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SC4Evermore Welcome Portal => SC4 Community-Related => Topic started by: trabman11 on July 24, 2014, 08:15:52 PM

Title: Is it Cam-Patible?
Post by: trabman11 on July 24, 2014, 08:15:52 PM
So um...hello.

Today I have discovered (after a long break from SC4) that T Wreck's Industrial Revolution Mod and Paul Sawyer's Maxis Seasonal - Residential & Commercial Lots have been Camified and I was wondering (since I can't seem to find this information on the forum, not looking hard enough I  guess ;D) are residential and commercial lots that have been created by content creators able to function properly with the Cam? Or do only  specifically labeled Campatible lots work with Cam only? ()what()

I apologize if my question is dumb, (which it most likely is) as I'm don't fully understand what makes a RCI lot Campatible  :-[
Title: Re: Is it Cam-Patible?
Post by: isii94 on July 24, 2014, 10:46:38 PM
Basically you can use all normal lots with the CAM as it adds 7 growth stages for residential and commercial lots.
Without the CAM the game has 8 growth stages, which are then increased to 15. This means that stage 8 non-CAM lots will grow earlier than they would normally as stage 8 on the CAM is reached earlier than it would be without.
So you will just have some highrises that don't have the stages adapted to the CAM, growing earlier.
For low stages it shouldn't make any difference.
Title: Re: Is it Cam-Patible?
Post by: trabman11 on July 25, 2014, 01:25:08 PM
Thank you for clearing this up for me  :) I was fearing that all the buildings I have downloaded would not work on a fresh new region with Cam  ;)
Title: Re: Is it Cam-Patible?
Post by: APSMS on July 25, 2014, 01:25:15 PM
All lots will work with the CAM, like isii94 mentioned.

The thing that you will need to remember as well, though, is that for things that override the base MAXIS buildings, CAMification is necessary because the CAM changed the growth and occupancy stages of almost all of the default buildings. Un-CAMed buildings will skew the simulation, and be generally weedy, but otherwise will work as normal. The reason for the difference is due to the vast difference MAXIS had between Stage 8 buildings. Some had close to 5000 occupants, and others only 2000, yet they both came under stage 8.

You can "easily" CAMify lots yourself using PIM-X. I haven't done it, hence the "quotes", but it's not as complicated as you might think. (Of course, it's not that simple, either, but there are a number of tutorials around, iirc.) Whenever possible, I would use CAM versions, and as long as you don't mind a slightly skewed simulation, leave all else as-is, WITH THE EXCEPTION of Replacement MODs like the IRM or the Seasonal Lots, mainly because the lower end of the CAM simulation is far more important than the top.
Title: Re: Is it Cam-Patible?
Post by: trabman11 on July 25, 2014, 08:40:35 PM
This is all really useful information!  :thumbsup: Thanks guys, I appreciate it.