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Republik Kerajaan Ingdarida (Republic Kingdom of Ingdarida)

Started by muniif96, May 20, 2011, 10:00:32 PM

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To come to Official Comment of Republic Kingdom of Ingdarida at Kaskus can click at here (Indonesia Language Editions)

Map of Ingdarida

Map of Kepulauan Jawi (Jawi Archipelago)

Java Island (I'm sorry because my fault, at the picture Java Island and Madura Island into one)

I will explain Ingdarida in dual language, Indonesian and English

Nama Resmi (Official Name)   : Republik Kerajaan Ingdarida (Republic Kingdom of Ingdarida)
Bentuk Pemerintahan (Form of Government)  : Monarki Presidensil
Presiden (President)   : Romi
Perdana Menteri   (Prime Minister): Sulaiman
Bahasa (Language)      : Bahasa Sidam (Sidam Language), almost similar with Indonesian Language
Ibukota Negara (State Capital)   : Makkiyah
Kota Terbesar (Largest City)   : Sulasidan
Penduduk (Population so far)   : 2.224.709 Jiwa
Agama Terbesar (Primary Religion) : Islam
Mata Uang (Currency)          : US (Uang Sulaiman) (Sulaiman Money)
Kemerdekaan (Independence)      : 16 Maret 15 (16 March 15)
Jalur Mengemudi (Line Drive)   : Kiri (Left)
Kode Telepon (Phone Code)   : 002
Status (Status)      : Negara Adidaya ke-2 (3 Negara Adidaya : Ronsida, Ingdarida, Longsida), Superpower 2nd (3 Superpower: Ronsida, Ingdarida, Longsida)
Hasil Bumi   (The result of the Earth): Minyak, Uranium, Padi (Oil, Uranium, Rice)

Pembagian Daerah (Regional Distribution)
- 21 Provinsi (Provinces)
- 60 Kabupaten (Regencies)
- 10 Kota (Cities)
- 230 Kecamatan (Districts)
- 1.428 Kelurahan dan Desa (Village)

Sejarah Ingdarida:
Pada tahun 15, sekitar 3 tahun sejak terjadinya tragedi kapal karam, Romi, anak kedua dari Ayah (Ayah adalah tokoh yang mendirikan Indarasida) pergi merantau ke timur pulau Ronsida dan menemukan pulau yang kemudian diberinama Pulau Ingdarida. Romi resmi mendirikan negaranya sendiri yaitu Ingdarida pada tanggal 16 Maret 15 dan hari itu menjadi hari kemerdekaan Ingdarida. Pertama kali negara tersebut berdiri berbentuk kerajaan dengan Romi sebagai Raja Utama. Pada pertengahan tahun 18, Ibukota Negara Ingdarida, Makiyah, berpindah tempat dari pinggir pantai ke dekat kaki Gunung Romi di tengah pulau.
Tahun 19, terjadi perubahan besar-besaran atas daerah kekuasaan Ingdarida, Suku Bigor yang saat itu merupakan sebuah suku yang mandiri akhirnya bergabung dengan Ingdarida, juga Suku Tjherbon yang berada di selatan akhirnya ikut pula menjadi bagian dari Ingdarida. Masih banyak lagi suku yang bersedia masuk menjadi salah satu wilayah Ingdarida, seperti Suku Djakarta, Suku Flaedo, Suku Manra, dan Suku Banjoeani.
Tahun 20, terjadi sebuah kejadian yang dapat merubah sejarah Ingdarida di masa depan selamanya, muncul seorang makhluk asing dari Bumi bernama Sulaiman, makhluk tersebut merupakan sebuah robot berbentuk manusia yang dibuat oleh Ibrahim pada tahun 2070. Sejak saat itu, terjadi revolusi besar-besaran dalam bidang teknologi, konstruksi, keuangan, politik, adat istiadat, transportasi, dan lain-lain. Atas petunjuk dari Sulaimanlah Ingdarida mulai membuat mobil pertamanya, dilanjutkan dengan pembangunan jalan tol dan jalur kereta api.
Tahun 21, mulai muncul maskapai penerbangan pertama di Ingdarida bernama Bigo Airlines asal Bigor yang kemudian menjadi Pesawat Kenegaraan Ingdarida. Dan 2 bulan setelah itu mulailah dibangun bandara terbesar di Ingdarida bernama Bandara Internasional Sulaiman di Dipak City.

History Ingdarida:
In year 15, about 3 years since the tragedy shipwreck, Romi, the second son of the father (father is the man who founded Indarasida) went migrated to the east of the island Ronsida and discover the island later named Ingdarida Island. Romi own country that is officially established on September 16 March 15 and that day became the day of independence Ingdarida. The first time the country's standing in the form of monarchy as the King of Romi. In the mid 18th, the State Capital Ingdarida, Makiyah, migrated from the beach to near the foot of Mount Romi in the middle of the island.
Year 19, a massive change over the power Ingdarida, Interest Bigor the moment is an independent tribe eventually joined Ingdarida, Tjherbon Tribe also located in the south end were also a part of Ingdarida. There are many other tribes who are willing to enter into any one region Ingdarida, such as Djakarta Tribe, Tribe Flaedo, Manra Tribe, and Tribal Banjoeani.
Year 20, there was an incident that could change history forever Ingdarida in the future, appears a strange creature from Earth named Sulaiman, the creature is a human-shaped robot made by Ibrahim in 2070. Since then, there has been a major revolution in technology, construction, finance, politics, customs, transportation, and others. Upon instructions from Sulaiman Ingdarida started making his first car, followed by construction of highways and railways.
Year 21, began to appear the first airline in Ingdarida named Bigo Airlines Bigor origin who later became the State Aircraft Ingdarida. And 2 months after it began to build the biggest airport in Ingdarida named Sulaiman International Airport in Dipak City Airport.

Provinsi-provinsi (The Provinces):
- Ani
Governor :
Populations :

- Arigata
Governor :
Populations :

- Banjoeani (It mean Banyuani, using old characters)
Governor :
Populations :

- Bigor City
Governor : Ir. Bigor
Populations : 745.875

-Dipak City
Governor :
Populations :

- Djakarta (It mean Jakarta, using old characters)
Governor :
Populations :

- Flaedo City
Governor :
Populations :

- Herbour
Governor :
Populations :

- Ibrahim
Governor :
Populations :

- Indramajoe (It mean Indramayu, using old characters)
Governor : H. Suldani, MBA
Populations : 41.790

- Kasilasida
Governor :
Populations :

- Manblora
Governor : Dr. Ir. H. Muhammad Rakka, SE
Populations : 207.398

- Mania
Governor :
Populations :

- Reaga
Governor :
Populations :

- Ron
Governor :
Populations :

- Ronsida
Governor :
Populations :

- Sulaiman
Governor :
Populations :

- Sulasidan
Governor :
Populations :

- Tantei City
Governor :
Populations :

- Tjherbon (It mean Cherbon, using old characters)
Governor :
Populations : 264.605
Link : http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=13154.msg379934#msg379934

- Tjoedoet Kedoea (At 15-17 call Makiyyah)
Governor : Ir. Tarjadoen Salahoedin, SE
Populations : 665.773

Pic per province will coming soon


 Interesting start. 
I have moved your MD to The Recently Published section, the proper place.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing more.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Gubernur (Governor) : Ir. Supriyadi, SE
Populasi (Populations) : 264.605

Sedjarah : Nama kota Tjherbon diambil dari nama kota Cirebon jaman dahulu yang domidifikasi (Dulu namanya Cairebon yang artinya air rebon). Sebelum Raja Romi meluaskan daerah kerajaannya pada tahun 17, Kota Tjherbon ini dulunya daerah kekuasaan suku Tjhe (Ce) yang mulai melemah akibat terjadi konflik antar pendukung calon pemimpin. Akhirnya masalah tersebut selesai setelah Raja Romi menjanjikan akan mengatur hal tersebut dengan cara yang DIRAHASIAKAN hingga kini.
Semenjak tahun 17, nama daerah tersebut diganti menjadi Tjherbon, masih dirahasiakan mengapa harus memakai aksara bahasa Sidam Lama dan pembangunan gedung pertama yaitu apartemen lengkung di samping Stasiun Utama Tjherbon. Setelah itu, mulai dibangun resort dan hotel di Pulau Prejakan di Timur Tjherbon.

History: The name "Tjherbon" is taken from the name of the city Cirebon in real world. Before King Romi expand his empire in the region at years 17, the City Tjherbon was once the domain of the tribe Tjhe (Ce), which began to weaken due to a conflict between supporters of future leaders. Eventually the problem was completed after King Romi promised to arrange it in a way that be INTELIGENCE TOP SECRET until now.
Since the year 17, the name was changed to Tjherbon area, still a secret why you should use the script language Sidam Lama and the first building that is curved in an apartment next to Central Station Tjherbon. After that, began to build resorts and hotels on the island of Prejakan in the East Tjherbon.

Ini adalah laporan perjalanan kami di Tjherbon
Here is the report of our trip to Tjherbon

Selamat datang di Kabupaten Indramajoe Timur, saat ini kami masih berada di Provinsi Indramajoe
Welcome to East Indramajoe Regency, right now we still are in the province Indramajoe

Kami pun menyusuri Jalan Lingkar Ingdarida, jalan raya utama terpanjang di Ingdarida yang melingkari Pulau Ingdarida dan Republik Kerajaan Ingdarida
We're now at Ingdarida Ring Road, the main avenue that circles Ingdarida and be the longest avenue in Ingdarida Islands and also at Republic of the Kingdom Ingdarida

Belok kanan, kami pun memasuki wilayah Provinsi Tjherbon
Turn right, we had entered the territory Tjherbon Province

Menyusuri Jalan Indramajoe-Tjherbon menuju pusat kota
Down the Road Indramajoe-Tjherbon into downtown

Selamat datang di Pusat Kota Tjherbon
Welcome to the downtown of Tjherbon

Saatnya Check In di hotel
It's time to check in at hotel

Keesokan harinya, saatnya pergi ke Pulau Prejakan
The next day, it's time to go to the Island of Prejakan

Akhirnya sampai di Pelabuhan Ferry Prejakan
Finally, we arrived at Ferry Port Prejakan

Sekedar Info: Pulau Prujakan merupakan pulau yang didesain khusus untuk pariwisata pantai di Tjherbon dan pusat Hotel dan Resort di Tjherbon. Oh ya, kantor pusat Bank Standard Chartered Ingdarida asal Hangking juga ada disini.
Just Info: Prujakan Island is an island that is designed specifically for coastal tourism in Tjherbon and central Hotel and Resort in Tjherbon. Oh yeah, the Standard Chartered Bank's head office Ingdarida origin Hangking also available here.

Setelah itu, kami kembali ke Pulau Utama dan menginap di Reggata Hotel di utara hotel awal kami
After that, we return to the Main Island and stay at the Reggata hotel in the north of Ferry Port in main island

Saatnya pulang, kami akan naik kereta api untuk bisa pulang ke rumah kami di Sulasidan
Time to go home, we'll take the train to come home to our house in Sulasidan

Kereta kami pun memasuki daerah Indramajoe, sebentar lagi kami akan menuju perbatasan Tantei City
Our train was entering the area Indramajoe, soon we will go to the border of Tantei City

Oke, sekian perjalanan kami, sampai jumpa di SS berikutnya
Okay, now we leaving, see you at the next trip

Special Thanks to:
Google Translate
and, don't forget, SimCity4

Ol.S / Benoit

Good start with your MD, some details to improve but I'm sure you'll do a great work on it ! :)

Where did you find the billboard on pitcure n°1 ?
MD : Click on picture


Sekarang, mari kita jalan-jalan ke Kab. Indramajoe Selatan, Provinsi Indramajoe
Now, let me travel you to South Indramajoe Regency, Indramajoe Province

Im sorry, my browser error, can't upload at imageshack.us
I will upload the pics coming soon

Thanks ricardomiranda about your comment at my MD :)

@Ol.S / Benoit
I got that BAT billboard from Kaskus, The Largest Indonesia Community, specially from SimCity 4 Forum at Kaskus. Who created this BAT Billboard is someone with Kaskus ID ontankantink and lot editor by Roe99
This is link for download that Billboard



Sejarah : Menyusul  ;D
History : Coming Soon  ;D

Inilah catatan perjalanan kami di Tantei City  ;D
This is the record of our journey in Tantei City

Pukul 22.00 kami landing dengan selamat di Bandara Internasional Tantei. Konon, Tantei City mempunyai 2 bandara Internasional yang alasannya tidak jelas (Menurut website, hanya usaha untuk memenuhi target pembelanjaan APBD Provinsi :D )
At 22:00 we were landing safely at the International Airport Tantei. Actually, Tantei City has two international airports that reason is not clear (According to the website, just an attempt to meet the target of the Provincial budget expenditure :D )

Segera saja kami Check In di Hotel "The Gold" karena konon seluruh eksterior gedungnya dilapisi emas setebal 1 cm (tebel beud :o ) dan jangan sangka untuk menginap semalam saja agan harus ngeluarin SM 275.000 (Kurs Rp 1.000 = SM 1)  :o
Soon we Check In at the Hotel "The Gold", actually, the entire building exterior coated with 1 cm gold and if you want to stay only one night in this hotel, you must spend SM 275.000 (exchange rate of $1 = SM 10) :o (SM=Sulaiman(Solomon) Money)

Uniknya Hotel "The Gold" yaitu ternyata hotel tersebut menyediakan pantai kecil di depannya, sehingga seharian ini kami akan di pantai terus, hehehe
The uniquely about "The Gold" Hotel is the hotel provides a small beach in front of him, because of that, we will spend whole day only at this beach, hehehe

Kata orang2 lokal, kota Tantei ini "agak" ramai di malam hari dengan pemandangan lampu2 yang menyala di malam hari yang menghiasi kota dan kami pun mengambil beberapa foto kota ini di malam hari
Local people said, the Tantei City is a little busy in the evenings with a view of the lights at night to decorate the city and we took some photos of the city at night

Esoknya, kami mengunjungi landmark Tantei City, yaitu Menara Tantei. Menara ini desainnya sama persis dengan menara yang ada di Tekkyu, Jepan karena memang mayornya sendiri merupakan orang Jepan
The next day, we visited Tantei City landmarks, the Tower Tantei. This tower design is exactly the same as the existing towers in Tekkyu, Jepan because the mayor himself is the person Jepan

Mulai tengah hari ini, kami pun mulai mengeksplorasi daerah pinggiran kota, dan kami akan menginap di rumah temannya bapaknya sahabat kami
Starting at noon, we began to explore the suburbs, and we will stay at a friend's house our father's best friend


Nice city  :thumbsup: i'm looking forward for another update. Wow :o that'll be Rp 275.000.000,- for one night at The gold  :o

The Beautiful empire, of Gardarian
And call me Daniel