


I don't think it has anything to do with our creations, as we haven't done anything much with ground textures, except the overlays in RustyXL's lots. I saw this same texture issue in Tomas Neto's Rural Life of Vale Paulista, so you could talk to him to see if he resolved it. It would be good to figure out where that texture is intended to be used, and open the airport in Lot Editor to isolate its IID code, then the conflict can be resolved, but I'm guessing that if you downloaded a lot of mods, most of them were AC team's creations, but it might have something to do with some of the early airport runway packs.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the old Joerg airport packs. I'll have a look around for how to fix this and get back to you  ;)

You need to completely remove all traces of the Joergs & Thalassicus packs from your plugins folder.
The files that must be removed should be:


Those are the two files that should be causing this glitch, but please post if you still have this issue after removing them.


FANTASTIC!  I removed those files and my runways look normal again. :)  Thank you VERY MUCH for the specific and easy to understand help. :)

I hope others who have this problem will find the answer here (I know of at least another guy who had this problem).

Gisa ^^


Also, the overlapping planes problem is happening because you have an automata mod installed that replaces the default Maxis 707s with much larger 747s (I've seen this on the STEX before, I just can't remember who made it).  You can replace this with another automata mod if you wish however you can't have more than one automata mod installed at a time.


Hi Pilotdaryl,

Yup, that was the next problem (I managed to fix this up myself but thank you for your help!).  You made some great models BTW! :)  The plane in the picture was a northwest 747-400 I believe.  It's too bad that we couldn't have more than one mod installed and working at a time.  I use the SC4 startup tool (great stuff) as a way to get around it but maybe in simcity 5 they'll plan ahead for things like this...

Gisa ^^


I used to have that plane mod. It was made by srainy. You could move them further apart in the lot editor.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


I am not very comfortable using the lot editor but I might try to do that in the future. :)  For the time being, this airport's size (along with my region in question) cannot justify the use of 747's at this time but in the near future anything is possible. :D  I swapped an MD85? in there and it fits the bill (along with turboprops and other smaller planes).


Gisa ^^


I am having a problem with Shadeslayer's SCAG Cargo lots... simply put every time I query any of the lots my game crashes! I read that there was an April update so I re-downloaded the pack today and it still crashes, any ideas??



You may have misread. There was not an April update, but do expect an update within the next couple of weeks.

In the mean time, don't query them. :P


Ha Ha Doctor my arm hurts when I do this... Doctor - Well don't do that!   :D


I am having some serious stability issues with many of the packs.  Much of them like the ground marking pack crash my game every time.  Anyone have any ideas so that I can get some banging airports working????


Which packs are you referring to, firefighter?

Have you installed all of the dependencies?

737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?