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Region of Orania .. End of the heat wave p.3

Started by Youcefk69, March 05, 2009, 04:00:45 AM

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Hi everybody !  :)

I'm going to show you my country, Givlille

Givlimar in French (pronounce Givlimar)
Givlille in English (pronounce Givlaillyeul (like Puzzle => peuzeul))
This is a country of my creation.

First at all, I'm sorry for my bad English, I'm just 15

Givlille has his own WebSite, in French.

Country description :

Capital : Givlimar
Régime : Republic
Regions : Orania, Tropicallia, Givlimar and Glartic
Independence day : 10 August 1910
Currency : €uros
Nomber of inhabitant : ******
Inhabitant name : Givlimarois, Givlimaroise
Languages : French (90 %), Arabic (5 %) and others (5%)
Religions: Catholics (85 %), Islam (10 %), others ( 5 %)
Time : GMT-2
Web domain : .gvl
Phone : +58

Country Map :

Regions of Tropicallia and Givlimar are on CityLife 2008, Glartic will be on Cities XL. Orania is on SC4

Orania description :

Country : Givlimar
Region's name : Orania
Region's capital : St Orano
Biggest cities : St Orano, Algral and Youcef-sur-mer (Youcef-on-sea)
Number of inhabitant : ******
Inhabitant name : Oranois, Oranoise
Languages: French (60 %), Arabic (35 %) and Others (5%)
Religions : Islam (45 %), Catholics (40 %), others ( 15 %)

(*** : you'll know these informations later  ;))

Recent events :

- The 15St August 2008 , Givlimar was flooded after a terrible depression :

Pictures :

After (now), there is a film here

- The 25St October 2008, a tree caused a blackout at St Orano international airport, more informations here.

To see alls the past updates I did, you can go here and clic on "Plus d'images"

Now some pictures ! :

Photoshopping by Me and Orange_O_, thanks  :thumbsup:

Thanks for comment  :thumbsup:


What a great start there Youcef, and nice intro ! 
These pictures are very excellent !
Orania looks really awesome my friend and has a good atmosphere.
great work with these lots , they fit prefect !

I'm looking forward to the next update, you will see me here for sure.

Arthur.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Cool de te revoir ici l'ami  :thumbsup: comme tu le sais déjà j'adore, c'est magnifique, incroyable. Beau boulot au LE  &apls

Nice to see you back here my friend, like you know I love these last pictures, it's incredible. Nice work on the LE  &apls

I'm looking forward to the next update

Take care,
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


wow splendid update my friend ! good start  :thumbsup:
Province of Acadia since 2020
Province of Zillerthal (2014)
Port Aux Captes (2009-2011)
Province of Trieste (2006-2010)
Since SC4D 2007-2022


@art128 : Thanks at all my friend !
@Simpson : Thanks too !
@warconstruct : Thanks !


Just a pic today ^^

St Tristan Religious Center

Hope you liked it, and don't forget to post a message , even if it's just to say a little Hello  :thumbsup:


Wow -- That picture is just awesome Youcef.
All those lots are just awesome, and greatly done. What you've done there fit perfectly.
Oh and , please, enter in the SC4D picture competition, that picture is just outstanding !

take care,

Arthur.  :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Wow the last picture is really beautiful! Nice lotting!
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Salut l'ami  :)
Magnifique image, j'aime beaucoup  :o

Incredible picture my friend, this is looking superb, as well  &apls
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


@art128 : Thanks ! It's done  ;)
@io_bg : Thanks  :thumbsup:
@Simpson : Thanks my friend !

Thanks for posting ;)


I love, and what a work on LE &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Nice start!  Love the latest shot, looks like a great place to live!


Ces images sont fantastiques. Je ne peux pas attendre pour voir plus. J'adore le contraste entre les vieux bâtiments et le bâtiment blanc moderne.

(These pictures are fantastic. I cannot wait to see more. I love the contrast between the old buildings and the modern white building.


@ Battlecat : Thank you !
@ Conlis : Merci beaucoup  :thumbsup: Thanks a lot !

I'm working on a pedestrian street ... a picture later  ;)


L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


This really looks great, I really like the dense buildings and the narrow alleyways. I'm looking forward to the next update.


this is a great MD keap it up I love the mediteranian feel!


@ antimonycat : Thank you  :thumbsup:
@ danielcote : Thank you too  ;)

Today, just a picture, sorry but I'm not on computer, very busy IRL (school).

The St Orano inhabitants are depress because of this rain, above all there is The flood this evening on GivliOne (more pictures of the film here [link] and in the first post of this thread)
Les habitants de St Orano dépriment à cause de cette pluie, surtout qu'il y a L'inondation ce soir sur GivliOne(plus d'images du film here [link] et dans le 1er post de ce topic)

Thanks for comments :thumbsup:


truly impressive start, will look back here again :)
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


First of all, beautiful CJ! Your work is truly astonishing and very inspiring too ;)
Great mixed use of bats (modern and traditional), I love it!

One question, would it be possible to maybe help me making a custom sidewalk?
I already found a texture, but for some reason another texture replaces it in-game and I have NO clue on how to make it a sidewalk texture...

Let me know ;)

Thx! & Good luck! x