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Mikeseith's automata and dealerships (preview thread)

Started by mikeseith, April 25, 2007, 12:58:32 PM

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Hmmm.  Release date.  It might take some time because I'm taking the family on vacation and I have a little personal issue that may take lots of my time this summer.  So, it might not hit the LEX / STEX for a few months, but it won't be forgotten.


@Filasimo: There's already a Mini Cooper dealership on the LEX: http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=25. I made the Mini automata for this one. There are two sets of Mini automata, one with the UK flag and one without it (8 cars in each set).

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Mike, your stuff is top notch.  I have downloaded all of your automata that you posted on the STEX.  I will wait for the new content, and hope you you have luck with your personnal issues.
I've got nothing.


 &apls on your site I noticed the 60's car mod. will the models be available seperatly without replacing standard maxis automata ()what()
Sendona... Coming soon!


carkid1998 . The plan is to have both versions.  A replacement mod and one that just adds to the Maxis automata.  Work has been slow but there may be time for me to do more work again. 

On the issue of a release date.  I think I'll do what the NAM team does and refuse to even guess at one.  That seems to be the safest route.



i downloaded all of the dealerships but BMW and Mercedes dont show up? I have all the dependancies


The BMW and Mercedes dealerships are a little hard to make grow.  Those are two dealerships that need patience.
On a related note, I have been working on the automata for a new Audi dealership and a new Chrysler dealership.

These are the Audis.  A6, R8, and S8


 the automata for a new Audi  and a new Chrysler are excellent.   &apls

I am waiting for your new release. Good luck  :thumbsup:


Whoa I know its been a few months, but I love the new automata. The Audi's especially  ;)


Quote from: mikeseith on April 25, 2007, 12:58:32 PMThought I'd start letting everyone see the latest projects I'm working on.  I have one long-term and one short-term project going on at the moment.  Right now I'll tell you about the short-term project while I'm taking a break from the big one.

A listing of my dealerships on the simtropolis STEX:

Won't be too long before I have them all covered...

Here are links to my major automata sets
European car replacement modd -new instances-
European car replacement modd -replaces maxis vehicles-
page with european replacement modd and Japanese car replacement modd

Here is the automata for the next dealership.  Toyota.
I'll be posting updates on my progress on this thread.

Have you done any mercedes G class suvs? I can't seem to find them.


You know this thread hasn't been updated in 13 years, right?

I guess the best answer I can offer is if you can't find them, then no they probably were not amongst the released content. I'm not intimately familiar with all MikeSeith's uploads, but can't ever recall coming across one using them.