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The file you mention is just a modified .exe which forces 32-bit graphics, although it's not mandatory for using dgVoodo2. However, it won't work because you don't have the additional Rush Hour addon (bundled with SC4 Deluxe also).

Just looking at the version number, from the information here, it seems you are trying to use the original SC4 without the Rush Hour addon. Honestly, Rush Hour (or the identical Deluxe bundle), isn't really so much an addon as something which everyone has. For starters you won't be able to use any mods without the full version of SC4.

We almost never hear from anyone with the vanilla game, although in theory there is no particular reason why a wrapper would fail to work with it. The wrapper affects DirectX, not the game directly, which is a feature of Windows designed for games.

I am not aware of a requirement to manually add game's details to a Wrapper to get it working. It is possible you need different settings, if vanilla somehow used a different version of DirectX, but to my knowledge it doesn't.

The best advice I can offer is you'd be better off investing in a digital copy of SC4 Deluxe, which comes pre-patched and (mostly) ready to go. I prefer GoG (DRM Free), but the Steam and Origin versions are ultimately the same code. During a sale, it regularly sells for $5 or less, so with a little patience it needn't cost much either.

If you really want to push on using the vanilla game, then it would be useful to see a screenshot of the install folder for SC4 (where you placed the Wrapper's files), so we can see if there is anything wrong. Many wrappers will also create a log file (for example Elisha Cloud's does), this may help to see what is going wrong if you have one.
howdy yall
i managed to get my old retail of simcity4 2disc cdrom  running on windows10 laptop but its running on uhd integrated graphics, and i would like it to run on the dedicated gpu : amd/ati radeon rx 550

im not having any luck with any wrappers, the game would start normally on the uhd without the dgvoodoo watermark. nor does any of the other wrappers i tried seem to work with

the only time i seen it use the gpu was with dgvoodoo2 wrapper on a sc4_32bit.zip, but it uses gpu only during the intro, which then afterwards when the intro finishes it CTD. no surpise since the sc4_32bit says version 1.1.641.0 and my installation runs successfully with   

is there a way to patch my v.272 so it can be recognized by the wrappers?
Site Rules and Announcements / PHP 8.1 Upgrade, Possible Site...
Last post by Tarkus - June 03, 2023, 05:15:26 PM
SC4 Devotion received word from our webhost at the very end of May that they are planning on phasing out support for PHP 7.4, which currently powers the site, and on June 7th, they are either going to force us to switch over to PHP 8.1, or face additional "extended support" charges in order to continue running PHP 7.4 (until they phase it out entirely at a later date).  We have remained on PHP 7.4 in large part due to the ongoing issues with the LEX software and its impact on our server.

As such, we are going to go have to go ahead and switch over to PHP 8.1, in order to avoid an increase in hosting costs.  We will be making this change on June 5th. 

We do not anticipate this will cause much of an interruption with the forums, but we are anticipating that issues with the already-broken LEX (that we have not been able to fix/replace to date) will become magnified, and that the Wiki may experience issues as well, especially since it is in a fragile state that has resisted upgrade to date.

This situation has also led to us considering the future of the site in more depth, and we are considering some options to rework the SC4 Devotion ecosystem, to foster a more active community and decrease the technical burden exists with the site in its current configuration.

On behalf of the site, I would like to thank everyone for the continued support, and ask for patience as we navigate these changes.

Alex (Tarkus)
SC4 Devotion Site Owner
NAM Creations / Re: SAM - Street Addon Mod
Last post by kelis - June 01, 2023, 06:29:33 AM
WOW that looks very promesing, Thanks for the efforts as always  :thumbsup:
NAM Creations / Re: SAM - Street Addon Mod
Last post by Tarkus - May 31, 2023, 05:15:43 PM
If anyone's been wondering what the heck I've been up to, amidst all the radio silence following NAM 47 . . . my initially planned project to add Diagonal T-intersection support to the NWM made me realize there were base Diagonal Ts that still needed to be fixed in order to prep them for NWM support.  And in starting that, I realized that anything I ended up doing involving intersections with the Street network would end up causing chaos with the SAM.

And that then turned into me completely redoing the code for the SAM using @memo 's Metarules system, adding support for missing crossings . . . and redoing the textures for some of the sets . . . like SAM 2 (which has been my primary test bed during this project).  Basically . . . I fell into a massive rabbit hole.  Here's some results from it:

(Believe it or not, Diagonal SAM can't cross OWRs at all in the current version.  I've fixed that now)

Network Addon Mod (NAM) / Re: NAM Documentation & NAM T...
Last post by Haljackey - May 23, 2023, 01:29:01 PM
If it is helpful, here is a list of the active NAM team members if anyone wants to reach out to us directly.

Active Members as of NAM 47:
    Eric Blair
    Indiana Joe
    Lucario Boricua
    Ramona Brie
    Ryan B.
    Shadow Assassin
    Ulisse Wolf

A full list can be found on https://www.sc4nam.com/docs/reference/credits/
NAM Creations / Re: RHW (RealHighway) - Develo...
Last post by roadgeek - May 22, 2023, 08:00:51 PM
I Absolutely LOVE Fractional angles!!! I look forward to the day when I see a preview of Flex-FARHW. I have been looking forward to it for a LOOOOOOOOONG time.

One thing is for certain; if I ever see Haljackey in my rear view mirror, I'll be sure to get outt his way! Sure is nice to have those 12S highways. I look forward to seeing you widen some of the exiting highways in your region. Looks like some of them could use it.
Network Addon Mod (NAM) / NAM Documentation & NAM Trans...
Last post by Ulisse Wolf - May 22, 2023, 04:00:29 PM

The NAM Team is pleased to make an important announcement that affects the entire SimCity 4 community: that people can collaborate with the NAM Team on improving documentation and translation as well as working with the NAM Team to provide multilingual support for the mod.

To participate in this thing we have set a constraint or

Have a discord account and be present in the SC4DEVOTION discord server.

If you are not present here is the link to join the SC4DEVOTION discord server


The requirement has been included to have a more efficient management as well as prevent troll activities with documentation and translation files.

Once you have joined you can see the documentation and localization channels where you can discuss with the NAM team about the documentation and related translation of the documentation as well as the translation of the NAM. All procedures for collaborating with translation and documentation are present in the respective discord channels and NAM Team members are always available to help you.

The aim of this project is to make NAM more accessible by improving documentation but also providing multi language support allowing more players to use NAM in their native language for this reason they found the code on GitHub.

I hope you enjoyed this announcement and look forward to working with you in making NAM more accessible to the public.

Have fun and good building mayors!
Independent LOT Editor Projects / Re: Terring's Terrible Lots!!
Last post by Terring7 - May 22, 2023, 05:29:32 AM
What's this? A new set of modular plaza-parks? And empty like a canvas this time so you can paint your plaza-parks and customize them as you wish? Bring them on!  ;D

Show us your... / Re: Show us your . . . . curre...
Last post by Ulisse Wolf - May 21, 2023, 01:46:23 PM
For those who are lost, it is possible to see the streaming in which the construction of Pagosa Springs concludes


What will be the next city that will be built? You will find out on Sunday, May 28th at 1:00 AM CEST (Saturday 27th at 7:00 PM EDT)