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why that?

Started by tito_golden, October 31, 2011, 12:44:25 PM

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Hi, as is difficult to search about one specific issue like that by post names... or technical name of the issue in particular (which i don´t know), post here as new topic.

I want to know why when you plop some things with a transparent side or part, or even when they have not any transparent part (often when they have) and you save your city, then the transparent part goes black or you can see SC4 background (with squares and all of that) at transparent parts. Why that occurs and how to avoid it?, if someone can help me...

Lot of thnx and,
Kind regards


Hi Tito,

You just don't know what to look for  ;)

Its a bug we all deal with, called the "water bug".  Switch to the water data view, and then back.  The bug will be gone (for a while).

check out Tutorial for more.


Thank you Lowkee,  :thumbsup: I will try to do that and see what happens... I'm tired of getting the bug and have to put trees and grass all aorund the transparent parts to hide the bug effect... :angrymore:

And as i´m here writing... another two questions...

- Since i have the maxis extra cheats installed to use "buildingplop" the zone view appears with a lot of props instead of blank (i mean only zones...) so it turns difficult to see some parts of the zonification with all of that mess... and all the buildings i´ve plopped do not appear as zonificated areas, that´s normal???

- Related to the last question, the traffic simulator (that one with coloured arrows to show where your sims take the trip to job and all of that) does not simulate sims driving from buildings plopped with buildingplop cheat, isn't it??? but they are taking effect into road capacity, subway capacity and all of that, ins't it??

Lot of thanks another time people!

Saludos desde España!!


 When you plop a building using the cheat, you didn't make any zones.  Therefore, zone view doesn't show anything.

  Plopped buildings never have traffic leave them.  This means that Industry can not find exports, and residents can not find jobs.  While indistry might not abandon, residents certainly will.


Thanks Lowkee, do you mean that, when plopping a building with "buildingplop" or "lotplop" even when you plop it (residentials) over residential zone (with or without buildings constructed on them), nothing happens? i mean, does not contribute nothing to the city? no jobs, no people going to the hospital, school, etc.?

Ask it because i have a lot of good-looking neighbourhoods made with cheats, where the demand of hospital places is too high because of the residential people i´ve plopped. Even the capacity of some subway stations are overloaded when, before plopping were under 100%.

Talking about abandon, sometimes is difficult to get a residential plopped building occupied (mostly because the no road acces sign) but after trying sometimes, they are occupied and never abandoned (except when no jobs available, no job sign). They seem to have same effects as any other growable... except for the traffic simulator.

If you're right, why they act in some parts of the game like a common growable? and... if you're right, is impossible to make a "good-looking-totally-functional" city...or there are some tricks I don't know?

Thanks again for the answers!!