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Started by suplado!, December 02, 2007, 12:02:18 AM

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mightygoose: hey -- glad you like my work here so far...well -- really work hard to make nice updates and im glad everyone is enjoying them....many thanks!!
thundercrack83: well -- many thanks! glad you like the new airport i made, really work hard on it...hehe!! anyway, hope you also like the new update...many thanks!!
kimcar: lol -- well, its not stealing i think...anyway -- im really glad you like the airport design i made...took me hours to think a nice layout for the terminal...hehe!! many thanks -- and hope to see your work soon....
bat56: hey, many thanks for a very cool post!! anyway -- glad you like the new airport i made...and you are very welcom here in Jargeah!! well -- im really having fun with photoshop adding effects and making the pic looks nice...hehe!!
tooheys: hehe -- well, about the planes, i think im really crazy about them that i plop so many...anyway -- really glad you like the airport i made, tooke me hours to finish it but im happy everyone like it...!! well -- many thanks and hope to see you here again...
bat: glad you like the new airport i made...many thanks!!
warconstruct: well -- im glad you like the airport...it was inspired by many airport in the world...lol! anyway -- thanks for a very cool post!!
Yoman: lol -- yeah my mistake!! anyway -- glad you like the airport design...its really hard to think of a nice style for the airport...well -- hope to see the gulf air 737 soon...hehe!! thanks for the nice post!!
Ennedi: yeah -- i forgot to demolish them, lol!! anyway -- glad you like another airport i made...really work hard on this one...hehe!! many thanks!!
Xiziz: hey -- you really master evry plane...hehe!! anyway -- glad you like the added effects on the pics, and the update as well....many thanks!!
Yoder7652: hey -- many thanks!! really appreciate you nice post...anyway -- really glad you like y work on this MD so far...
frcrcklim: well -- those diagonal avenue should be used with the oneway road...try to insert the oneway road in the avenuew and see what happen...
ManuelR: hey, thanks!! glad you like the airport....and yeah -- the planes are edited...

Progress in Dumeira

The Crescent

... ;D


Great update there! :thumbsup: Looking forward to the development on that island! ;)


large images which is announced!!
quickly! quickly!  $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$%
Province of Acadia since 2020
Province of Zillerthal (2014)
Port Aux Captes (2009-2011)
Province of Trieste (2006-2010)
Since SC4D 2007-2022


Wow wow and wow. I don`t know what is the more brillant , the sunshine that you use or your work..... i will said your work ;D Because , i know i repeat myself , but i really like it. Just a question , did you do the crescent yourself or it`s a map that you found somewhere ? Keep your great work mate. :thumbsup:


Incredible work here, my friend! That man-made crescent alone is fabulous, I'd love to see how you did that! And when you add the development that's going on, it's a recipe for success! Great work!


Hi Suplado!

Great airport, like it a lot.

And the crescent is kinda special.

Jargeah is a great MD, I always enjoy the updates here.



This is an absolutely amazing MD.  Great work and I love the quality of the pics and the great ideas you have come up with.  I can't wait to see what is next.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


 &apls &apls
looking forward for what you have planned in those islands :thumbsup:

first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



speaking of raising the bar! &apls

That is a top notch update my friend. I would trust my money as an investment in your crescent development. :thumbsup:

Your favorite "deliciously deviant" Empire is Back after a 2 month pause

Click on the picture above to visit Stropon.


I can't wait to see the Crescent fully developed!!! How long did it take to get it a perfect crescent? I've never seen a desert MD before, so this has been great to see. Why did you decide to do a desert landscape?



I always love your pictures, suplado!.  Excellent job with the last updates buddy, my eyes have had their appetite filled!

Looking forward to more,


Good job!It's very ralistic!Your airport is so fantastic! :thumbsup:
Come to visit Sancerre French department with various European archtectural styles!

In French Forum:

In devotion Forum:  http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=2654.0


i've seen it all before, but it never ceases to amaze me. astounding!  :thumbsup: &apls

~ Dan
Custom Lotting at its Finest:

Last updated: 2/9- I'm Back! +  A Teaser (of course...)


Ah yes :) I remember this one...this is one hell of a concept, truely groundbreaking in terms of SC. Well done, Suplado, well done!

Btw, I am writing this from Dubai :)



Fantastic your job is like this :thumbsup:
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


I can't see anymore pictures in your MD, that's pretty bad... :'(

Shadow Assassin

Yeah, it seems Photobucket's saying the bandwidth's been exceeded. The funny thing is, though, is that it should've reset by now [Photobucket resets every month].
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