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Maarten's Regions (Imaginia and Schellingen Stadt)

Started by MandelSoft, May 18, 2008, 11:14:15 AM

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I love your new update and your city is good
The pic of the region is superb continu  ;) :thumbsup:
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


Hey - another Dutch colonial MD in the section! I think we should be preparing close ties between Imaginia and Nieuw Nederland. Although NN became independent from the Netherlands in 1765 already, I am sure close links still exist between both former colonies!

I like how you have the road numbers on your pictures  :thumbsup: And the map that you show from the islands is very well drawn.

Looking forward to see more of Imaginia soon!
Check my MD:               


Rhythmandjays: Thanks!
Warszawa: Great that you like my MD
JoeST: It's a edited version of NHB's slope mod
allan_kuan1992: Thanks for stopping by
CasperVG: Bedankt
Paroch: I'm honoured  ;)
Simpson: Thanks for stopping by
Sebes: Thanks. I think that the two colonies have a great bond with each other.

It's time for a Imaginia-special! There are four subjects mentioned in this post. The subjects are:

- Imaginia News
- Nieuwlanderveen - COMPOSITION SPECIAL!
- Citynames and how they came to be
- A deeper view about Roadnumbering

Imaginia News

June 10, 2008

Konrad - Many railcrossings are demolished and some replaced by over- and underpasses. The project was a decision of the Imaginian Government to prevent traffic jams. Wÿgo Vernoy  (Minister of Infrastructure): "This was a problem for almost 15 years. In the big cities, the traffic was stuck for hours. Something had to change." The whole project costs about €90 million (US$140 million).

June 27, 2008
Hopfelfal - One year ago, the mayor of Hopfelfal decided to demolish the old Hopfelfal, because the city was a total mess, and the whole infrastructure was built to steep with slopes up to 50 degrees. The City Ring was also completely unnecessary. All 40,000 inhabitants had to live somewhere else before they can come back.
The new city of Hopfelfal has much more structure and has 20,000 inhabitants for now. There are also more forrests and a large shopping centre.

June 29, 2008
Klaro - Seismologists have discovered that the volcano Mount Klaro is showing activity. A historic event, because the last time that the volcano erupted was in 1784. There were no injuries. Scientists expect that there will be an eruption very soon.

July 1, 2008
Limapyr - The town of Liemiespark is now called Limapyr after a revision of the official cultural borders. Since 1632, the country is divided into a Dutch and a Zygbob-Indian (or Ngaska) part. The border between these two areas was the Kareel and the Konrade (with the Dutch in the west). Only Liemeispark was an exclusion to this rule, until now. Inhabitans have to live now with the thought that they are now living in the Ngaskan part of Imaginia.

Composition Special!

Welcome to the composition special of Nieuwlanderveen. I spent a lot of time to make these compositions and you can see why. One of them was even to big to upload on Imageshack (1.69 MB compressed, 40.4(!) MB uncompressed) so I divided it into two. So sit back and relax and take a look of the compositions, but first...

Nieuwlanderveen is the second-largest city in Imaginia with 265,000 inhabitants. The city has an international Airport, several rail stations, a HSR line and a large collection of roads. The city is fully solar powered and there are many forrests, so the city is thinking green.

Interresting Fact: Nieuwlanderveen is a city where I tested many downloads and mods for the first time. Listed up (chronological sorted):
- NAM June 2007
- RHW v13
- LRM v1.0
- RHW v20
- MandelSoft HQ building
- SA RHW textures
- Functional Landmarks (Failed, caused CTD)
- NHB Slope Mod (Edited, due to slopes that where too flat)
- SFBT Rail Cantaries
- ehbk2006 VMS signs
- CPT Italia terrain mod (very recently)

The History
Nieuwlanderveen was fouded in 1634, just a few years after the Dutch arrived. It was a smaal village where people earned thier livings mainly from cattle. This changed in 1908, when the Government decided that Nieuwlanderveen must become a big 'bedroom'-city of Konrad. From now on, the city grew rapidly, and even industry and commercy was coming too. But in 1992, the space is running out, so the mayor decided to start up 'Project Parkland'; A vast greenzone, which neutralizes the CO2-production and provided rest and peace to the inhabitants. A related plan was that the city must be powered by Green Energy, and that results to a many Solarpowerplants. Industry has moved beyond  the borders of the city. In 2000 the city gets the prize 'Most envoirement-friendly city of Imaginia'.

All pictures are took from the same view (Zoom 3, looking north). For a change, I didn't used my HRS mod. First some normal pictures:

Region view and map (edited, so it shows the RHW;))

A poor zone at the south, called Hertenkamp-Noord

Many, many roundabouts

The richer suburb, nearby the highway A9

Near the center of the city; The main railway and the highway A11

The main railway in a suburb further east

A unreleased BAT, Mandelsoft HQ

And now some compositions (click on the thumbnails for the picture. They are enourmously big):

The whole route of the A3 (with parts of the airport and the A9) in Nieuwlanderveen. The picture was too big to upload at once.

South part of the A16/N16

North part of the N25

The Center Isle

The city center (On page 1: a older composition picture of the center).

Well, that's all for Nieuwlanderveen.

and how they came to be

This section I pay special attention to the citynames of Imaginian cities. They are named in two different languages: Dutch and Ngaskan (an imaginary language, spoken by the Zyghbob-indians. Ngaskan is the well-speakable dialect of the almost unspeakable language Zyghbobian) The Ngaskan citynames are a mostly random, altough there a some which have some meaning. There were also various unserious names.

Dutch Citynames (names with no info are random names):

Adoren - Refers to the French word 'adorer', which means 'to like'. Sometimes it's used in Dutch and English, and this village is meant to be adorable to live in.

Alphen aan het Kareel - In the Netherlands there's a village called Alphen and a city called Alphen aan de Rijn, so why not a Alphen aan het Kareel? Seems logical to me. Interresting fact: the Kareel was before the Kablaski, but that was a too unserious name.

Anderzijds - Means 'on the other hand'. Nothing special about this name.

Are - English: Acre, a surface-unit. It refers to the size of the area.

Blankentop - I remember there's a old Dutch schoolsong called 'Aan de blanke top der duinen' ('At the white tops of the dunes') or something like that. I called the city after it (and the mayor is named Terduynen :P).

Bliksemveen - The name came from weird story that my brother told me of an imaginary industrial city that 'sinks' because it's burning peat (The part '-veen' in the name, which is the soil where peat can be found) for power (That explains the first part of the name; Bliskem=Lightning).

Doorsteek - Means 'Gothrough'. It's literally a village to pass by. There is almost nothing going on there.

Duivendam - Duiven means pigeons.

Glazerdam - Refers to the greenhouse-agriculture in the town.

Graanvelde - Means 'Cornfield'. A name that refers to the agricultural community.

Hertenkamp - There are a few parks in the Netherlands called Hertenkamp, so why not a city? Interresting fact: this city was named first Kalibula, which would fit more in the Ngaskan part of Imaginia.

Hillendaal - A Dutch translation of the town of the Back to the Future-movies, Hill Dale.

Hoogerhey - Part of Konrad

Jonkersmond - Named after the stream that flows through the city, the Jonker. The last part of the name refers to the end of the stream.

Karlshonk - First it was named "Blah City", but that too was unserious.


Klaro - Another unserious name, which was good enough to keep it. The town is built around a mountain, Mt. Klaro, which is a yet active vulcano.


Konrad - A city named by it's founder, Konrad van Duyn. A river in the city is named also after him, the Konrade. Interresting fact: The city's first name was Bliksemmerveen(!)

Konradedal - Refering to the river-valley of the Konrade.

Landzicht - Means 'Landsight'. It's the first place what ships see of Imaginia.

Maxtor - A name that came up to me, but sounded familiar. Later I discovered that it was the name of the producer of my HDD!

Morgenstond - Named after a suburb of Den Haag (The Hauge).


Westeinde - Means 'West End' ( Paul, a village is named after your region  ;))

Zandhoven - 'Zand' (Sand) refers to the beach.

Zuidstad - Means 'South City'. I ran out of names  ;D

Ngaskan Citynames (names with no info are random names):

Al Andaluh - Named after the old-arabic name of Spain, Al-Andalus.


Blazor - To me, it was just a silly word, but there was a meaning for it. I liked the word very much, one of the most beautiful examples of big nonsense.



Hopfelfal - First it was named Huppellepupvallei, but that was very unserious (Huppellepup means actually ... err ... something ... you know what I mean, when you don't know the name of ... something). Changing it to a Ngaskan name was a good idea.

Kapish - The word 'kapische' is sometimes used when you could use the word 'understood?' in that situation. Example: "This is SC4Devotion, kapische?"


Limapyr - Before: Liemeispark.

Monta Blammore or Mt. Blammore - BLaM team, you got a mountain named after the team  ;D





That's it for Citynames. Maybe this inspires you.

A deeper view about Roadnumbering

There are things in life that we don't need, but are very helpfull, like a dishwasher or make-up. That's also the case with roadnumbering; It shows us where we are and where we are heading to. Roadnumbers are just great navigation tools!

Why did I chose A- and N-numbers? Because this system is used in the Netherlands too. The A stands for 'Autosnelweg' (English: Motorway/Highway). The N stands for 'Niet-autosnelweg' (Non-motorway/highway). Simple, isn't it? These two systems merge with each other (A highway that transfers into a non-highway gets the same N-number as A-number, like the A1 transfers into the N1), which is also the case in the UK and the Netherlands.

The A1/N1 to A24/N24 (not yet constructed) are the main routes:
- A1/N1 : Kapish (Center)- Zuidstad (A16)
- A2/N2 : Kapish (City Ring)- Kavelte (Country border) via Hopfelfal
- A3/N3 : Kapish (City Ring)- Postdam (A11) via Morgenstond
- A4: Kapish (City Ring) - Konenbrag (Under construction)
- A5: Kapish (City Ring) - Monta Blammore (Country Border
- A6: Kapish (City Ring) - Vernoy (Under construction)
- A7: Zuidstad (A16) - Are (Under construction) via Konrad
- A8/N8: Maxtor (Center) - Hohlherd (Under construction)
- A9/N9: Jonkersmond (Center) - Kavelte (Country border)
- A10: Kapish City Ring
- A11: Kapish (City Ring) - Postdam (Country border)
- A12: Postdam (N27) - Quenotrio (A13)
- A13: Blazor (A6) - Nagane (A16)
- A14/N14: Gromsk (A6) - Nagane (A16)
- A15: Konrad (A7) - Hoogerhey (A3)
- A16/N16: Nieuwlanderveen (A9) - Nagane (Country border) via Jonkersmond
- A17: Hohlherd City Ring
- N18: Quenotrio (Center) - Ronasku (Country Border)
- A19:  Hopfelfal (Industrial area) - Hopfelfal (Under construction)
- A20: Before: Hopfelfal City Ring. Now unused
- A21: Not yet constructed
- A22: Not yet constructed
- A23: Not yet constructed
- A24: Not yet constructed

A25/N25 to A99/N99 (far not yet constructed) are secondary routes:
- A25/N25: Kraandorp - Landzicht
- N26: Konrad - Maxtor via Duivendam
- N27: Zandhoven (West) - Morgenstond (Country Border)
- A28/N28: Konradedal (A2 West - East)
- N29: Hillendaal (N26) - Blankentop (Center)
- N30: Kapish - Vernoy
- A31/N31: Alphen a/h Kareel - Zandhoven
- N32: Hertenkamp - Postdam
- N33 to N99: Not yet constructed

A100/N100 and higher are other important routes:
A100: Morgenstond (A3 - Country Border)
N101: Konrad - Klaro (Country border at Morgenstond) via Glazerdam
N102: Maxtor (A1-A7)
N103: Konrad (A15) - Postdam (N32)
N104: Konradedal (A28) - Hopfelfal
N105: Jonkersmond (Center) - Konrad (N103) via Anderzijds
N106: Konrad (Center) - Konradedal (N104)
N107: Kapish (Airport) - Bliksemveen (N25)
N108: Not yet constructed
N109: Kapish (A10) - Maxtor (A12)

Pfew, what a long post! I hope you enjoyed it.

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Absolutely, looks really great! Quite an abundance of roundabouts, indeed  ;)
Is the Mendelsoft HQ building made by you?  ()what()
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Really nice update. 
I like all the info you shared with us on the city names.  I found it very interesting and not something everyone one does.  I can only think of a handful of people who hace spent the time to do that.
Wow....is all I can say about those round a bouts in the thrid picture.  Not my style or to my liking but I bet you have no traffic jams.  :D

Please don't make small replies like above.  Save them for an actual update or a large group of replies.  ;)

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Some great updates there, mrtnrln! Imaginia is looking very good! Looking forward to more....


Hi Maarten,

A very big and very nice update there.  Those large composition shots are interesting to look at - thanks for making them.

And as for the roundabouts - I live near a town called Basildon that is home to many, many roundabouts, so it looks OK to me!

The road numbering system is interesting and you obviously planned that well and put much effort into it.  One thing I would say about UK road numbers is that we have the M1 and A1 but they are totally different roads, they do not change from one to the other.

And your information about place names is also interesting.

One tip...... in some of the pics you can see the "no jobs" zot or the "no road connection" zot.  Before taking a picture, press "ctrl + X" and then type in "tastyzots" and they dissappear which makes your pictures look even better :thumbsup:

Great work, I look forward to more.




Rooker1: Thanks for the tip! And thanks for stopping by!
Bat: More is coming soon, fortunatly
Paroch: I thought it was so. And I'll use tastyzots when I'm taking pictures.

Imaginia News

July 3, 2008
Shopping Center in ashes!
Hopfelfal - Last night, Hopfelfal's largest shopping center was on fire. The fire was too large for the Fire Brigade to handle. The police thinks that this fire was set up by some vandalists living in the nearby mobile home park, which lies in ashes too.

Unforutunatly, I don't have the time now to make a whole post, so I made this teaser; a map of the next city in my MD, Hopfelfal (here you see where I'm working on the last time: a whole map of Imaginia)

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


cool layout can't wait for pictures!


Wow - just read the previous post Maarten! You exagerate a bit in size there (and roundabouts) .... but I love it!!!!

I had a good laugh about the names that you listed. You gave me some idea's to use in my MD too (Enerzijds as sistertown for Anderzijds?). Hopfelval made me fall of my chair from laughter. I actually already had planned to have a Hupsakeekade in my MD...  (and for the english speaking readers: hupsakee means something like... urrr... huppelepup, that Maarten very well explained to you  :D )

I was crazy enough as well to number all roads and highways in Nieuw Nederland (from 1 until 699, so I will not bore you to death by listing them  ;)

Check my MD:               


Hi Maarten,

Hoppelfal is looking a nice layout.  I am very impressed with that map - not something I am able to do.  I'm sure the city shots will be great too.

All the best



Great map there of Hopfelfal! The layout looks fantastic! Looking forward to more of that next city! ;)



Nexis: Thanks!
Sebes: I'm glad that I inspire some people with city names  ;)
Paroch: I used a combination of SC4 data maps and Flash (Vector images are ideal for maps!)
Bat: Thanks!

In this section I'll summarize all new things in Imaginia since the last update.

New cities
- Danes Pake
- Arnom
- Mogane

New routes
- N108 Hopfelfal

Extended routes
- A19 Hopfelfal - Danes Pake
- N104 Konradedal - Danes Pake

City in the mountains

Hopfelfal is a city that lies in the mountains. The city has 55,000 inhabitants and many commuters who work in Kapish. Beside that Hopfelfal offers enough jobs, good public transportation (a vast bus network) and large forrests.
Interresting fact: Hopfelfal is the only city in Imaginia that is built twice

Hopfelfal is a new city, so it don't has much of a history. In 1947, the year that Imaginia declared it's independece, the President decided to build a city next to Kapish to relieve the city. The city got enough money given by the government to grow largely and became a large bedroom city of Kapish and even now large ammounts of workers go there every day!

It took me an hour to upload all these pictures. Imageshack was awfully slow!

Old and new region view. See the differences  ;D

Downtown Hopfelfal

Interchange A2-A5

Interchange A5-N19/A19

Interchange A19-N108

Suburb Pictures

Mountain town

Industry Pictures

Rail and road Pictures

Other Pictures

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Nice pictures there of the highways! Also the intersections are looking very good! Great work on the update. :thumbsup:


I never post here  &ops &ops
yours pictures are ver nice  :thumbsup: the intersection are very good! i like it  :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Maarten- I've taken advantage of your break to catch up on Imaginia.  You've made a nice start here, and it's always great to see another roadgeek doing an MD.  I'll be watching to see what you have for us when you get back.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren

Fresh Prince of SC4D

 First time posting here..

Looks vey nice, can't wait to see more.
Returning from Call of Duty . Must rebuilt what I destroyed....


Hi Maarten,

Imaginia is fast becoming one of my favourite MDs - and I look at lots of them - so I have to say well done on another great update.  The difference between the region views is very obvious.  The lines between tiles is MUCH smoother now, a vast improvement.

The picture of the A2 - A5 Interchange made me say out loud "Oh yes, now that is NICE".  I've not played with the MIS as much as I should have and I've not seen a flyover like that, so that was a very nice surprise for me to see such a great junction.

Many other great pictures you have prepared for us and I can only feel sorry for you having to spend an hour uploading them all.

One question from me...... in the very last picture, the houses in the bottom of the picture with the half brown / half grey roof.  What are they and where can I find them?  They look like GasCooker type houses from the front but not the same at the back half.  I really like them and they look very English, so I'd love to have them.  Thanks.

All the best,




Bat: Thanks!
Arthur (Art128): Thanks!
David (Dedgren): So you call me a roadgeek? I take that as a compliment ;)! Anyways thanks for stopping by.
Fresh Prince of SC4D: I hope I'll see you around some more times.
Paul (Paroch): Thanks for the compliments. And actually I don't know either what those houses are.

Imaginia is getting bigger. I've added a new province called Brinasken. (Terraformed in SC4)

I'm going on vacation tomorrow for two weeks, so I'll be offline until 8/15.

Lurk mode: ACTIVE