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Nardo's real life pictures

Started by Nardo69, May 24, 2009, 04:37:14 AM

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It has been a while ...

Another PC died, together with my copy of C1. I am using the laptop of my mom, but it is by far not powerful enough neither for SC4 nor for C1. But at least there's a copy of PaintShopPro installed on it...

Anyway here I have some pictures of my todays walk in sunshine through the woods and field on fire by the colors of autumn. Hope you like them.

Have fun!

Bernhard  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Hey my friend, it is truly great to know you are still around.  I hope the kids and wife are doing well.

Great fall pics.  Visually speaking, fall is my favourite time of year.

Call me Robin, please.


Good to see you around Arne And! ;D

Some great pictures you have taken. Love them!


These last pictures are really good, I like the colors of the autumn  &apls &apls

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Very cool, I never noticed this thread before.  You have quite some talent as a photographer Bernhard! 

The autumn colors in your area are gorgeous, you've captured them beautifully! 


Hello to all!

For some time it seems that 2011 would finish better than it began. Unfortunately the slap into my neck took me back to the ground ...

Anyway, life goes on. After an unusual dry October there has been finally quite some rain in November and December (just the same as in "November Rain" from Guns'n'Roses. And last Sunday - the first rime. My big one is still disappointed that he hasn't seen his first snow but, well, I have a feeling this might change in a (short) while ...  ::)

But before I show you a bit rime:

@rooker1: Thanks! Well, we are still alive, with a bunch of problems, but at least together ... ;)
About fall: Definately. The colours of the fall are wonderful.

@vester: Thanks!

@kelis: Yeah, they are kind of a highlight of the year. Even more than the blossoming of the fruit trees which are wonderfull, too!

@Battlecat: Thanks!
The autumn colors are a challenge each year again. So less time, so less nice weather (either fog or sun), so much pictures to take ...  ::)

Here are my latest. Hope you like them:


Oh, wow. The frost is producing fascinating shapes on the plants. Something is not right with the focus on the second pic, but the other ones are great.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


@RickD: That's the smal sharpness area of the 300mm zoom lens... Glad you like my pictures! ;)

Today I did some SP visiting the "schwäbisch-allemannische Faasnet" in a neighbour village not far away. Hope you like them:

Have fun!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Here near Frankfurt we know only this horrible "Fasching", but Your pics of old Fasnet tradition are really nice. These masks look so medieval and remind me also to theater masks from Japan. Strange - but they do...  ;)
And it looks cold in BW really cold. My sister lives in Stuttgart, she said it´d be cold like in Siberia.
Greetz, Carl


It has been a while ... Life seems to become more kind to me than it used to be, some problems stayed but some bigger problems have been solved.

And in the meantimes spring has begun. The weather was, well, not too good, but here are some impressions from the last days:

Spring awakes


Rain in Spring

Cherry Blossoms

Threatening clouds

I made all pictures with my small and old Canon Powershot according to "The best camera of thge world is the one that you carry with you!".

Have fun!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


It is nice to hear from you. I am so glad that spring is coming. Although it has been raining for most of the week.
You mind me asking if we might see a small update of Urland sometimes?  ;)
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Somehow, the rain during spring and summer has always attracted myself more than during autumn, I found them very beautiful, and give a great palette of photographs to take.

I loved quite a lot the Cherry Blossoms, rain in spring and Raindrops pictures.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


It's spring time, there are flowers everywhere and from time to time I found the time to get my camera working.

But before:
RickD: Glad you like them. In between the rain showers I eventually found the time to make some more pictures.
Urland unfortunately is still collecting dust ...  &mmm

art128: Definitely. Especially rain on flowers is wonderful! (and in spring and summer it's not as cold as in spring/Winter ...;))

Some time ago I went on a walk. Weather was grey and cold, the hole sky covered by gray and heavy clouds. I was thinking of not talking a camera with me but in the end I grabbed my small Powershot and put it in my pocket.

There was this wonderful flowering peach tree next to the lane I was walking. When I passed by the first time the light was normal:

But when I came back the sun broke through the clouds with a wonderful yellow light that I am chasing for years. Usually I have no camera with me when I see it:

Good luck for me that I took my small camera, bad luck for me that my big camera was lying next to my 90mm macro lens far out of reach at home ...

Oh, I think you know this lane from my previous post!  :D

My Dictionary says this is a Lady's smock  %confuso

Anyway a nice flower!

In the garden of my mum. Unfortunately all the blossoms were gone within some days ...

and finaly a sassy Daisy. BTW my first uploaded pic with my new camera!

Have fun!

Bernhard  :thumbsup: