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Immortal Model on Feroxx Warsaw Main Railway Station

Started by cubby420, July 02, 2010, 11:42:08 PM

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Well I do not believe this is the first time I have tried to place Feroxx's beautiful Warsaw Station, but I'm having big issues now. I plopped the lot once without issue. However seconds later, unhappy with the orientation, I bulldozed and re-plopped in the identical location (corner of maxis avenue and NWM 4-lane avenue), rotated 180 degrees. To my dismay, the new plop had no base textures and was simply populated by the model and props scattered about. Well that won't due I thought...  &sly

...bulldoze...  &apls  &apls

...problem solved right?

...oh wait, the building model is still there....very strange... I tried bulldozing the lot over and over...quitting and restarting (I know, I know...should've saved before plopping the station)...even removing the file from my plugins entirely: it was datpacked at the time, but I reinserted my complete plugins to no avail and simply had fun bulldozing an immortal brown box for a minute or two. All that remains is the building model. All ancillary props and textures are gone...just one annoying (though wonderfully textured  ::)) model remains on a transparent lot. I'm beginning to get that feeling that I'm out of my depth somewhat and I'm definitely afraid to push so far I don't know how to undo what steps I have taken. If anybody's got any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.


Sounds like the eternal immortal lot syndrome to me.

I think there are a couple of fixes. One involves plopping the same lot around all sides of the original station. Then delete the whole lot. It works but of course you lose anything you have already built on these tiles.

Other than that, I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me will drop in soon with an answer.


Edit. Check out this thread by Ripplejet. Should help you out http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=10434.0


Yeah I thought that may be my problem as well at first. However, the lot is completely gone. I can draw roads, rail, plop other buildings, etc right through the Warsaw Station model that remains. They just appear to go under the model. Not really sure how RJ's excellent fix for immortal lots would function for me, considering there is no lot to place his fix near.

EDIT: Well I gave ripplejet's solution a try and no luck. The actual lot size has shrunk down to just the size of Feroxx's model, as the rest of the lot is long gone now. Every time I bulldoze the model, it appears to fall to the ground, but like a Matryoshka doll there is always another one laughing at my futility when the smoke clears. It still costs around 11,000 simoleons to bulldoze each time. What really sucks is that I'm well into the 500 year count on this tile and have been perfecting it with details for some time. I'd really rather not lose the whole thing, but I'm starting to worry that may be the only solution.

EDIT 2: Just for fun, I thought maybe playing with the terrain would force the building to disappear...boy was I wrong. After the digging a deep gauge directly underneath the model, I was shocked when it floated above the water new testament style. Very cool but very annoying. I'm screwed I think.


Quote from: cubby420 on July 03, 2010, 08:04:37 AM
Every time I bulldoze the model, it appears to fall to the ground, but like a Matryoshka doll there is always another one laughing at my futility when the smoke clears. It still costs around 11,000 simoleons to bulldoze each time.

This happened to me, I did get rid of it in the end and was able to carry on building, but for the life of me I can't remember what I did, I know I renamed my plugins folder so the game had to create a new blank one when it started up, but I'd tried so many things at that point including dropping some very large buildings on the model and I do remember zoning it for a garbage dump at one point, but as to what worked in the end ... [shrugs shoulders] I was just so pleased to see it gone.

I think what annoyed me the most was it did blow up each time you bulldozed it, but every-time the smoke cleared there it would be, with not a scratch on it and as you say laughing at you  :bomb:

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


It doesn't appear to be an immortal lot in the normal sense of the meaning and I haven't actually used it. I will test it out and see if we can sort out what the problem is.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


I never reported it as it seemed a one-off problem, as I had plopped it before and after this with no problems, it just appeared to be one of those odd little things that happen occasionally, I do remember the land was deformed afterwards with a square hole where the model had been sitting and no amount of altering the landscape would get rid of it, in the end as it was a test region I deleted it and started again with a new region.

and from memory it happened the same way cubby420 reported it

QuoteI plopped the lot once without issue. However seconds later, unhappy with the orientation, I bulldozed and re-plopped in the identical location

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


It is nice to hear that someone has defeated this problem before catty, and I appreciate your input. Pity you don't remember how you fixed it, but I'm still trying a variety of likely useless things as well. At this point I might just surround the thing with pedmall tiles and overhanging textures to make it look slightly less odd. Maybe I'll call it the Museum of Simcity Glitch Futility.  ::)

Barby, thank you for your help and now that you are on the case, I actually feel slightly hopeful that this problem will be rectified. Please let me know if I can give any more information on my issue and its genesis that may lead to some conclusions. Thank you for the time and effort you put in to helping us mere plebeians not break our games beyond recognition. Left to our own devices I shutter to think what we typing monkeys would do.  :D

- Andrew


Just a tiny bump to make sure some other members who may have experienced this problem see the thread. Still no solutions on my end, but then again I'm not the most accomplished SC4 troubleshooter.


I tested the station out in a variety of positions and couldn't replicate your problem so I can't help at all. I looked at the lot and the modding and there is nothing to indicate an immortal lot syndrome.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original



Quote from: cubby420 on July 15, 2010, 09:31:43 AM
Just a tiny bump to make sure some other members who may have experienced this problem see the thread. Still no solutions on my end, but then again I'm not the most accomplished SC4 troubleshooter.

Your post this morning finally reminded me that this is the second time I have come across the same or similar problem its taken me awhile to find the city and the model, but I found it in Maxisland (which I use for testing) you can download it from here  http://www.sc4ever.com/media/

if you de-zone an area in Downtown Weberg (I can only get into the city if I have an empty plugins folder otherwise I CTD) you are left with this model but minus its lot

deleting it has no effect except you lose $220 dollars each time you bulldoze it, as you can see several attempts later I'm about a $1000 dollars poorer but its still there

I still can't remember how I got rid of the station and I deleted the city once the latest RTMT was released last year, so I'm still no help on that front, but if this is the same issue you at least have something you can test things on without causing any more problems in your own city.

hope this helps


EDIT: One final thing the Feroxx station I've been using was from the LEX DVD and/or CD, I've just downloaded it from the LEX and they look identical in every way
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


That is exactly the problem I've been having catty! Thanks again. I downloaded the Warsaw station off the LEX by the way. Good catch on the Maxisland building. I'll look into it.


I dled MaxisLand to check this out.  There are many of these models that have this problem. 

  • I noticed the base textures of these problems were a void.
  • Demolishing the building is successful
  • However, the model would not go away after de-zoneing
  • Only props could be demolished after de-zoneing
  • Roads could be laid underneath to no avail

  • Placing a grass park below the model will allow the model to be demolished



Wait, you simply placed a grass lot under the model and it could demolished without incident? If that works Lowkee33 than you are my hero. It would still be a good idea to identify the genesis of such problems though.


FWIW, I once had a similar problem with Ardecila's Old Post Office building (the one with a Maxis highway running through it).  Both it and the Warsaw Railway Station are TE lots; this could have something to do with the problem.


Quote from: cubby420 on July 16, 2010, 11:26:34 AM
Wait, you simply placed a grass lot under the model and it could demolished without incident?

Thats what I did.  Sorry if I wasnt clear.

I have had some issues on my lots with props and overlay textures not demolishing, but the grass trick has worked so far.  I would imagine that any plop will do.


This immortal lot problem has been around a long time (along with some ways to "cause it") RippleJet has done some added work identifying other issues which can cause them along with at least one lot which attempts to "clear" them. I will post a link to some very old (and now combined) posts I made ca. 2005 on the issue (sorry but this thread is VERY long and VERY slow-loading and often doesn't stop on the proper post.. so after you link and wait for "DONE" loading, you may have to do a "cntrl-F" find for the thread's post number "1049074") You will note it is followed by a sure-fire way to make an immortal lot appear from "normal" lots.. since it involves overlaying textures, AND since you mentioned you had "no show textures" that MAY be part of your problem and at least one possible issue with this particular lot. Hope some of that may help you.


Thank you SC4BOY. Unfortunately we have already tried RippleJet's fix to no avail because this appears to not be a traditional immortal lot, rather the actual model that appears on the lot is immortal.


I had the same issue with public buildings, large elementary school, hospital and small police station.
As far as i can tell they all had lost the parking prop or had it affected someway. As itr was said i tried demolishing but it was just wasting money. I tried with RJ's immortal killer but it didnt work.
I started trying with elevation changes, and to smooth then i tried with rails, which happened to go through the buildings as if they werent there. I then demolished the rails and placed a new version of what i wanted to demolish on top of it eg, a new police station (i tried to demolish before placing the replacement but it didnt work).
Then i was finally able to demolish those buildings.
Note that when i placed the replacement the missing props appeared (eg parking space next to police station) so if you try this you may wanna make room for those (again for police station place on a 2x3  free space, not 2x2).

Last, this happened next to where i had been working with NAM road puzzle pieces. I had this happen somewhere else also with the road pieces but never realised it may be the same issue, ill give it a look now.

Good (though annoying) side: immortal lots seem to still work, or at least the query says so. :)


Actually, the problem of immortal models was solved thanks to catty and Lowkee33 who's solution can be found in this thread. Thanks though!