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Sessquenna: Update 17 - More Delmore Creek Development

Started by packersfan, June 16, 2008, 02:40:43 PM

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Welcome to Sessquenna.  For those of you who are also members at Simtropolis, you know that this region has been developing for almost 6 months.  I definitely have been growing as a city builder as I've progressed through my third city journal (at Simtropolis).  I'm excited to bring this region to SC4Devotion, to expand its exposure and to get more advice, insight, and ideas from other great mayor diaries here.  Enough rambling and introduction, on to the region itself.

Sessquenna is based on the Cincinnati region, but it is by no means a recreation.  I'm not exactly sure how to put my updates on here, where I should start.  Should I start from the beginning or what?  Tell me what you think?  I guess the past updates will be out of order since they might be interspliced with new updates (like the Sessquenna International Airport coming soon)...We'll cross that bridge when it comes.

Here is the undeveloped Sessquenna Territory with the Sessquenna River running through it.  Note: The dates on the pictures are from when the ORIGINAL updates came out...this is not a slight, just how I did it at Simtropolis

Sessquenna Table of Contents

01 - 12.05.07 - Introduction / Undeveloped Territory
02 - 12.09.07 - Three Lake
03 - 12.17.07 - Area Farm Towns
04 - 12.18.07 - Sessquenna First Looks and FH 148 Expansion
05 - 12.24.07 - Early Sessquenna Downtown
06 - 12.27.07 - Sessquenna Northern Expansion
07 - 01.05.08 - Sessquenna River South Bank Expansion
08 - 01.09.08 - New Freeway and New Signs
09 - 01.17.08 - Atkinson Hill Neighborhood
10 - 01.30.08 - South Interregion Highway 85 Tour (Mile 105 - 102)
11 - 03.13.08 - Sessquenna Hills
12 - 04.10.08 - More Freeways and Interchanges
13 - 06.04.08 - Concord Expansion
14 - 06.10.08 - Delmore Creek Expansion
15 - 06.20.08 - Sessquenna International Airport
16 - 06.25.08 - Sessquenna Downtown
17 - 08.08.08 - More Delmore Creek Development


Sessquenna Update 15 - Sessquenna International Airport
I finally built a decent airport, it is actually a recreation of Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport (CVG), not complete, but really nice and I'm very proud of the work I did.  Update also includes some pics from the approaching bypass freeway IR-260.

Sessquenna International has three remote concourses connected to the main terminal by underground transport lines.

Approaching Morgans Crossing Interchange northbound (westbound on IR 260)

Morgans Crossing Interchange

Replies and comments are welcome.  Tell me what you think of my new AIRPORT!!!


Nice airport and welcome to the MD section !

I do like the hotels on the Ridgeway rd, however I think I would have add some more parking myself around them

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M4346 ♦ moganite ♦ Papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Nice start and I like the airport here although personally I would use the grass filler lots around the runways it adds a more professional look I find
Gd luck with the rest of the MD



Yeah, I hadn't I feel the grass lots make it look better too...I just wish they could distinguish between grass and runway on the transportation view, o well, but yeah, I was going to put that grass in eventually...


Sessquenna Update 16 - Downtown Sessquenna
I am finally unveiling my downtown.  After much consideration, I redesigned the downtown moving the freeway north two blocks and building better interchanges, etc... I also have created my first mosaics!  The first mosaic was created as the sun was setting so that explains the different sunlight in each section, but I think that in future ones I will try to avoid that, but either way I think it is cool...

Sessquenna Mercy General

Colburn Park

Sessquenna Performing Arts Center

Sessquenna Riverfront Stadium District

Sessquenna Metro Transit Authority Sub/El Stops

Stadium Interchange

Downtown West

Queens Interchange

Queens University

Downtown East

Queens Blvd - STH 27

Downtown Hilltop

Whew, that was a lot of work getting those pictures!  Notice on the Bell South Stadium picture I included part of the next tile, something I'm going to try more often, more realistic pictures instead of falling off the edge of the world...though this one looks like a satellite photo with different colors, but hey it was my first time and I used what I had, wasn't planning on it, but it turned out decent as a prototype.  Hope you enjoyed the first extended look at Downtown.  Replies and comments are welcome.  Tell me what you think of my DOWNTOWN!!!


I guess I shouldn't expect a ton of response, It is summer!  Ok, I have a problem...Ugh, I hate large tiles, my demand for residential is off the charts but nothing grows!  In tiles further away from my downtown residential grows like crazy...usually medium tiles, but doing pretty good on Concord, but I figure that will change once half the tile is filled, growth just stalls and leaves my city with big empty holes in it.  Any tips?


Your airport is very good and your city too  :thumbsup:
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas

Earth quake

Wow, excellent update.
I love your different mosaics and you airport, so beautiful.


Excellent updates. 
I really liked the mosaic with the change of daytime light.  Great idea.
Your city does look really good.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


waow  :shocked2: very realistic  &apls it's bieautiful  :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Nice start there! And some really great images of your city! Wonderful work! :thumbsup:

south park

nice start and great airport,you have make a very hard work with the LE ,so well done !! &apls &apls

cairo and tropicalia (my cities) on tsc:


Sessquenna Update 17 - More Delmore Creek Development
I've been stumped in some of my tiles to get jobs or development so I've moved a little north and east of Sessquenna and have started slowly developing industries along the rails and freeways and residential in eastern Delmore Creek.

Railroad cutting through farms east of Delmore Creek

Explosion of development between IR-85 and IR-89

Just south of the new development is the outer edges of present day Sessquenna, including Hamilton High School

Sorry for the small update.  I had more pictures but I deemed them unusable as some were cluttered by signs and others were just incomplete to my satisfaction.  The next update will include more pictures from the expanding metro area...


Great new pictures there in this nice new update!
And the region overview looks beautiful!!
Looking forward to more... ;)


What sort of ploppable houses (W2W...) do you want? they must be small, medium or like a building?
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


So many great little nuggets to be had.  If I ever get around to authoring an MD, I'll be sure to use some of your techniques.

I really like how your mosaic in your 2nd last update had different daylight "shading".  It just helps put things in perspective I find.

Also, I like when a region view picture is given with the showcased section highlighted.  It's a lot easier to visualize and imagine the bigger picture that way.

Keep up the good work.


SC4 - Large Airport Builder project