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City Size more than 4 x 4 tiles

Started by ringo, December 18, 2009, 04:40:37 AM

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I'm new to the terraformer and am wondering if it is possible do design a region with cities which are larger than the custom 4 x 4 tiles (example 8 x 8) in the region's config.bmp file?

Hope for an answer soon!


Nope. You have 3 choices: small, medium and large.


You can make your region any size you like. What are you doing that makes you think 4x4 is the limit? Are you trying to expand a region that already exists? Or are you trying to make a new one? Even the default maxis regions are larger. I am confused by what you are asking.


Region size is limited by your ram usually 48x48
City size is limited to small ( 1x1 ) medium ( 2x2 ) large ( 4x4 )

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