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Tutorials on Automata Modding

Started by vester, November 07, 2006, 07:34:31 AM

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Table of Contents.

Replacing the model and textures
Texture settings
Standard textures
The Vert tab
The Indx tab
The different types of trains and used definitions
Lists of Non-train automata: Parent Cohort, Vehicles and their IIDs.

more to come....

Please post any question in this thread: Help with Automata Modding

And until I get the tutorial finish you can check out my google notebook.
Some of it is something I have written, some is by Trolca and by others.

Trolca's posts was what helped me get started.

The notebook is lost.



There are two different aspect of automata modding.
1. Changing the skin
2. Changing the model

I started out with the first after reading some post by Trolca, covering parts of on how to do that.
(You find copies of them in my google notebook.)
(Sorry but the Google notebook is lost).

For changing the skin you need one program from each of the following categories:

For modding:
iLive Reader

For FSH Converting:
Batch Png to Fsh tool
Multi Fsh tool
FSH for Adobe PhotoShop plug-ins
Other FSH tools/plug-ins by Null45.

Beside those two you need a good graphical program.
You can use programs like:
Paint Shop Pro

Just to mention a few.

Also I use a program to rip the textures called TextureRipper - v.0.5, which is free
You will need to install Adobe Air, which also is free.

For changing the model you need a program that can open and save (import and export) 3ds files. Here again there are many choices.
I use MilkShape3D myself. I can also mention the free program Blender and the not so free program 3d Studio MAX. I probaly could go on here, but won't.

Last I would mention that you can use an unwrap to place the texture on the model. 3ds max does comes with a unwrap modifer.
I have used LithUnwrap. Donwload link 1, link 2.

EDIT June 26, 2013:

3ds Max Script:
Started to look into different scripts.
Have been looking at TexTool, not become familar to it.
Started to look at another tool that has been inspired by TexTool. Its called PolyUnwrapper.
So far I like what I see.


Replacing the model and textures.

Let's take it step by step:
Start out with an already existing mod like ... the Nottingham Tram (for EL-trains)

Import the model you have done in blender or another program that can read and write 3ds files
    (Click on the S3D file (A), then on the 3DS Functions -> Import 3DS (B) )

4 columns minimized in photo-editor between the Entry and Type columns to get the pictures under 800px.

I haven't tried Blender, but if it's the same as with MilkShape you need to go to Anim tab. (1)
Click on the plus (2). Now you will see a series of numbers. The last one, mat block (3) is refering to the Group numbers (5 marked with yellow) under the Mats tab (4).
When a 3ds model is imported all these numbers are changed to zero and the entry in the Name column is going blank. These need to be changed to point to the right Group

number (5) under the Mats tab (4).

(Amin-Mat block.jpg)
If you just want to change the skin:
Click on the S3D file (A) then Mats tab (4).
Then choose Replace texture (6) in the right click mouse menu.

(Replace texture.jpg)
If you want to add an additional skin to the file:
Click in the middle section, were you have the s3d file, FSH file etc. Choose Insert file in the right click mouse menu. Now pick FSH file and after that find your FSH.
Now you have inserted a new skin and need to attach a new Instance ID:
Click on File Info in the toolbar. Click on EDIT. Now you can change the Type, Group and Instance.
The TypeID has to be 5ad0e817 and
GroupID has to be badb57f1 when we talk automata.

Well here it can be a good idea to check the simcity_?.dat (were ? is 1 to 5) if the instance number is in use. Click on [Ctrl]+[G] and then type the instance number you plan on using.
If you just want to replace the standard game mod these numbers have to be the same as the automata you want to replace.

Well, before you can use the skin you need to save the dat file and restart the reader, before the reader can 'see' that the skin is there.


Texture settings:

There are different texture settings.

The three different sets I have used are the following:

For normal textures: For shadows:

For headlights and nightlights 1): For other nightlights 2):

As writen above there are two sets of settings for nightlight.
1) Is used for both headlights and other lights. The texture lights up the texture both ground and model itself.
2) These are overlayed the normal texture.

Standard texture:
A list of standard textures that come with the game, that it's a good idea to use:

IId: Use:
10660002 Shadow normal
109a0000 Trains, wheels and couples
09c6cc22 Vehicles, headlights
0bafa018 Vehicles, undercarriage
49cfcfc7 Vehicles, rearlights

Texture sizes:
All textures need to be of the following dimension:
64, 128, 264, 512

Sizes: 64 x 64, 64 x 128, 128 x 128, 128 x 256, 256 x 256, ect.

Think you can go to 512 and above, but some people will get this result:


The Vert tab

Let's take a look on the Vert tab:

This is the data for the different points/vertices that the models are made up off.

In the first column of the first line is just the group number and the number of points in the group.
In the first column of each following row is the group number followed by the point number.

Numbers are data placed in two different coordinate system. The data for the first coordinate system is placed the three columns (x,y,z).

Well pictures tell a lot, so here is one of the first coordinate system the xyz coordinate, that places the vertices:

(Picture needs to be updated. The Z-axis is turn the wrong way.)
Note that it is rotated, compared to most systems used.

X and Z are split between negative and positive numbers with 0 being center for each. With the front of the model facing you, positive X is on the right, positive Z is the front. Y starts with 0 at ground level.

The last two columns represent the UV coordinate system that determines how the skin is mapped onto the model.
These numbers range from 0 to 1, 0 being the left side for U and the top for V. 1 is the right side for U and the bottom for V.
All the numbers for U and V fall between 0 and 1, with 0.5 being the halfway point.

Well, in fact the numbers for the UV-coordinates can be in any range, but only the numbers between 0 and 1.0 well show up on the UV map tab (like in the picture above).
The program will just subtract an integer (... , -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...) from it until it gets into the range 0 to 1.

Let's show you a more complex mapping. These is not from the reader, but taken from the program LithUnwrap:

Just to show you the result from LithUnWrap placed on the model:


The Indx tab

Under the Indx tab the triangles are defined. This is where the points are connected together.

Let's look at the front side of one of the "cars", marked with red.

Here the points are numbered up on the model (the other sides is turned off).
The triangles can only be seen from one side, so the order is important.
Seen from the side you want to show up, the triangles have to be defined in a counter clockwise direction.
(indicated by the red arrows)


Here comes a post on Unwrapping the model or said in another way, placing textures on the model. I will show how to use LithUnwrap.
Sometimes I use it a combination with Excel, to get a more even ratio between U and V.

Remember this one:

U-V can go from (0,0) in the top left corner to (1,1) in the lower right corner.

(more to come)



Sides of the models disappear on a newly inserted model when the Apply button.

The problem here is that there is more groups in the models than there is in the dat-file.

Well click the Anim tab
then right click to Add Group

It can be a good idea to add names to the groups:

Again, remember to push Apply. These names will appear under the UV map tab.

Now you can insert the model.

So what is the reason for two different groups, why not just keep it in one group.

This model I am trying to insert here, there is going to be use a different texture on each group.

After inserting the models and a click on the Apply button,
click on the Mats Tab
right click and click Add texture

Now you just have to add the IId number (1) and the texture settings (2)

You find the texture settings in a above post.


Well just to show you one of my favorite programs doing textures, it be for automata or bats.
TexRipper. With this you can rip textures:

As you can see you can get textures of pictures that in programs like Photoshop is hard.
Rip of round surfaces and correct perspectives.
Its saves me a lot of time and make it more fun playing around with textures.

EDIT: 8-3-2015. The functions of The Texrippe has been add to his new program: ShoeBox.


Taken from List of Train mods, V2:

The different types of trains and used definitions :

With the games comes two types rail: Commuter Trains and Freight Trains.

Commuter Trains goes into four types: Passenger rail (PR), EL (elevated), Subway and monorail (MR/HSRP) trains.
Passenger trains shares rails with the freight Trains.

Trains are made of engines and cars. The games comes with one engine and one car for commuter trains .
For freight trains the game comes with one engine and a series of different types of cars, 21 types in totale.

Here is an overview of the different types. Have included the I IDs as information for modders.

[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row] [head]Commuter Train Type [/head] [head]I ID[/head] [/row]
[row] [data]Passegner Train Engine [/data][data]10A90000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Passegner Train Car [/data][data]10b10000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]EL Train Engine [/data][data]112C0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]EL Train Car [/data][data]112D0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Subway Train Engine [/data][data]10BD0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Subway Train Car [/data][data]10980000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Monorail Train Engine [/data][data]11530000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Monorail Train Car [/data][data]11540000 [/data] [/row]

[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row] [head]Freight Train Type [/head] [head]I ID[/head] [/row]

[row] [data]Freight Train Engine [/data][data]10AA0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Steam engine (Freight)[/data][data]11790000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]BoxCar1 [/data][data]109B0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]BoxCar2 [/data][data]10AB0000[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Caboose [/data][data]10A80000[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]CoalCar1 [/data][data]109D0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]CoalCar2 [/data][data]10AD0000[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]ContainerCar1 [/data][data]10A20000[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]ContainerCar2 [/data][data]10A20000[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]FlatBedCarA1 [/data][data]109A0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]FlatBedCarA2 [/data][data]10A60000  [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]FlatBedCarB1 [/data][data]109C0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]FlatBedCarB2 [/data][data]10AC0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]FlatBedCarC1 [/data][data]109E0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]FlatBedCarC2 [/data][data]10AF0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]GondolaCar1 [/data][data]109F0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]GondolaCar2 [/data][data]10AE0000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]LumberCar1 [/data][data]10A00000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]PiggybackCar [/data][data]10A40000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]TankerCar1 [/data][data]10A70000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]TankerCar2 [/data][data]10B00000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]TimberCar1 [/data][data]10A50000 [/data] [/row]
[row] [data]TimberCar2 [/data][data]10A10000 [/data] [/row]

Besides the mention above there is trackChecker (I ID: 117A0000).

I use the following words below: Replacement and Additional
Replacement: Is mods that replaces the trains, engine or/and car.
Additional: Is mods that adds extra engines or/and cars.
If nothing is stated its a replacement.

Network Addon Mod / NAM:
NAM is a collection of network related mods. In the list are mention to two of these.
GLR is EL / Elevated rail modded by the NAM-team into Grounded Light Rail system.
A GLR train is shorter trains than normal, to fit the smaller radius use in the GLR mod.

HSRP is the Monorail modded into High Speed Rail (Project).
A HSRP-train is a monorail train taht is adapted to the changes made in HSRP-mod.


First of all, sorry to bump this old thread, but the link to google notebook is not working anymore. Can someone update that, please ?

Also, while at simtropolis, I stumble upon a (newer) tool for FSH editing by rivit.

Paint dot Net could be a free alternative to Photoshop (I'm sure there's other free alternatives there, it just happen that this one is the one I use).

And last, thanks to vester for this tutorial.
The requested signature could not be retrieved. Please try the request again.


The Google Notebook is lost.
It was a bit of a mess anyway.

Not sure if I would use GoFSH.
Noticed this line:
By design GoFSH will not produce FSH types other than DXT1 and DXT3 - use FSHMan for other types.

Null45 have done a few FSH tools/plugins.
Batch Png to Fsh tool
Multi Fsh tool
Fsh Format Plugin for Adobe Photoshop

I use the last one. There is also some for Gimp and Paint.Net.

About graphic programs I wrote "Just to mention a few."
Its hard to cover ALL what is out there of programs.
You could check out alternativeto.net - Alternative to Adobe Photoshop.


Thanks for the reply vester.

Quote from: vester on December 29, 2012, 06:08:10 AM
The Google Notebook is lost.
It was a bit of a mess anyway.

If I'm not mistaken, they (Google) moved all the contents to Google Docs. Well, at least that's what they told me when I open that Google Notebook link. I really hope that was the case.

Quote from: vester on December 29, 2012, 06:08:10 AM
Not sure if I would use GoFSH.
Noticed this line:
By design GoFSH will not produce FSH types other than DXT1 and DXT3 - use FSHMan for other types.

I will give it (GoFSH) a try. Hey, it won't blew my computer apart, would it ? ;D
Btw, thanks for let me know of the other alternatives. I'll give them try too.

Quote from: vester on December 29, 2012, 06:08:10 AM
About graphic programs I wrote "Just to mention a few."
Its hard to cover ALL what is out there of programs.
You could check out alternativeto.net - Alternative to Adobe Photoshop.

I can't (and won't) argue with you on this one. Thanks again for pointing on the available alternatives.  :thumbsup:
The requested signature could not be retrieved. Please try the request again.


Hello! I would create my own tram, but I would like this instruction in more detail. Can you take video how you create it and put it in youtube? I would be very grateful!


Quote from: martinus on December 29, 2012, 08:48:52 PM
Quote from: vester on December 29, 2012, 06:08:10 AM
The Google Notebook is lost.
It was a bit of a mess anyway.

If I'm not mistaken, they (Google) moved all the contents to Google Docs.

Its moved to Google Drive. So they are not lost, but still not really anything worth making public again.

Quote from: jakis on January 05, 2013, 02:27:53 AM
Hello! I would create my own tram, but I would like this instruction in more detail. Can you take video how you create it and put it in youtube? I would be very grateful!

In short: No I am not going to spend my time doing youtubes.

More details like what ?

Replacing textures:
Start by taking to the first step. Its always the hardest one.
If you don't know how to do one thing and its not explained, you can return with a question in the thread:
Help with Automata Modding.

As a former boss of mine said: How do you eat an elephant ?
One bit at a time.

To give a short how-to:
Find a suitable model.
If its a tram you like, make sure the mod you start out with is for EL/GLR

Start working in your favorite graphic editor.
I work in 1024x1024 px and resize it to 256x256 px.

Use Fishman (or another fsh tool) to convert them to FSH.

Open the Reader.
Open the dat you find.

Click on the s3d subfile/model.
On the right side right click on the texture name and pick replace texture:

All the above is explained in this thread.

Added a little info on a program I started using called TexRipper.
Its a very nice program to extract texture from pictures for use on automata and in bats.


my 1st real automata :) so ugly BTW, let s see what I could do in the future

Thanks for the tuto + 1  :thumbsup:
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


That's how I got started girafe. You learned most of it to get there. Keep going! Eventually, it's very rewarding to see your new automata. I know you are a good modeler. The reader will import a .3ds


In an earlier post was a list of train types and IIDs.
Here is a list of the rest of the automata, sorted by Parent Cohort.
The Exemplar Names are shorten.
Thanks to Excel text functions this didn't takes as long as it would other vice.

[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]List of Parent Cohort[/head][/row]
[row][data]Default Aircraft[/data][/row]
[row][data]Default Vehicle[/data][/row]
[row][data]Default Watercraft[/data][/row]
[row][data]Fire Vehicle[/data][/row]
[row][data]Freight Truck[/data][/row]
[row][data]Gabage Truck[/data][/row]
[row][data]Moving Van[/data][/row]
[row][data]MySim Vehicle[/data][/row]
[row][data]Police Vehicle[/data][/row]
[row][data]School Bus[/data][/row]
Beside that there are SemiTrailers with no Parent Cohort.

[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

Default Aircraft
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

Default Vehicle
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

Default Watercraft
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

Fire Vehicle
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

Freight Truck
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

Gabage Truck
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

Moving Van
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

MySim Vehicle
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

Police Vehicle
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

School Bus
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]

SemiTrailer - No Parent Cohort
[tabular type=2 caption=" "]
[row][head]Exemplar Name[/head][head]Model IID[/head][head]Nightlight IID[/head][/row]