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Started by Perun, May 20, 2008, 09:05:06 AM

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Welcome in my first MD - Ragnarok  ;) I'll write shortly, because my english isn't good.

Symbols of Ragnarok:


Coat of Arms

Both inspired by Russian and Serbian national symbols ;)


Ragnarok history in pictures

The first village in Ragnarok, founded by vikings

King Karl Iverson's castle - the biggest castle in Ragnarok. Destroyed in 1639

Stronghold XII - one of twenty strongholds in Ragnarok. Today is popular tourist attraction.

Ragnarok's coast during WWII. Picture shows a German tanks and destroy ship

Ragnarok after bombing in 1943


That was history. In next update, I'll show seaport. Enjoy!  :thumbsup:


Sweet! So many things I've never seen before. The bombed city looks fanntastic. You are off to a great start my friend, can't wait for the next update  &apls


Please please tell me where you got the those buildings that are burnt down after the bombing -

This would be very much appreciated my friend. And now, about the update... Oh before I start, Welcome to the MD's! :) You have shown a wonderul realistic update with many unseen BATs. The German tank and bombing pictures are my best so far. I look forwards to seeing more Perun.
I can assure you that this MD will be popular! :D
Visit my Warsaw, Poland MD.


Great start, I hope the next update comes soon.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


 :o  Indeed - the bombed city looks very unique!!!! How did you do that?
Check my MD:               


Ragnarok! Well not sure the vikings would call their city that.
Ragnarok means: Fate of the Gods and is the final battle.
So in that way it might be you could say it a good name.

Love the war bats.  :thumbsup:


Welcome to the MDs!

And a great start there! Also very nice pictures of that area! Also like the picture after the booming! ;)



@bigberta - thanks ;)

@sebes and @warszawa - I have used those BAT's : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=16607 and http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=17432 . Some buildings I burned.

@rooker1 - thanks ;)

@vester - I know what "Ragnarok" means, but this name sounds good for me :)

@bat - thanks


Hi at sc4dev Perun! Next Pole here. You will get up polish quality with your country.  ;)
(Trochę debilnie mi to po angielsku wyszło :P)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Update 1 - Ragnarok Seaport

In first update you can see the seaport. Enjoy !  :thumbsup:


Terminal 1

Oil Terminal

Container Terminal

Warehouses & other infrastructure

Vehicle Terminal

Ragnarok Navy Base

Aerial views


Very interesting port. 
I think you could have made this several updates with the number of pics you have shared with us.
I going to assume it was you that made these lots, which are very good.  I will suggest that you add a little more life to them.  By this I mean add more props as the lots seem to be plain, very clean and almost too well organized. 
Just my thoughts.
Other than that, I love what you have done so far.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


I think your port is the best. I have never seen better  ;)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Thanks for nice pictures. Creative ideas and performing.
Funny use of the name. In my country Ragnarok is used even today to describe something really chaotic and bad. Almost the same as Hel# in English.
Good work :thumbsup:


A beautiful port there! Wonderful work on it! And fantastic 30 pictures of it...

Looking forward to more... ;)


Great to see you posting here, Perun :thumbsup:

I've already commented your work on SCP. I just can't wait till you post pictures of the city itself - I bet everyone's here jaws will drop :D

Keep up the great work, my friend!
If you can't read my nick, just call me Tom.


Hello, Perun!

Ragnarok looks like it's off to a wonderful beginning, my friend! I simply love your port, too. I'll be watching!



Perun! Thanks very much for the links for the bombed houses I wanted. Very much appreciated.

And, now onto the update :). The seaport is massive, not only the port itself, but you have included alot of photos in that update. I love all the containers and ships. Can't wait for the next update.

Visit my Warsaw, Poland MD.


 &apls very nice I hope this MD goes on for awhile  :thumbsup:
Greywolf (John Michael)
If you can't run with the pack don't run at all


Very nice port.

One thing that bugs me, is that the water level, it is so high.

btw: We still use Ragnarok in Danish. You can say: What a Ragnarok there is in here! = What a mess there is in here!


This is just wonderful, will be watching this for sure. Keep up the great work

btw:I love the flag :thumbsup:

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