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BSC MEGA TEXTURES vs BSC Textures 1-2-3 & 4

Started by evarburg, June 11, 2018, 10:55:43 AM

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I am getting confused now that I finally got that Mega Pack) : DOES it replace ALL the previous textures pack or not ? I am wary, because sometimes a file gets inadvertently dropped, and it fracks the dependencies -- as I am now uploading stuff I've lotted or relotted, I wouldn't want to do wrong by eventual downloaders  :)


Where did you get a file titled BSC MEGA TEXTURES?  It does not seem to exist on the LEX (the home of BSC), so it sounds questionable!  Also, I have never seen or heard of BSC Textures 4.  Currently, BSC Textures go up through Vol 3, and only appear here on the LEX (officially).


The current BSC Texture Packs are called "BSC Textures Volume 01" to "BSC Textures Volume 03". IICR, Vol. 1 was originally released as "BSC Textures Mega Pack" at the STEX, similar to the "BSC Mega Prop Packs". There were some even older texture packs named "BSC Textures Vol. 1", "Vol. 2", "Vol. 3" etc. up to a Vol. 9 (or maybe 10?) that were merged to the "BSC Textures Mega Pack" (the included Cleanitol file should list those, in any case).

If you're unsure which files you have, I'd suggest to install the "BSC Textures Vol. 01" to "03" from the LEX and clean out your plugins folder with the Cleanitol file(s), then you should have the most current texure packs. Also, keep in mind that there are more current texture packs under the BSC label, such as those made by Cycledogg/CP, and some other files that might come with various BATs, and which haven't been integrated into any of the large packs.


I have (and rely on) BSC Texture #1, 2 and 3 (indeed I was overenthusiastic, there is no # 4 !) But I saw BSC Mega Textures suddenly appear in a DataNode scan of one of my lots. Uh? I didn't have it at the time. So, in a fit of SC4 deps paranoia,  I got it from Simcity Kurier.
And then got seriously confused, hence my post. :-)


The "BSC Textures Mega Pack Vol. 1" from SimCityKurier is essentially the one that was originally released at the STEX, but I made some minor corrections to it, which were integrated into the packs here at the LEX as well (however, the correction was made in Vol. 2 instead, IIRC). But Vol. 1, 2 and 3 together contain the very same content, regardless if you got them from SimCityKurier or the LEX.


Quote from: Andreas on June 11, 2018, 10:04:15 PM
The "BSC Textures Mega Pack Vol. 1" from SimCityKurier is essentially the one that was originally released at the STEX, but I made some minor corrections to it, which were integrated into the packs here at the LEX as well (however, the correction was made in Vol. 2 instead, IIRC). But Vol. 1, 2 and 3 together contain the very same content, regardless if you got them from SimCityKurier or the LEX.

Ah, thank you, Andreas, now this is perfectly clear. I'll keep on directing downloaders to those links, then. Without the dependency paranoia  :D